The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1915, Image 5

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It is the lot of some men to go
quietly about their work of helping
others for many years, apparently
getting small appreciation even from
those they are endeavoring to help,
and yet some day to awake to the
realization that their work is at last
being appreciated and that they are
being praised from every side. This
has been the lot of Mr. F. D. Steger,
our Y. M. C. A. secretary.
He came to this college five years
ago, and under very discouraging cir
cumstances, and began his work of
bettering the social and moral con
ditions of the student body. He set
his heart on seeing an Association
building on the campus, and after
four years of labor, aided by Prof.
Fountain, he has realized his goal.
Even then, however, there were few
who thought to praise him for what
he had done in this and many other
ways for the good of the community,
until Dr. Bizzell came along. The
President at once saw in him a valu
able ally for the upbuilding of the
college, and when the Christmas holi
days came on he presented him with
a handsome suit case—the gift of the
whole corps. Mr. Steger’s heart was
too full for words.
After a time the Junior Battalion
appeared, and what did the editor
have on the front page—an account
of the football exploits of some mem
ber of his class? No, not that. He
had a tribute to “Frank D. Steger,
Man and Leader.” Now comes The
Battalion, proper, with an added trib
ute. And the end is not yet.
The old boy returning to school and
the Freshman coming in next Sep
tember will find a network of con
crete walks on the campus.
Besides the walks that have been
laid connecting most of the halls
with the Y. M. C. A. Building, there
will be laid walks from and connect
ing the following buildings:
Electrical Engineering Building to
Main Building.
Main Building to Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Building to Fos
ter Hall.
Civil Engineering Building to Agri
cultural Building.
Agricultural Building to Experi
ment Station Building.
Agricultural Building to Chemistry
Chemistry Building to Main Build
Pfeuffer Hall to Main Building.
To date about 9,500 square feet of
walks are down, with about 10,000
square feet yet to be laid. The ma
terial is on hand and work is pro
gressing rapidly.
These walks are being constructed
under the direction of “Rube” Whip-
key of Colorado, an alumnus of the
On the eA r ening of May 18 some
three or four dozen boys gathered
around on the east side of Legett
Hall and arranged four seats at equal
distances from each other. Then
there were several high hurdle races
run. At the same time the shotput
and the dashes were being hotly con
tested. The windows of Legett were
crowded with onlookers and many
times they cheered the would-be ath
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A regulation raincoat and a cold
weather coat; must be of good ma
terials, well made, and at a reason
able price.
The purpose of this article is to
voice the want which seems appar
ent enough, but nobody seems to care
about taking the initiative.
A great many attempts have lately
been made to change parts of the uni
forms or to introduce a new one, but
no one seems to give the least atten
tion to coats for cold or wet weather.
These things are found necessary in
civilian life. Why do they not have
a place here? They most certainly
should have, and a regulation gar
ment is recommended for the follow
ing reasons: A better quality of ma
terial and better workmanship at a
lower price can be secured by placing
a large order; the corps will present
a neater appearance.
The most serviceable cheap coat
for cold weather and for wet weather,
too, is the mackinaw. These gar
ments are worn by the lumbermen
and outdoor workers of the country.
Proof enough of their quality and
serviceability. Such a coat of a gray
or blue color certainly could not be
called objectionable and would be re
ceived with open arms by the corps
because of the comfort afforded and
the reasonable cost price.
It seems that the “powers that be”
would be pleased to take up such a
proposition to gain uniformity of
dress, if nothing else, considering the
varicolored garments that usually ap
pear on cold winter evenings at “re
The raincoat should be a black
rubber, a coat such as policemen and
firemen use. Something that is a
raincoat in every sense of the word,
and at a reasonable price.
These garments could be made to
present a very pleasing appearance
and still not be too much of a “uni
form” to be unfit for civilian life
On Saturday night, June 5, the first
event of the commencement week will
take place in the old chapel, which
has been recently decorated and im
proved. A free concert has been ar
ranged for the pleasure of the visitors
who come early and for the students
and faculty whose academic cares and
troubles are about over for the year
1914-15. The following program will
be rendered:
Children’s Musical Drill.
Violin Solo—M. Blankfield.
Piano Solo—Mrs. Charles Friley.
Reading—Miss Gray.
Vocal Solo—Mrs. George Marshall.
Violin Duet—M. Blankfield and
Robert O’Connor.
Glee Club.
Zouave Drill.
Stove wood, $5 per cord, delivered.
Good, cut kindling, $5 per cord, de
livered. Phone T. M. Reddell, Feed
ing and Breeding Station, 87-3 rings
lATE take this method of thanking you for
” your liberal patronage during the school
year now closing and wish for you all, es
pecially those who are leaving us with their
much coveted diplomas, a prosperous and
happy journey through life.
With kindest regards,
W. A. LEIGH, JR., & CO.