8 * I ! THE BATTALION Alumni column. { Paul D. Casey ’08, First; Lieuten ant Infantry, has been recommen ded for a commission in th^ fe«rul4r army and aaaiffned to the! eal Department in Washington. ed tq his father’s farm BnUfflM after receivintr his dischaive from the army. “Hen-ECT” is • raising cotton, corn and Jersey hoirs !^i Edwin W. Thomas '17, his receiv ed his discharge from (he Array and accepted a position as L{ve Stock Specialist for the New Mexico A. and i M. College, at State College, New Mexico. Thomas attended ifce Third Officers Training Camp gt Camp TtSivis and after receiving his com mission was sent to Porto Rico as an instructor in an Officers graining lUMp. * ' 4 ith H. James 'IS, has receiv ed his discharge from the Nav^ gn.i has purchased part interest in the Gulf Anto Company, 406 Main St., Houston. I J Hugh S. Clarke *16, Captain 16th U. & Field Artillery, writes from Kelbery, Germany, that he is looking forward to the day when he embarks for hbrne. r ' Philip B. Smith *17, has* accepted a position with Hill A Son, San An gelo stockmen. Smith wad in New Orleans during the convention of th« Southern Cattlemen’s A *m.ciation, showing Angus cattle for Ann. 1 Jeffe N. Horn *17, has received his discharge from the 75th l'. S. In fan try at Camp Lewis, Washington, and is now at his home, Athens, Tex as. Horn was a campus visitor last wNdraff*! ' \ Ed L. Ayers ’14, formerly Chief Narsery Inspector for the State De partment of Agriculture, has resign ed his position ss Horticulturist for the Extension Service ansi moved to. DeLeon, Texas, where he will en ter the real estate and oil business with his father and uncle. ; Ed came to the Extension Service i n August 1918 HI Oliver F. Spencer *17, is promoting a town-site at DeLeon, Tspta*. kj • - Lee D. Parks. 11, was i^arriedsto Miss Una Washington of Hbuston, April 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Parks will be at home at DeLeon, Te: as, where they are interested ill oil lapds. M 1 / * ■ William H. Curtin *12, M ijor 165th Fwld Artillery, has returtned from . France and been discharged* Major Cartin is now taking a rest at hie home in Houston. ««♦«»■ DENTIST t svs. a—ss—— sss Bl4 * sy, April -lO. i - - it Sp- ■ f. H. LAWItKNCm ENT18T ! a—• sss —• sti N.n a—a a«a AN. TEXAS 404 ♦ 4 1 « ♦♦44-F4 ♦ 4>4"»4»4 i: LJU—!i—lL # Thomas 8. Williams *11, formerly Efficiency Engineer for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, has purchased part interest in the Republic Flow Meters Company, with general offices in Chicago and branches at New York City and Pitta- ] tonu . j I , i '.ill :■ I i . . I Two A. and M. men, Hal Moseley *01 and Laurence E. McGee ex-*02, | were nominated at the recent elec tion in Dallas for places on the City Commission for the next two years, beginning May 1st. Moseley is now ) in France serving as Captain of En gineers si\d McGee is Captain of the 10th Regiment of Infantry (The A. and M. Regiment) Texas National! Guard. \ * > 4 ■ , PW * John W. Butts ex-’10, Major U. $. Air Service, was killed in a fall at Souther Field, Antericus, Georgia, April 2nd. After spending three years at A, and M. Major Butts wan , appointed to the U. S. Military Acad- •nay at Wert Point, from which ti»-j ■titutioa He graduated' and was as- I signed to the Cavalry’. Esfriy m the war he Was transferred to thHe Air Service and at the time of- his deaOt>| was serving aw Executive Officer at Souther Field. Victor A. Barraco *15, has been promoted to the grade of ^ap’ain in the U. ,S. Marine Corps and assigned to the 102nd Company. ■ K. Joe C. Brown *20. Sergpant Com- pany C, 9th Field Signal Buttalio writes from Esch, Luxensbourgh. G many, that his regiment | organized a football and basket hall'team and “cleaned-up” on all comets. Six A. and M. men were on the football team and three on the bizsket ball team. 1 Charles T. Boyd *J7, has returned to .his home at Port Lavaca alter spend ing several months as an officer in the army. f Herman E. Miller *16, Ipai return- /ae Uvyest stUiny quality pencil m the world PENCI^ 17 black degree* and 3 copying FREE ♦ Trial samples of VLTl’S pencils sent free on request. WI kill* American Lewd Pencil Co. 21S Fifth A**.. D*pt. NT N. Y. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP i The Best Equipped Shop in the South.. The best Barbers the trade affords. All Barber Supplies for sale. TT X » I T XT m J. F. LAVINDER •, - 111 IX r, m 'Val a (ifl ■•V lit < fTfi •If & : j;f Sold wvewytarlti fomilio* supplied by arocer and