The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 24, 1915, Image 1
EVERYBODY READS The BATTALION THE BATTALION CERTIFIED CIRCULATION 1,500 Published Weekly by the Students’ Association of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas VOL. XXIII. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, NOVEMBER, 24, 1915 NUMBER 11 A. & M. 13—TEXAS DNIVERSITY 0 BIG RALLY HELD BE FORE H.G1E JOHNNIE GARRITY JR., WAS BUR- RIED AT THE STAKE. BAD OMENS CHASED AWAY. MANY SPEECHES BY ALUMNI The nineteenth! Oh! how cadets do love that date. We ought to es tablish the nineteenth of November as our annual holiday at A. and M. There is no “black-face” among the whole Ethiopian race that is as proud of the nineteenth as we are. Of course, he celebrates the nineteenth of June, while we celebrate the nine teenth of November. Nevertheless, whenever the nineteenth is mentioned in the presence of a cadet, whether it be the nineteenth of June, Novem ber. January pr who, + not- he '.ii’ lis ten. History hereafter at A. and M. will be recorded as, such and such, a time before or since the nineteenth of November, 1915 Not only did our team fight hard, but every cadet did his best to win. The rooting was the best and sin- cerest ever heard in any college. By the time the game was over the cadets were nearly as exhausted as was the team. More than one student is un able to talk above a whisper, because of that game. The corps was yelling aJl the time except when signals were being called, or for politeness sake, were allowing the Varsity students to be heard. In fact, it was almost im possible to keep from yelling all the time. The corps have backed the team nobly since the Rice defeat. Of course, everyone felt the sting of de feat, yet the corps met the train and still kept up their faith and love. Just such spirit is the making of this school. It is that which puts about one hundred per cent efficiency in our teams. There was much comment among the visitors about the rooting. All gave A. and M. the best compliments. The University yells were good, even better than most of us expected, yet ours were better. Between halves the Varsity boys gave a snake dance. It was pretty and well given, but the “T” formed by the cadets a few min utes later totally eclipsed the snake dance. “Runt” says he may be a private, but what it takes to march this corps into the form of a “T,” he’s got it. Cow bells and plow sweepsJfcided^the Farmers in making Vi _V Farmers Administer an Overwhelm ing Defeat to Their Old Time Rival- The Longhorns-A Clean Game With Splendid Spirit Shown by Both Student Bodies It was a great day on November 19 when A. & M. came back as only the Farmers can and defeated the much praised Longhorns 13 to 0. A gathering of over 7000 people banked in a setting of brilliant crimson and flaming orange watched the strug gle of the two teams on the gridion with conflicting emotions. To the followers of the tv o teams and the people of the state it was the greatest game sinre the Uyo teams met in Houston four years ago. The followers of tl e Red and White were seated on the east side of the field. The cadets Were in full uni form and to form the letters A. M. C. many wore white coats which gave a beautiful and unique appearance to the cadet cheering section. On the opposite side of the field, the Texas students were seated. There were men and women who had follow ed the Longhorns through the season, watching them humble their many op ponents. When they realized that their team was fighting a losing fight they were dazed but remained loyal to the end. Captain Garrity led the A. and M. squad on the field at 2:45 while the cadet band played that queer melody “What Makes the Wild Cat Wild.” The cadet stand went wild and con tinued cheering ’till the referee’s whis tle blew to start the game. A few minutes after the appearance of the farmers, the Longhorns came on the field. They were greeted with an outburst of hiliarity from the Texas stand. The Longhorn band broked in to the strains of what custom has made the Te-^as sout “The Eyes of i Texas.” Berry of Texas won the toss and chose to defend the north goal. At 3 o’clock Burns kicked off to Texas and the great game was on. Yes it was a great game, a game in which heroes rose and fell, a game in which the best fighting team would emerge the victor. To pic the stars for A. &M. would be a difficult task. It Is conceded Collins, Coleman and Garrity stand out prominently but it must not be for gotten that it required the concentrat ed effort of eleven men to win the game and eleven men starred. It was Collins of Austin who staged HUNDREDS OF TELEGRAMS AND LETTERS RECEIVED BY FOOT BALL TEAM AND OTHERS. PRESIDENT BATTLE PLEASED Hundreds of telegrams conveying congratulations were received Satur day. Space will permit only a few of them here: Beaumont, Tex., Nov. 19.—Dr. W. B. Bizzell, A. and M. College, College Station, Texas: Sorry I couldn’t be there for this wonderful game; would willingly have lost a voice for A. and M. Congratulations to the boys, but I know Texas did not stand a chance with them.—Veta Brigance, C. I. A.., 1912. San Antonio, Tex., Nov; 19.—Dr. W. B. Bizzell, College Station, Texas: Accept congratulations on our glo rious victory.—L. J. Hart. Denton, Tex., Nov. 19.—A. and M. Football Team, care Ike Ashburn, College Station, Texas: Congratu lations; we knew you’d win; girls kept wires hot asking returns. No one but A. and iM. team could have done it.—Clare Ousley. Corpus Christi, Texas, Nov. 19.— W. H. Elliott, College Station, Texas: impossible for me to come; would give half my life to be there. Tell Garrity and Runt I am pulling for them strong.—Dutch. Galveston, Tex., Nov. 19.-—Eddie (Continued on page 5.)