The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1915, Image 8
A. AND M.—KANSAS AGGIES IN RIFLE COM ETITION On last Wednesday afternoon, in spite of the threatening weather, a team of twelve men engaged in a rifle shooting competition with a team of the Kansas State Agricultural College. The A. and M. team shot on our local range, and the Kansas Aggies shot on their range, but up to the present, re ports have not been received from the Aggies. The scores of the high six men on each team counted, and are given be- for the A. and M. team. First column of figures for rapid fire, 200 yards; second for slow fire, 300 yards; third for slow fire 500 yards: Easley, C. M 47 49 44 140 Bell, J. E 47 48 42 139 Rutan, W. L 46 49 43 138 JDunning, W. R.. . . 45 49 42 136 Scott, W. R 44 46 43 133 Rack, E. C 40 48 41 129 Team grand total . .815 Rack and Clayton tied for sixth place on the team, but the decision was given to Rack, as the rules give the tie to the man making the highest aggre gate score on the longest range. This score was very good for the team, considering the weather condi tions, and beat last year’s team by 72 points, falling below the United States Intercollegiate ecod of last year by only 12 points. Other men shooting, but who failed to place, were Clayton, Allen, Washam, Clarkson, Zedler, and Faber. Consid erable interest has been taken in tar get practice this year, and with the aid of the indoor range, which will no doubt be installed this summer, great things are expected of the college team next year. AFTER SCHOOL CLOSES. Dr. W. B. Bizzell will remain on the campus and may go to the exposi tion in August. Mr. F. D. Steger and Mr. Ike Ash- burn will attend the Student Y. M. C. A. Conference at Estes Park, Colo., and then go on to the exposition. Dr. Hedges is going to Lexington, Ky., and will visit some Northern universities for inspiration and ideas before returning to us. He expects to visit the Universities of Chicago, Michigan, Cornell and others. Mr. Campbell (languages) goes to the Chicago University for the sum mer. Prof. Potts eexpects to do short- course work here and over the State. Dr. Morgan will be doing short- course work and traveling some. Mr. Ridgway will remain on the campus for the summer. Mr. A. L. Darnell goes to Missis sippi for the summer and then to the University of Missouri to take his master’s degree. Mr. M. H. Young goes to the Uni versity of Wisconsin to secure his master’s degree. Mr. Bell eexpects to remain on the campus, but will visit his home at Rome, N. Y., for a month. Mr. A. E. Parmalee is going to summer in Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Click and wife will visit the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Messrs. Bressler and, Harrington will also go to Wisconsin for the sum mer. Mr. F. J. Skeeler goes home to Orange, Texas, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Garner will go to Boulder, Colo., for the summer. Mr. J. W. Mitchell goes to Ten nessee. Mr. Gofer goes to California Uni versity and the exposition. Mr. Barnes will visit Tennessee. Mr. Beach goes to the exposition and the San Diego Fair, and also to Seattle to visit his brother. Mr. C. E. Hanson goes to the ex position to return with a bride. Mr. Rubinow will remain at the Shirley. Uncle Joe Cannon will go to Pitts burg to win his bride. Mr. Redlich is going to Germany and hopes to be able to join the gen eral staff of the great Von Hinden- berg. INTERURBAN SCHEDULE. Between Bryan, Texas, and College Station, Texas. Lv. Bryan. Lv. College. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 m. 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:20 p.m. Reasonable rates for special cars, trolley parties, etc. WISE AND OTHERWISE. Mrs. Featherby—I simply can’t d-ress on $500 a year! Mr. Featherby—Why, wear less. Mrs. Featherby — The less I wear the more it costs!—Judge. He who is firm in will moulds the world to himself.—Goethe. “Are the Newriches entertaining this season?” “Entertain? Well, I should rather call them amusing.”—Boston Tran script. I am here, here I remain.—Marshal MacMahon. “Do you think Bliggins is a practi cal farmer?” “No. He’s only a beginner.” “What makes you think so?” “He is still at the stage when he thinks a dozen eggs and a setting hen will lay the foundation for an enor mous fortune.”—Washington Star. Prosperity’s the very bond of love. —Shakespeare. “I got the agent to give that in convenient apartment with only three rooms to the disagreeable tenant next to us.” “That was what you might call a suite revenge.”—Baltimore American. The good time will come.—Motto of Earl Harcourt. “I thought Jiggs was going to use his influence to get you elected to membership in the club.” “He did.” “What happened?” “He’s been asked to resign.”—Buf falo Express. He shines in the second rank who is eclipsed in the first.—Voltaire. Jimson—Oh, yes, I knew old Sim- son. He was a good sort. He did a very kind action once for me when the clouds were dark and threatening and the world looked so black. Pimson—What did he do? Jimson—He lent me an umbrella.— Boston Globe. THE WISDOM OF UNCLE WILLIAM In Skaneateles there lives an old chap known as Uncle William. Uncle William is so famed for his wisdom that whenever anything extraordinary happens the townsfolk always ask: “What does Uncle William say?” Once a man became ill there anci had to go West. Word came back to Skaneateles about the end of the win ter that he had reached the point of death. Everybody naturally asked: “What does Uncle William say?” “He’ll live till June,” said Uncle Wiliam, oracularly. “Why do you think so?” everybody asked. “Well,” said Uncle William, still more sagely, “he always has.”—New York Times. DALLAS MAKES GIFT TO CORPS. Golf playing at A. & M. received a great impetus when thru Colonel Sterrett of the Dallas News, the Dal las Golf Club sent about one hundred and fifty sticks down here for the cadets to use. Now almost every af ternoon the links west of Kyle Field are dotted with enthusiastic players. The Dallas Golf Club deserves the thanks of the whole cadet corps for its kindness. GET READY FOR COMMENCEMENT We are ready to make your Photos from your Long Horn plate on short notice. Come down and place your order at once. Avoid the rush. The price is right. Smith Bros. CAMPUS STUDIO VICTOR Talking Machines Haswell's Book Store Bryan, Texas We Invite Your Patronage Eastman Kodaks And Athletic Goods -0- •D- •0- ■o- o o o ■o -a- •a- -a- -o- -a- o ■& o o & o & ■o & & & & o o o o o & -n- «■ a- •a- -a- o o o- •a- -a- -o- -a- ■a- •a- •a- -o- o •D- •a- -p- •a- •H- -a- •a- ■a- -o- & •a- o •H- -U- o o o o -G- •B- -0- -0- O O S £ xXi SO CAMPUS SHOE SHOP With Modem Electric Machines Next to Barber Shop Tan Shoes Dyed. Work Guaranteed DR. ALGIE BENBOW DENTIST Office Over First National Bank BRYAN, TEXAS FOR SALE. WANTED—Farm and Ranch Land, for Colonization purposes. No tract too large or too small. If you wint to sell your property at your own price, on your own terms, witout payment of commission, write European Mutual Colonization Co., Ltd., 633 Kress Bldg., Houston, Tex., for listing blanks and full Jnfonnar tion.