THE BATTALION 7 RABBI’S RAVINGS. THERE was a time back in * * * ANCIENT history when * * * TAPERS furnished light for :{: Jj: :|i MANKIND after the setting of OLD SOL and candle makers Hs * WAXED fat and prospered * * * WHILE the wise men of * * * THE land read and studied * * * SCHOOLS and woodcuts and * ❖ ; ! : ACQUIRED much knowledge ❖ ❖ >!= UNDER difficulties. And then i{: OIL spouted up from the * :|j EARTH and an ingenious old * * 'A' BIRD produced the first :H * LAMP and soon after gas :i: ij; * BECAME the rage with all :|: Hi * THE swells being as how * * * METERS were not invented A- ❖ A’ UNTIL the popularity of :i: * THE fad made it worth while. * * : : : AND then along came the Ai Ai A~ WIZARD of Menlo Park with 'I' d- v/ppv/i L,Lir111. \ 1 -'ox' thanking the ushers who handled the Texas game so efficiently Thursday. Practically every one was seated by the time of the kick-off except a few late comers who were held up before arriving at the field. So far as I can learn from the inspectors on duty, not a single kick was regis tered by parties who failed to obtain the seats sold to them. Quickly seating a large football crowd is no small matter and these boys who served without compensation the College is indebted to. To the Cadets who helped in other capacities the A. and M. Council is indebted, and thanks are hereby ex tended and the work complimented. W. L. DRIVER, Director. LOSES the studying mood :i: :|i * BEFORE the regulation globe A i A~ * BECOMES luminous again AND goes to bed and tells :!: :|c THE Prof, next day about it :|c * AND he smiles and marks * * DOWN a flunk and you cuss A* ❖ ❖ AND that’s all only we wish ❖ * * LIGHTS could go off during :{« A~ CLASSES or drill or chapel! :J: A- ❖ The Idea: Lincoln studied by fire light and became president. But— we’re Democrats, so what’s the use. CO. I, 23—BATTERV A, 14 In the first inter-company basket ball game of the season, Battery A went down in defeat before the on- slought of Co. I’s team. The game was a fast and snappy one, both teams showing good form. At the end of the first half the score stood 11 to 10 in favor of Company I, but when the whistle blew for the second half, Company I came back strong and it was easily evident that the Battery was no match for them. Co. I seemed to have no difficulty all in piling up twelve points while the Battery strove hard in their ef fort to add but four points to their score. This was the first time that any of Company I’s men had played to- V rDog ry_. hv 4* 4* •!* d- 4* -l- d* * d- %• ^ * •> HaswelPs Book Store EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Official Distributors Stall & Dean’s Athletic Goods and Victor Talking Machines and Records THE War mariages cause crowding at Cambridge University, states a news dispatch from England. It reports about 5,000 students, 1,000 more than in 1913, and many more of them than usual are married and have children. This crowds the town. The college man who crossed the Atlantic to fight militarism is not the one to be a quitter when the fight against alcoholism is carried across the ocean. t X % i ± i t i* ± T ± £ T T ± j! 1: t T ± £ ❖ DO YOU KNOW! —that Christmas is only a short time away. —and that a photograph of yourself makes the ideai Christmas girft. —because your friends can buy anything you can f give them—except your photograph, a gift without an % £ obligation. $ Make an appointment to day THE COLLEGE STUDIO ± {^PHOTOGRAPHS OF DISTINCTION) ? x | H. AND JXC. COLLEGE OF TEXAS % * X ❖ V x ■ T T £ X I ! X x ? i 1 t T X X £ t X i | I i SHIRLEY HOTEL Invites Cadets and Campus people to eat with them. MEALS TO ORDER At Reasonable Rates. M. H. JAMES The Rexall Drug Store TOILET ARTICLES DRUGS AND PER FUMES . . Cadets and Campus residents are invited to call on us when in the city. .-+.** .’• **. »** »** *** .** g. -*♦ .** *y •*- *1* g* *•* *’* ^1* %* *!* **'* *** .*..*.**. g. .’* g. **. g- *** d* *** *!"* *’* *1* DR. W- H. LAWRENCE DENTIST Residence Phone B58 Office Phone 521 4th Floor City Nat’l Bank Building BRYAN, TEXAS g. .y g- g* %- 1 • -f- v* -I- -f- %- g- v* ^ *'I'* **. *** —*+ .^* .** *^. **. .^* .*♦ C* V. *,* g* *** **— —** g* —-** *** ****** BRYAN SHOE HOSPITAL Three first-class machinsts All work guaranteed. We half-sole while you wait. DEW & NEELLY, Props. Y Y Y Y i t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y »*--’**i* *, • * ^- g* t- %* -i- g- 4* •’* *** V. **. -*-»•*• g- g- *** %♦ -** *1* *1* *1- %- -I* -*• -f- -f- %- -f* -I- g- -I- -I* -I* DR. A. BENBOW DENTIST Phones-—-Office 275. Residence 636 2nd Floor City Nat’l Bank Building BRYAN, TEXAS I I T •f* <- *!* •!- -I* 'f-> •l-' -I* *f* -l- 4* -I- *!—5* *I* *i* •}• 4*4* 4* 4>