The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1919, Image 6

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Look out! In Company C Infantry
the spirit of basketball is going high.
She challenges any company that has
entertained the idea that they have
a team. We have back with us two
sweater men, T. Hensarling and
John Strange. Among others that
are showing up in practice are: Cre-
tain, Real, Landers, Yancey, Sartain,
Severs, Stevens and many other good
players. Every man considers it an
honor to make the Company team.
* * *
In a company meeting the other
night Company A discussed her ath
letic prospects. It seemed that every
one was anxious to help better the
company’s team both physically and
* * *
The basket ball prospects w'as
brought up with the result that
twenty-five men expressed a desire
to try out. On the whole it looks
as if Company A is going to make
the other companies “Hit It Up” for
the basketball championship.
* * *
Besides the basket ball prospecrs
Company A is well up in football.
They have four squad men and three
scrubs representing them on the col
lege Gridiron.
* * *
All in all it seems as if Company
A ranks among the first if not the
first in all company activities even if
it is a record for hair cuts. “Fish”
French got four hair cuts in one
week. Now who has a better record
than that?
* * H*
Text books and all kinds of school
material seems to be a minus quan
tity at A. and M. There is not even
enough song books at Guion Hall.
❖ * *
A certain Chemical Engineer in
Company A has found that Mecunc
Chloride is good for the “Itch.”
* * *
A good time is had by all in “C”
Company of the Signal Corps. We
will put up our singing and public
speaking classes against any other
bunch of “Fish” in the College. With
our 100 per cent College spirit we
have the snappiest company to be
* * *
Sergeant Japour, (giving the Man
ual of Arms to a “Fish”.) “Upon
the first count, bring the hand
smartly up to the cocking swivel).”
The Freshman is still trying to locate
the above mechanism of his rifle.
❖ * *
Fellows, this is the spirit A sub
scription has been received for the
Battalion from a n A. and M. Alum
nus who finished in 1909. Surely
every one who is in school at present
should take enough interest in Col
lege activities to take one or more
subscriptions to the “Bat”. Inci
dentally, G. Company has more than
“gone over the top” on the subscrip
tion list.
* * *
Last year the Signal Corps had not
been organized long enough to show
what they could do, but this year
they are starting in with some
knowledge of what is to be done
When it comes to work being shown
in this line Co. A, Signal Corps will
be there to do it. With officers in
charge, we have a very prosperous
year ahead of us. Our Captain, H.
M. Allen, has made friends with
everyone in the company, as have the
other officers.
* * *
The “Fish”, especially, have taken
a keen interest in their work. They
have already learned how to decipher
field messages, and besides that, they
have gone so far as to practice on
their buzzers during the study hours.
This is against the orders as laid
down by Major MacManus, and if
by some skillful detective work the
victims caught, Bryan shall not gaze
upon him on Saturday afternoons.
* * *
The Sophs has, indeed, not ne
glected their duty. They are taking
good care of the “Fish” so that they
will be properly brought up. They
have already taught the “Fish” that
mums the word, especially when the
cush is passed around.
* * *
We have a very industrious bunch
of Juniors. Although the shrill notes
of reveille do not affect them in the
early hours of morning, they ap
pear first in line at mess formation.
The company basketball team has
some who have had former experi-
enec. Under the supervision and
coaching of H. DeLee we expect to
put out a winning team. Those that
do not play will give all their sup
port to win every game. Some of
the men are going out have had as
much as three or more years of High
school training. Some of them have
even been stars in their High school
days. Those who are going out for
the team are: Lawhon, L.; Lyle, E.
C.; Marsh, G. J.; Newman, S. A.;
Sterret, S. L.; and Ulbrich, C. P.
* * *
What company contributed the
most to the “Y”?
Company B—S C.
$106 to the nearest company’s $85.
Battery take notice!
* * *
How many companies went over
one hundred per cent on the coupon
book sales? Three—“B” S. C. was
one of them.
* * *
Somebody will have to run a
mighty good race if they catch us in
the “Bat” race—“B”, S. C.
* * *
“Fish” McArdle of Company F was
called upon to rush “Floppy” Har-
tung to the hospital a few days ago.
The unfortunate Mr. Hartung was in
the act o fexamining the roof of Biz-
zell Hall for Jay-birds when, thru an
unforseen accident, he fell against
a broken window pane severely cut
ting the lower part of his upptr fore
* * * *
We have the rarest collection ox
“Fish” ever known to be collected in
one company. Listen to some of
their names: Sinbad the Sailor,
Tarzan of the Apes, Aristotle, Rob
inson Crusoe and his good man Fri
Wild Bill Holick is suspected ox
having almost .caught Peanut visit
ing last Saturday night.
* ❖ *
Co. G has good officers, g-ood Jun
iors and Sophomores and good
“Fish”. If the flag does not go ax
the front of the Third Battalion, it is
a sure thing that there is a mighty
good company in the corps.
% f
| Barber Shop |
T ❖
£ Seven chairs. One of the ^
% best equipped shops in Texas. T
£ All kinds of tonics for sale. £
£ Come see us. ^
X j. F. LAVINDER, Prop. *
❖ *
Brandon & Lawrence
TJhe College Studio is equipped to
make the highest quality photographs.
Tour friends would appreciate such
a photograph of yourself
<SXCake an
Thone 131.
appointment TO-DA Y.
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*** -v-
The Rexall Drug Store
Y J*
.j. . .Cadets and Campus residents £
*?* are invited to call on us when *•*
in the city. 4>
Three first-class machines.
All work guaranteed. We
half-sole while you wait.
DEW & NEELLY, Props.