The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 05, 1919, Image 4
.1 •f H* • ATTALIOM BAHAUGN ^ br vltarml *nd Oll^r* «f Subscription pries $1. Advertising nitss on Zf per year, spplicstion. Msmbsr of Tsxas Collsgists Prsss .Association. All Ada Run Uatil Oat VI if n EDI O. H. B. E. MeQi F. L. Bsrtsehlsr K. J. Edwards .. 1L A. Harris P. B. Plies . STAFF .. .Editor . AaAstaat . Assistaat , AMptaat . AjHistant .Assistant Business staff Manager Manager yd, Mia. IS Editor i V. Grsvs THE SUNDAY BAND CONCERT. i f were favored College band. ■A •ifj • t-M j.l 3 I For the first time in ssany a day tSe people of the College Community by a concert by the It was indeed a very great nerve soother considering the length of time that we hace been for cer to go without the most inspiring thing of all the universe, music. The .rain man has boon very thick-headed '111 the way . he has handled his pre- lately. It loomed to bo aH the days of t&s and Thurs days, consequently knocking out all the fun and imposing all the work. The selections played were extremely appropriate and canght the public ap proval at oncsf The audience was always on edge waiting for what was to come next. Not being very pro ficient in interpreting- music, ad one would expect a burst of crsshiiv i ind then s jump off into oh- silenee. , Tremendous cres. with j blanks intenreninrr i n order and ware grato- ived. The music lasted for about dn hour and a half, at the con- SENIORS TO STAGE ^ AfflUL CLAS rUY elusion Tku Preparations are being made* for tho Boeodd Annual Senior Play which will bo staged on tho Campus,' Sat- «d.r nUrt. tm» Jit- All tu- dents snd campus people who are re on the Campus last commencement, will remember the success with which the Seniors put on “Tbs Maa Who Went-’l | The ’ts class was laharing under S somewhat difficult situation. Tho class was .very smell and the time and equipment arms very limitsd. This year Mr. R. D. Bracket hat a larger number from which to pick his cast and ho has startod reherssls in ample ..^fme to givo the east a thorough understanding of tho play. Tho play chosen for the occasion is “The Fortune Hunter**. Tne Fortune Hunter has hud a very successful sson ia New York and since on the road-in tho North and East. This play is classed by those who know, ss one the very best. It will bo. a treat that the student body and cam* pus residents are very rarely given the opportunity to enjoy. T%e cost has been chosen and grill be announced at «a early date. Mr. D. Bucket oT the English •depart ment will have charge dfd^s piny. Mr. Bracket hue made this wfc* uf work his Ufa* business arid is a man of wide experience.* The cast is for tunate in having such a coach. > • ) . /'' >♦ »♦♦♦< i »n m m d »»♦ ppBBd » I With tho appointment of the chair men af the various eimoiittoouifuo- •orduy, proparUtiofia i for tho Final Ball art speedily gettfcg under way. The following are tho hoods of ths committees: Arrangjnnent, R. B. Goodman; Program and Invitation, J. Porter; Reception. B. M. Givens; Fi- unues, Jungman; Floort W. T. Bums; Decsration, C. C. T The date ast fior the Pina] Bel to dnns 24. This is thsi last night at College so everyone will be free to •ajoy themselves to their fullest ex- tnnt. WHh tho man Who are push- »ng ths dance, everyone may rest as sured that it-wil be m aucceea. H if ! . * f H- !.r ^ J : f itii r N. A. STkWIAfIT DRUGS! BBTaciarjn AJTD FXXJ We do flrkt dig— de- ‘ * 1* ▼MOPUMT* BvinE» ua your Filmu- rr*| : ij rl afy iJ 111!\ 1 , i i2T.rr.ty: f IL 1 ~ ” m - 4r + v- id \ of which everyone departed feeling that ths afternoon had be<« rJune 16th, but these atuden' vary profitably paasad. It might be of interact that ths , College band make a number of i Edison Phonograph time this week. racoras si spb^Company It requires no really suck recognition as we lylve next to this tame and do not realise i; ; * ir ^ ps 1 41 Ml, i Ti 11! C. A. CONFERENCE, j ‘ jli I, lJ; A. and M. ia te be represented at at the Southwesterly Y. M. Q. A. con ference it Hollister^ Mo., this, year by three students. . These men are T. Hall, F. TMte. and R. H. Max well. _ They-<VriH leave College Sta tion Wednesday night Jui^ 4th, and expeer to arrive pt Hollister on Fri day^ The conference lasts until identS will fit • r ( ; \4n K* 1 • ifiijdi ^ l.M J j, i4}}fj|/| College U i*r* not be required to return to this session. Their railroad and th^i* expenses while there ,wHl be paid by the College •‘Y”. -Y Hollister 4) a most beautiful' place, situated fa the Oaark mountains and we are ipoet sure mil the delegatus will have a meet pleasant as well as entertahifag trip. The corps wishes them a wonderful time. BRYM-COUEGE fi •I '1 ALWAYS AT YOUR ttgWVICg AT CUT omci ARO ON * ; r = SAVE H4PPr B l \ - \\. S S ! 1 • i H 11 I ^ » M 4 » 61 I »4H e CaM th. Hmlroa X«iro Wondraplay i THE LIO ; With n bnmd Bow tt^o-n that’* a peach. “IxiYe’e BEAimni mss - 1 iH.membu- its • Admission Alwi it sun Ksl n. mm t . . A. MeQCBBN, 6-M- ■ae»»e#6»e 'B»4e4»diie 'tie ThelCo«t DEN •eaantt Comedy IT PREYOST Beanetfaj [ 15 Cents tffalPlay : With America** MARY PI \ Tta one of thee »^ HOLM:K'$ NOVEL' I / Will play | Adults S6e. Childreu IB • ! .1. i ; Wednesday—Alioe Joyce in “ Moudayr. yau. and! ^RCHCSTNA Matftnse i ■; ; DUde—Honda: ~:vl f M 1 111