The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 18, 1919, Image 6

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Last Meeting Largely Attended; A
Live Program and
Good Eats
Monday night the Horticultural
Society, composed of Junior and
Senior Horticultural students, held
a lively meeting. A majority of the
members were present as these
meetings have gained the reputation
of being too good to miss. Mr. W.
H. Friend was in charge of the en
tertainment for the evening and pre
sented an excellent paper covering
his observations of horticultural con
ditions and progress in France.
Mr. Fred Brison then made a very
interesting talk on the Peach In
dustry in Camp County. Mr. Brison
is a resident of this county and was
well informed upon his subject. His
remarks were very valuable to the
society and were in accordance with
the horticultural industries of all
Texas localities.
Mr. L. Levy of Marlin, made the
concluding talk of the evening. His
subject was The' Commercial Evap
oration of Fruits and his paper was
exceedingly interesting, the topic be
ing discussed in detail and unusually
well prepared.
With the conclusion of the talks
refreshments were served and the
society spent a delightful half-hour
devouring the heaping stacks of
sandwiches and before departing, all
pockets were filled with pecans from
a big box sent to the students by
Mr. C. A. Allen of Marlin for whom
a delegation of Horticultural stu
dents did some pecan budding last
Holly in the window, mistletoe
hanging from the chandelier, turkey
in the oven, presents weighing down
the glittering tree, Christmas cheer
in the air—and the holidays have at
last arrived!
For many weeks the foremost
thoughts of the fifteen hundred stu
dents at A. and M. have been center
ed about this merry season, and the
pleasures it will bring. Home. Af
ter three months absence. Won’t
it be great?
The Fish will strut in his home
town for the first time as a full-
fleged college man. The old men
will once more thrill the hearts of
their friends with brilliant tales of
the old college. And every one will
tell the story and reap the honors of
our Thanksgiving victory.
It will be be good to see the folks
again and tell father and mother
how hard you have been working
(and watch diligently for every mail
in order to condemn the evidence of
Mr. Friley’s report before it reaches
the paternal eye!). Oh, the untold
pleasure of sleeping until noon. No
interfering bugle to annoy the peace
ful morning slumber. No Sbisa hash
for two whole weeks. No classes.
No quizzes. No drill. Oh, boy!
It is worth going through it all to
be able to fully appreciate the
pleasures of home.
And the eats! Such as every man
of us is fully convinced cannot be
equalleh in any other home in the
state! Biscuits! Real, honest-to-
goodness smoking hot biscuits. The
great Christmas dinner with all the
trimmings. And you in your old
chair at the table, the center of
attraction—for truly, absence makes
the heart grow fonder.
But best of all—seeing the girl of
all the world. In fact, the sweetest,
prettiest, most lovable girl on earth.
Your honest opinion, now, isn’t she?
And just think how glad she will be
to see you once more. And how an-
noyer her dad will be to see you
once more. And annoyed her dad
will be when the wee small hours
find you comfortably ensconced be
fore the glowing coals of her fire
There’s no question but what
Christmas is the best time of all the
year. And after a quarter’s con
stant application, none can reap the
season’s pleasures to the fullest as
can the boys from A. and M.
On last Friday evening, the Fish
of Company H, honoring the old
boys, rendered one of the most suc
cessful banquets ever given in the
history of the school, in the hallway
of Bizzell Hall. For a decorative
theme the college colors were taken
up and carried out very successfully.
Maroon and white streamers hung
From the corners and falling in the
center to the letters FISH H. Clus
ters of holly and mistletoe were used
with great profusion in the charming
adornement of the hallway denoting
the approaching Yuletide season.
Harold C. Simon, of San An
tonio, who had previously been elect
ed Fish toastmaster, opened the ban
quet with a message of greeting to
the company and to the visitors, in
which he showed the oratorical elo
quence of an Edmond Burke. Im
mediately following, the party was
seated and partook of the sumptuous
repast which was before them. By
the place cards of the company of
ficers were found beautiful gifts
from the Fish, as a token of friend
ship and an appreciation of their
After the banquet, the old boys
and visitors ‘were called on for short
talks in which they expressed their
appreciation to the Fish. Much en
thusiasm and pep was shown by the
Fish throughout the banquet in their
frequent remarks to the old boys.
Those who enjoyed this hospital
ity with the company were: W. T.
Burne, E. E. McQuillen, K. J. Ed
wards, A. L. Ballard, L. E. Sumner,
D. A. Singleton, D. O. Giles and R.
E. Bridges.
It was unanimously agreed by all
the old boys that the banquet ex
celled all others of previous years
and the Fish of H Company are to be
complimented on their ability as en
tertainers and that they are the first
to carry out this custom this year.
wish, you a most
™ * enjoyable Holiday
Season, and may
the New Year be filled
with even more pleasures
than you can dream of at
this time.
Brandon & Lawrence
Outfitters for Young 1 Men
and men who stay young.
ball to another man and said that he
•did-nok want to. : .
E Company played the usual game
with lots of fight and pdp. The
game was slow during the first half
but after the E slimes got warmed
up things began to pop and con
tinued to pop during the rest of the
game. This come-back spirit has
been the chief characteristic of the
team’s playing this year and it has
enabled them to go through the sea
son undefeated and to carry off the
company honors.
If any company team thinks that
they can handle the E slimes just let
your representative whisper the
word in Joe Brown’s shell-like ear
and a game will be arranged there
with, immediately if not sooner.
This challenge remains open day and
night and no one is barred.
consist of a lecture by the president
on the ecc-'limical depth of tie plates
of the necessity of ten hours study,
followed by a recitation by M. Leon
Ortego on the design of Mexico City.
After this the chapter will tackle the
problem left by Santa Claus, and
staying with it until satisfactorily
completed by all. Refreshments will
be served about four o’clock con
sisting of slide rules and E-60 Load
It is fully known that all Senior C.
E.’s will be present and they will be
delighted to have any visitors who
may be able to leave their various
Christmas morning chores. A good
time will be endured by all.
Another good team gone wrong.
The Fish from Company A Signal
Corps, bit off a chunk that was
thoroughly indigestible when they at
tempted to defeat the irresistible
team of Company E. They were
doomed to defeat to begin with, it
was foreordinated that they should
taste the bitterness of defeat because
the team that attempts to overcome
the fighting machine of Joe Brown’s
is trying to attain the impossible.
Ask anyone who has watched the E
Company team in its spectacular
career this season and they will tell
you that it is the best Fish team that
has ever been seen in action at A.
and M. College.
The E. Company Fish sent the
Signal Corps off of the field with the
small end of a 18-0 score last Sun
day. The Signal Corps resorted to
open field playing; in fact it ap
peared at times that they were play
ing basketball instead of football.
One Signal Corps slime threw the
On next Thursday, December 25,
from 9 o’clock in the morning until
late at night, there will be a very im
portant session of the local chapter
of the H. W. D. (Hard Working
Dozen) in the Senior Civil Engineer
ing drafting room on the third floor
of the Civil Engineering building.
The meeting will be presided over by
“Cueball” Richie.
The meeting will be held for the
purpose of establishing working re
lationship between the Senior civil
engineers and the design of deck
plate girders. There seems to be a
dire need for some such relation and
it has occured to the president of the
chapter that such a meeting will be
of benefit to all concerned.
Santa Claus is expected to arrive
during the night and leave a nice
problem on the board ready to be
worked and turned in for correc
tion. Mr. Richie has promised to fill
this obligation in the failure of
Santy to arrive. The program will
During the Thanksgiving holidays
The Battalion was honored by calls,
from “Skinny” J. W. Williams of
Cooper, Texas, editor-in-chief of the
’17 “Bat“ and a most energetic staff
member during his entire college
career; and “Snitch” C. L. Babcock
oF Galveston, Texas, who edited The
“Bat” in ’18 and likewise lent his
personality to the old paper during
his three years’ attendance at A.
and M. Both of these men had their
college years broken by their
entrance into Uncle Sam’s Army.
Both became efficient officers and
upon discharge “Skinner” became a
“Casual” in A. and M. and “Snitch”
became a benedict. Mrs. Babcock
accompanied her husband on his vis
it to the old school and met many
of his old college chums and bunk-
ies of the Training Camp days.
New York.—The Reserve bank
has raised its interest rate to mem
ber banks from 4 1-4 to 4 1-2 per