The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 29, 1920, Image 1

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Next yceum Number
. ‘ to be ^iven
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Monday Kveiling
PubH.K.d W«*kly by tb« StudanU' Aa.ociatioa. of t ka A C ric
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ilturol and Mocbonical Collacc
R 12
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Principal Bwaineoa of Snrh Coabaittce
ia to Secure Student* Viewpoint
% .. M . on College Life.
Some student* have ask ad what j
the duties and function* of the Stu
dent Welfare Committee! are. Such
questions ran beet he answered by
quoting College Regulations.
Paragraph 66, section 17 of Col
lege Regulations reads;
“A committee on Student Welfare
conmsting of the President, the Dean
of the College, the Commandant, two
members of the faculty, to be ap
pointed by the President, and five
Boxing Boats Principal Attraction
and Whole Program Greatly En
joyed by the Spectators
In order to furnish some excita-
Played Ragged Game But Managed Comj
to None Out Ahead of Methodist
ment between terms members of the
T-Association here put on a series
of boxing wouts. n wrestling match
and some athletic stunts at the Col
lege Gymnasium Wednesday night,
January 21st.
Following in a resume of the
events: | j
Wupper-man and Cushing of the
Artillery fought a fast bout.
. , , , . . . . . . . . .. Frasier and Jones contested on
«ud«nta. nommjWd. .ubj«t t« th., tho m>t fot ^ ^ Kr> ^ r ^ ur .
of the President, as follows:
f r
Two.bV the Senior Class, one each
by the Junior, Sophomore and Fresh
man classes.
“It shall be the duty of this com
mittee to consider matters affecting
the welfare and interest of the stu
dent body, and to make from time
to time, such recommendations as it
may deem proper.”
At tile first meeting ef the com
mittee, Dr. Pixzell stated that in the
past, the faculty had experienced
some difficulty in securing the stu
dent’s point of view in matters about
the College. His idea is to give the
student body a means of expressing
itself on matters of interest to them,
consequently this committee has been
The members of the committee
are privileged to make any sugges
tion or critici-nm which is constructive
and helpfel in any way. These sug-
gestions age discussed and the ideas
of hot I- faculty and student mem
bers are voiced.
Some of the questions that have
already been considered are those of
food, watqr, lights, sad walks, and
In every instance the College author
ities have done frery thing in their
powerl to improve conditions.
The committee is* yours. Hereto
fore the student members have had
to rely upon what they could gather
In their dally observations, for ideas
upon which to bage* their rocommen-
* dations. If you think of anything
(Continued on Page 8)
ing one and Jones one.
Wilson and Pullia pulled off a fast
la a very rough and poorly played ‘ Did
game Tuesday night tha A. sad M. surpri
quint continued their winning streak i of
by conquering the unruly Mustang
Five from Dallas. From a basket- th g t
ball standpoint the Aggies were a they
sore disappointment to their follow-, aroun
era. and they won not so much upon tori **’
their own merits as upon S. M. U.’» |^ > ? 1 J rS
inability to hit the basket. The whole many,
team seemed to lose their heads mid were
persisted in playing the man and not
the ball. The result was that the A. a
passing, which has heretofore been the point
Wondt and McDonald, two heavies. •****« main asset, was almost en- aloim.
came on and put on one of the sbsent. It is true that the ab- Eve
cleverest scraps of the evening. of Ehlert hurt the dub but this s kirm
Snell and Ward, two light weights, cannot account for the lack of con- that st
hat/led thrill faat rounds. dition shown by sevural of the home unit
Mahan land Logan, two middle ta*n»- | i pnnd
weights put up a scrappy bout. Aitho the A. and M. quint did not feet a
After the regular bouts were fin- play the basketball they are capable of that
ished two young “cullud” pugilists they displayed lots of fiirbt and thin that th
entered the squared ring and his»ily one factor may have been the decid- out to
pounded each ether for about »en ing element of the game. For S. M. but evi
minutes. “Anthracite” Brewster ex- U- McKnight was the best performer was
celled in long swings but “Battling with three goals to hie credit. Pnob- But
Midnight” Jordan put in many ef- ably the heat actor on the Aggies side have a
fective short-arm Jolta. • of the show was Burkes mho put up and yoi
The crowning event of the evening one of the hardest fights ever seen inaign
me in the guise of a basketball on the local floor. Mc-Quillen and branch
game between the “Meal-Hound’ | Forbes seemed to be Completely out as
team (composed of “Woody” Wilson, of adjustment and their failure to put infant
8. Alexander. R. Higginbotham, the ring around the hall waa respon-
Miffrah. Sc udder and Drake) and the sible for the cloaeneas ef the score.
Midgets (composed of Ward, Snell, The lino-up:
and several others whose names A. and M. Position S. M. U.
Were not < b’amablp. McQuillen ' Barnet
1 M •* I 4 Forward 1
R. V.*S MEET. DeLee t- r Kitts
j, t- I '* Forward
Hie R. V.V met last week for the Forbes ~—^-7--«—»»-—
purpose of electing a King, V> serve ( enter
at the Carnival and to be present at Williams Ednoundaon
the Queen’s Ball which will be pre
sented before and after respectively?
the R. V. Hop on April 23rd. Pinck
ney B. Price Was unanimously selected
to fill the position and m It is up to
him to select the Queen
Hartong —Cooper
Guard ||
Substitutes: A. and
for DeLee, Burks for Gouger.
: ''Betievee-MlkBpaa. :
added rf
pep int
was int
they he|
But nl
Capt. M{
of Gaval
that he
up there
gett Hall
meat' yei
with i|tfl
heads to
of Maay leading Students
Capture Howell Trophy
This June
, J •< A. A ■ *. -4., Jdj
ever stop to rwaliae how•
these men of the classes J
years ago are when they
to the old school and *ee
changes and improvements
taken place here since
to run /mi around and
halls of the older dormi-*
Take the ntilitary side of
It used to be that the ,
carried guas^ end walked
miles pn long hikes
!y thing- to be found
in the form of cadet-*,
from a military stand-
int infantry, u;iu infantry
a ad do route step aad all
a as fab as a fighting
soeeried they had to de-
ly upon their two good
eir hob-nailed shoes. Not
training waa not goPd, or
ere liable to have to go
>le some night at midnight,
ing was infantry—and it
H- ; ‘j' 'll/ JKSfj
at our schdol now. We
West Point of our own
ve to look at a fellow’s
tell which of the many
the service he Is Voost-
w-lv the hast. The old
still here, but we have
tly the Artillery and the
They did a lot to put
cadet corps; then Work
ing and differetit and
to show as iMm' the
am’t the only man in
1 army.
look what has happened,
r has organized a troop
—and boys, let me say
got some bunch ganged
n the top stoop of Leg-
They’vs just started out,
gotten aflbof their equi fr
it ttiey're starting out
and sn idea in their
right on up to the top
|n t -
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