TRAIN SCHEDULE. I. & G. N. R. R. No. 101 South bound 5:12 p. m. No. 102 North bound 10:30 a. m. H. & T. C. R. R. No 3 North bound 1:26 p. m. No. 5 North bound 12:36 a. m. No. 2 South bound 3:49 p. m. No. 6 South bound 2:57 a. m. Local Austin No. 3 for latest post cards. Misses Ima Bradberry and Price of Bryan were visiting on the campus Saturday and Sunday. The two millinery openoings in Bry- rn last week were well atttended by the campus ladies. Newest spring novelties in men’s neck wear 25 and 50c. Wilson & Der- den, “The Store Ahead.” tf Tennis shoes, neck wear, gloves, col lars and white duck pants. Wilson & Derden, “The Store Ahead.” tf Mrs. F. E. Giesecke expects to ac- sompany her mother, Mrs. Green, to her New Braunfels home next week. Men’s “Douglas” low cut shoes in gun metal, tan and shiney leathers, $3.50 per pair. Wilsin & Derden, “The Store Ahead.” tf For latest post cards go to Austin No. 3. New arrivals in men’s spring and summer trousers, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and $6.00. Wilson & Derden, “The Store Ahead.” tf Miss Crew and her younger sister Miss Alma Crew of Hempstead, were ihe guests of Mrs. John Carson this week. “Faultless” America’s best shirt, --swett- spring cnuT summer styles! how ready at $1.00 and $1.50. Wilson 8c Derden, “The Store Ahead.” tf The invitations for a kitchen shower given in honor of Miss Mclnnis by Krs. Kyle are out. It will be at half past three Thursday afternoon. Cool summer underwear, porous, knit white lisle and balbriggan, short or long sleeves shirts and union suits. Wilson & Derden, “The Store Ahead.” ATHLETIC GOODS / Full line Spaldings Football Goods Pipes—Smokers^ Supplies — Knives, Razors, Scissors Ready Made Cigarettes Allegretti’s Delicious^Creams and Candies Hot or Cold Soda Water We Solicit Your Trade Miss Emmie Fountain, who reached here last Sunday, reports a most de lightful time on her visit to the Nortn. She stopped in Washington on her way home and returned via New Or leans. Post cards 2 for 5c at Austin No. 3. Wilson & Derden are showing the swellest styles in W. L. Douglas’ shoes—there’s Russian calf, gunmetal and shiney leathers at $3.50 per pair. Post cards, Austin No. 3. Austin No. 3! Austin No. 3! Aus tin No. 3! Mrs. Nagle, who has been visiting in Dallas and Hillsboro for a week or ten days, will return to her home on the campus Wednesday. , The Junior banquet has been post poned till the night of April 20 on ac count of the fact that several mem bers of the class will be absent on next Saturday night the time previous ly set. Hereafter the agents for the Ineeda Laundry will expect payment from all cadets when their laundry is delivered to them. If you can’t have the money by the time the bundle returns, please don’t send it off. To the faculty, instructors and corps of cadets: The Ross Volunteers of The Texas Agricultural and Mechani cal College request the honor of your presence at their Annual Hop, Friday evening, April 24th, nineteen hundred and eight, College Station, Texas. Since the last number of the Bar- talion, Mrs. T. P: Junkin has visit ed Houston; Mrs. Fermier and her mother have returned to Grand Rap ids, Mich.; Mrs. Hutson has returned from Houston and Mrs. Brown, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lo max, has returned to her home in Aus tin. Mrs. Soape of Henderson was the guest of Prof, and Mrs; Ness Saturday and Sunday. She came to visit her son, who is a student here, and to be present at the corner stone laying. Miss Lucy Board and Miss Mattie Watkins of Bryan were on the cam pus Wednesday, visiting their many friends. Prof. C. H. Alvord was elected presi dent of the Texas creamerymen’s asso ciation at a recent meeting held in Houston. It was the first of the asso ciation and the members showed much enthusiasm in the work of advancing the interests of the creamery business in the State. The Band boys report a uv:/ pleas ant time in Navasota last Friday night. They were members of a party of Bryan Elks who gave a minstrel show in Navasota Friday night. The show, the proceeds of which will go for the benefit of the national Elks conven tion yti Dallas, was well received by a large audience. The party returned on the midnight H. & T. C. The wedding cards of Miss Lilia Gra ham Mclnnis and Mr. William Pres ton Bryan, both of Bryan, Texas, have been received here and great interest is felt in this marriage in the ap proaching week of April. Miss Mc lnnis has been a frequent and popular guest on the campus during the past two years, and she has many friends who wish her happiness. She is the daughter of Mr. L. L. Mclnnis, one of the board of directors of this college. Miss Mattie Tabor of Bryan was out Inst Saturday night with the party who came out from Bryan to give a performance of the play, “Barrington Hall.” The ,play was witnessed by a very large house and was enthusias tically received. Mrs. Davis sang pleasingly and Mrs. Webb Howell’s solos were very much enjoyed by the audience, with which she is a favorite. There 9 s No Matching Them Either in FABRIC, PATTERN or PRICE this season. The hundreds of woolens and samples we are offering the men of Bryan (, and College from which they can have their Spring Clothing Built to Order is by far the smartest and snappiest line, and at the Lowest Prices ever offered in Bryan for STRICTLY GUARANTEED TAILOR MADE CLOTHING. The prices are as low as you 11 find ready-mades” of the same material offered at this season. You have twenty-ffve patterns to select from where you have one from the ready-made” stocks, and have the privilege of getting them made as you want them. Over 1000 samples to select from at $13.50 to $40.00 Suits to Order $4.00 to $10.00 Trousers to Order If you want smart College Clothes, see our Spring samples and have us order your suit or trousers according to your own ideas. It 9 s Time to Order Now Hunter & Chatham Men’s Furnishers * i THE OFFICERS, FACULTY, AND STUDENTS OF THE A. and M. COLLEGE ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED ^ WITH THE BANKING FACIfITIpS OF The City lational Bank OF BRYAN DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT G. S. PARKER, President ALBERT W. WILKERSON, C’h’r E. H. ASTIN, Vice-President E. W. CRENSHAW, Ass’t. Cash’r Every Courtesy and Accommodation extended to Patrons. M. H. JAMES THE Leading Druggist BRYAN, TEXAS Stationery, Pipes, Tobacco, Toilet Articles of all kinds WHEN IN BRYAN CALL AT 3 Haswelfs Book Store \ For Spaulding’s Athletic Goods, Eastman’s Kodak Goods 1 The Late Magazines and a General Line of 1 School Supplies ^ Your Trade Appreciated |