The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 09, 1914, Image 3

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    p. h. oison The College News Dealers Andrew Noses
We handle all Texas Dailies, all Magazines and Periodicals. Subscribe now. Special
rates to students. We also handle a good line of pennants and fancy stationery. Gall and
see us. 25 Leggett.
Professor Bagley announces that
some time during the coming winter
the United States Department of Ag-
griculture will run a test at this col
lege of the grades of cotton in order
to determine their relative value. The
experiments will take place in the T.
E. Building and will be conducted by
experts sent from Washington. Since
the cotton will be our own Texas
cotton, the test should be of great in
terest to us as well as to all other
Texans. Sixteen bales of this cotton
are already at College.
The M. E. Department will continue
to show free motion pictures every
week. It is the desire of Pro/. Fer-
mier to give the kind of pictures ev
eryone wants, and an effort will be
made to please all. If anyone has any
suggestions to make as to changes or
improvements in the show the profes
sor will greatly appreciate it if that
patron will come directly to him.
The removal of the architectural de
partment from the top floor of the C.
E. Building has made it possible for
a considerable expansion and improve
ment in the E. department. The
ary has been moved to the top
floor, and now occupies both Profes
sor Fountain’s old office and the old
Senior drafting room. In addition,,
the number of volumes there has been
practically doubled. The Civil Engin
eers invite all outsiders to make this
library their headquarters while in
the C. E. Building. Professor Dove
has moved his office and section
room to the top floor and the Physics
department has also moved the elec
tricity department to that floor.
It may be of interest to the Archi
tects to known that Phil Crown receiv
ed a first mention placed on his last
Beaux Arts problem, “An Entrance to
a Court House.” This is a very high
honor and we should be proud of the
If you do not like to sew buttons
on your clothes let the Brenham Steam
Laundry do it for you.—Sam Farrell,
It will be interesting to note a few
facts about the enrollment this year
as compared to that of last year. Up
to Wednesday 858 students had reg
istered while on the same date last
year 843 had enrolled. New men are
still coming in, however, and the en
rollment should easily reach 9000 be
fore the end of the term. The Fresh
man class shows a small increase over
that of last year; there are now 390
new men on the roll, while last year
there was 370. The total attendance is
now 864.
Th most interesting feature^ of the
inscrease is the number of agricul
tural stunts. This department has
been gaining in popularity for the
last five years and now there are
480 men taking the agricultural course
and 378 studying engineering,'. The
electrical engineers are easily in the
majority in the engineering depart
ment, while the mechanical engineers
and civil engineers are about the
same in number.
Beginning with this year the English
dpeartment will give partial ciredit on
articles turned in to any of the stu
dent publications. In the case of the
Battalion, the editor-in-chief will sub
mit to the proper instructor in the
English department, as soon as con
venient, all manuscripts turned in to
him for publication and these nstruct-
ors will grade them and give credit
on written work. In writting articles
for the Battalion on which credit is
expected, cadets will please give the
name of their English instructor.
Please sign everything you drop in the
“Bat.” box, and longer articles, when
printed, will bear the name of the
writer, except in the case of staff mem
The College song contest is hereby
called off; only one song has been sub
mitted. However, it is a god one, hav
ing original music written especially
for it. The song will be submitted to
the corps at the first opportunity after
the music arrives.
The following clipping is taken from
the “Sunday Sandwich” of the Fort
Worth Star-Telegram:
“The Battalion, organ of the A. and
M. College, has reached our desk, con
gested with snappy stories and adver
tisements. Its staff is composed of A.
E. Burges, editor-in-chief; associate
tripoder, F. A. Homann; business man
ager, J. F. Haden, and associate ditto,
W. F. Rutan. It loks like an expo
nent of the art preservative—boys,
keep it up. It also looks like the fine
Italian lunch-hook of Isaac Ashburn
had a part in the mfgrng.”
Backward, turn backward, O Time in
your flight,
Give us a girl whose skirts are not
Give us a girl whose charms, many or
Are not exposed by too much peek-a-
Give us a girl, no matter what age,
Who won’t use the streets for a vau
deville stage;
Give us a girl, not too shapely in view.
Dress her in skirts that the sun can’t
shine thru.
If you are going on a visit, if you
have just come back, if a member of
your family is visiting, if your room
mate’s best girl has gone back on him;
in short, if anything of interest has
happened to you or your friends, drop
a mention of it in the “Bat.” box. Your
friends like to read about you just as
you likek to read about them.
The Brenham Steam Laundry guar
antees colors and uses no detrimental
belaching compounds.—Sam Farrell,
Baylor, Sept. 30.—Through the Uni
versity weekly the movement to se
cure a general endorsement of a con
stitution for self-government will be
launched tomorrow. It is hoped with
in the next few weeks to put into
operation a system of student gov
ernment that was finally completed
last June after an attempt of several
years. The plan was not completed
last session until the session was prac
tically over and there was no oppor
tunity to put it into operation.
An executive committee of thirty
classmen is proposed, which is to have,
charge of the publications, athletics
and social callendar. The plan does
not include the so-called “honor sys
University of Texas, Sept. 28.—For
the first time since his entrance into
office, President S. E. Mezes failed to
be on hand at the registration of the
students at the beginning of the ses
sion. He was held up in Europe by
the war and after many difficulties
reached here today. He is very em
phatic in his appreciation of being an
American and once more being back.
A subscription of forty cents for
every under-classman is being taken
up among the students for the purpose
of paying freight on the new guns,
which the Government holds at San
Antonio in readiness for shipping.
These guns are badly needed to re
place the antiquated ones now in use
at A. and M.
Invites Your Patronage
Eastman’s Kodaks and
Athletic Goods
Bryan and College i
!; Change Scheulled
Effective July
i| 20:
! Leave Bryan.
Leave College. ;
1 7:30 a. m.
7:50 a. m. !;
J 10:00 a. m.
10:30 a. m. j:
| 1:30 p.m .
2;00 p. m. ;
; 4:30 p. m.
6:15 p. m. ;
I 6:30 p. m.
7:00 p. m. !
! 9:30 p. m.
9:50 p. m. !
Charlie Nitch
The Campus Tailor
Style and Fit From Best Materials Available
Gleaning and Pressing Scientifically Handled
See Me First