The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 10, 1919, Image 3
i wm - TVurWay, April lO, 1919 STUDENT OPINION I A few >H»r» a^o, whenever A. prvl M. staged a big ball, such Thankafriviafr Hop, the R. V. Pinal Ball, break-ins were known quantity. If a man Kiri to a dance and had a program Ailed out, he was assured of getting to dance it. In late years with the decline in prestige and leadership of ttppsk-claasaaen. especially if Sen iors, the habit of letting anydae whj comes alang taka your partner has developed, with nobody to eff^ctuslly 'jhppose it. This year, hodra^r, this custun. became so injurious te eVery- one-good tone st corps danoes that it has been greatly discouraged. The Ross Volunteer Hoj? is to take place two weeks frr w now. } Every one who takes s girl has a program Which he wants to dance, or he wouldn't be going. If breakrins are to be allowed, nobody, will have any idea who he is to dance with, and can only be sure that his own program will be broken into quite And then there is this to cpngider. The m- n on the campus who come with their Wives are not acquainted with the visiting girls, and so won't hreaki-in os them. But the cgdete are quite, free about breaking-in on tkeir friends, the campus ladies So when break-ms start, the men who have opened their homes to our vis itors and who hove been so accom odating. louse their partners, and are forced to “sit out” the encores, the longest part of the dance. It would be doing theea men a great favyr to eliminate break-ins. These views have been formed af ter talks with numerous cadets and iaampu* people, who think the tame way about the matter. The time is opportune for the hosts at thit dSnce. the Roes 'Volunteers, to revive the eld custom which need to make a big A- and M. dance one worth While. This doesn't necessarily eliminate stags. If they have a program filled they are as welcome as anyone. But it does mean that when a man atart- , ed a dance he would get to Ani*h 1 ^ / ITH - THE BATTALION IN THE WAY OF IMPROVEMENTS Before many moons A. and M. will be one of the beat equipped plants in the south. At least appropria tions are being strongly considered by our Legislature. It is expelled that the corps will be given a much needed gymnasium, Sgt. Hyland in- looking forward to an armory and a target range. Dean Kyle for a pew Agricultural building* Professor Fe:- mier a new M. E. building, the col lege in general for a new library. It is to be remembered that the M. E.’s have the advantage over the rest of us as their castle in already under construction. For the rest of us, we have hopes for the other improve ments. But there are several other indU- pensible things that we must have be fore we can be classed A 1. First, we need an adequate water supply, one that will supply enough water for the fourth floor inhabitants. We need paved streets that will do away with the now prevalent “cow trails.'* We need S car station where we can wait for the regular and irregular interurban cars, we need a new Chera. building of a new type, one in which any student can enter with out shudderinfr. We need a wreck ing crew to tear down the only wbod- en edifice on the military walk, and if necessary, we need a separate up- to-date building for Post Exchange. It is up to us, men, to get them. Perseverance conquers all, and al though We won't have to growl about what we now have, if we’ll keep on “kicking” figueretively speakigg, per haps these needs will be supplied. At any rate lets all pull for more im provement.- -i A SORROW SHARED BY AtL WHO KNEW I^IM The common practice of promis cuous use of superlatives has so cheapened words that an honest ef fort, to express our sorroaa! seems so unworthy offlflAy man lil^e Sear- gent ijjtenny. More than mqst men, he was entitlsid to all the cuptomarv praise, but intimate aasocigmDm (with him has made us conscious of an in describable something that caused a big lumg to rise in our tnroats when we heard of his death. Our inter ests were his interests, our misfor tunes his misfortunes, and wfjfeel as though we have lost more than! just a good friend. Whenever * man’s children press their little faces against the window- pane, expectantly awaiting his re turn from werk, and then run- at top speed to greet him, each one bugging and pulling at his clothing to insure a proportionate part of his attention, well, sowehow or other, you smile a glad sort of a smile and unccatscious- Jg mark him as one of a few who arc worthy of your implicit coSAdenc because you know that a man whom childreq love with abandon must be sincere, end inherently kind- hearted. honest and up-right May be that helps to explain the feeling that one very near and vary -dear has passed from among us. We, Who have known him, Vould call him a real man, and there la no mgher tribute. t CAMPUS NOTES. At a bridge party Tuesday night Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mar-stellar had as their honor geust Mip.,Royal Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Paddock en tertained the Honey Moon Club, Wednesday night. Mrs. Boud was hostess at a very pretty bridge party ef 9 -tables Fri day afternoon. Prof, and Mrs. A. T. Potts ns n compliment to the Horticultural Fac ulty gave a lovely dinner Friday evening. Their guests were Dean and Mrs. E. J. Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McGinnis and Mr. Md Mr*. F. Henael. “Bill” Dietert, formerly 1st Lieut. Co. and literally in charge of the company since the departure of Captain Rees., has left his bunch for. the Staff and is now Adjutant of the First Battalion. Ben Givens is now commanding the company and it will be remembered that Ben of our few returned “over-seas'* men. Don’t gripe if some of your les sons are harder than others, you’ve probably got the wrong boint of view, and If yoti (feminine the’ situ ation carefully, will find that some of your lesson" are easier than others;—a sort of philosophy pecu liar to profs. ' Alvin R. Rees, C*ptain of pany “C", who is a Second tenant of Infantry Stationed at as Military College has written members of his company that' he expects to receive his discharge with in a few days and will return to college immediately afterwards.. The Clothing and Furnishii on display are con We hope for your ap| BRANDON & LA Outfiitters for Young Mei who stay youi we haYe ival. IkENCE md Men j ; Vi f -IV .. PHOT( Finest Foldersl Enlargements Enlarged from K( Kodak Finishii and Films I T S Bring your Films today/} get Pictures tomorrow SOSOLIK STUfylO College Station * M . I » ill UiiH. » M ill \J 4