The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1919, Image 4

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cen detailed here know more military
than we. Any cadet officer will be
glad to take their advice and profit
by their suggestions when the eame
are made in a way that seems to have
a helpful and not a fault-finding
spirit. 'Many mistakes are made,
but what we want is suggestions and
corrections and not fault-finding.
For a fact, some of the men do not
yet know the manual of arms or the
name of their rifles. Why? Be-
—* cause they have not been given t^e
EDITORIAL STAFF j I instruction since they first drew the.r
C H Clatk... i L ..... Editor They do not have the time
E. *. McQuillen . . . .T*. . Assistant • or opportunity for such at the drill
a. Assistant i hour. The officers see the need of
Published every Thurwksy night by
the Students Association of the
Art it ujtural and Mechanical
Collega 1 of Teghs.
Subscription price $1.36 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
Member of Texas Collegiate Press
All Ada Run Until Ordered Out
P. L. Bertachler
K. J7 Edwards . .
R. A. Hards ... .
•p. B. Priei
. Assistant
. Assistant
bring about the desired
food. Truly, seme ■
swallow great chunks of food i
rush madly from the Mem Hall
if possessed of .y devils. Only
mighty stomach could stand such
treatment for any length of time.
jWe are all hoping that many other
similar things may be introduced so
that we may at least be able to boast
to those who do not know, of what
a high state of civilisation we live in.
a Mr.
The Mission Club will meet every
Thursday evening to study the prob
lems and opportunities in the various
has I
Windrow of Waco,' has been
State High stay Engiaaer,
office on May IS. This
m highly gratifying to
kdrow’s many frieads at the
rhere he is well known,
r» an instructor here sey-
ago. He la also an A.
luate. ill
about to enter on a
of road building, the state
11 to secure the bem-f r
indrow’s knowledge and ex-"
Since leaving the State '
Water Engineers he has
in engineering prac-
Coxey Kvapa...... Bus
less Manager
Mrs. D. V.
Entered as s .
College Station. Texat. * ebruary
17. 190&.
— ——
The R. 0. T. C. was .organised .by
the government to trktp men to be
come ofheers in the reserve corps of
the U. S. Army. In this, they were
not only to get the di^ipline and
fundamentals necessary in the train
ing of an officer but wa$-e to develop
’the 'initiative and perseaality indU-
pensible tn. the .officer.
*' This initiative is being sadly curo-
ed. How can a cadet officer take
the intcresk nnd put U** *'p«p” into
his work when an offleei’ stands over
his company, and walks nround him
taking notes and counting, r ,t never
using s certain smoont of the tilde
in roundinp up the comers, never-
the-lesa, they do not have it.
Trust the cadet officers a little
more end see if they will not respond
and help keep up the good name of
oltf?A. and M.
How many times have the company
officers been allowed to inspect their
company? la it net just that thgy
should be allowed to rngke one in
spection out of every f4uL ’ They
know the men -and have an idea of
what to expeef from each, and the^
punishment that^ should be awarded*
ii. *1 4| 1
Quite a pleasing innovation was
recently bojrun in thy Mesa HaH. To ■
have soothing music to listgn to while
eating lends a softening air to this
Spartan civilization of ours. Many
a cadet’s stomach could hardly stand
more than a whiff of the Mess Hall
up to this time, but it is now dispos
ing of enormous quantities of food
to say tlw leust. There is the temp
tation t<f linger dotingly > over the'
evening meal. This gives all those
ical enzymes, ferments and
Ny*w York Cole
Renidonce - •
■ i?