The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 15, 1907, Image 2
l mxj ; /HI BiirTlkLI«N i I ! »<MH MMMHP • ; . I Bu^t>«*s! - T%Nt J tc»i»n|i lUlWAV 1. #. c. M a h $t C. A $«HA*r ^ l l ’ A* Cc«.uhs i.mlMiAtt - - LOMkMM.x «. Max *#uik*T AMJSTAMT R F- RuoctrM C M A, A. RSLM D. B. t.'.t IA-Ch ♦! AmoamI* Alftor-in-CIii*I BumMu Man»£«r Mana|«r Local CUito anga KUitor Afkl»H« Editor Editor T H.tC A EU tor H\ ahs J. A- Ward ft* NOTICE. >n(eAd«d lor ■ turc of DmI'IH accepted WKU«t ■■•o OEa' IWB V aoe not sigacd. W ixaa. February *3. MUCK P*K ANNUM . St*. H.a$ D*I«PAY, MAY ui muid^ m miuio ■ thi» school for huthands is that they hare seen a sample of what can bt. doie by t graduate of the X, A CtHJ-Ehf: W W S. VACATION. Sladcnts Incited tn Vtlt-aA frir| «••<** * the »*»«*»-» Aaaoctadd. 1 ac^po^. Xhe rfsier of one of" the ‘ wo»i «t CUfioaf UTl A*jric«lt*ral add Hedhanlctd ' , « . i ' .-fTW. ; *1 'girls had married a man frdm this- Sunday cvci^ng Mr. Kbieatileof' schotd and he had made many iftu Houston, State secretary irf the Y.jj pro vein cuts ondhe allotment The , M. Q. A., •ddu-ssol^iofie off the writer *»>•*: '}*, y sister contends members of the -ssocidtlon i.-re, that sdie i^ruote ucl^y than I. She with, the intention of glting ttome ii so proud of her white husband'-* *' *-* - — « 0 .. and their little chief. Her husband put in a water wheel at the moun tain spring and a dynamo. Wire* run from thcdyiAuno to con venient 11, where they arc electric motors the hisgiat kind threshijlg ma- rn shcller, shuck r, nntl various l out their house places on the fi eodnected with These motors tu of tnachiuftrjh-r chine, sawtniU, pKss, alfalfa smaller machines and bar: s. They hav^: their i'aru f pf the students to attend the Sum- mer’s recreation at Clifton, where it is held every venr froth July 16 to July »6. Clifton is situatuiL on the ^Bosqnc, and the caiiif> will be on the bank of that stream. The scenery is splendid and the large lake formed by the dam in the river, affords plenty of snort in the way of boating and fi-ding. The tent# and beds are furtaishedj by the association. So id also the food, which is always of. the tjest. yard and feed Ioif pared with a*- The necessary expenses ; thcre N are pbnflr. They keep their barn wall*: only *t railroad fare is one \\\q HANDSOME PRINTfD and ENGRAVED VISITING if- foh commencement PHONI ¥ ramrrra-i'ii * It ha# long been kimwn s.iys tlie Galveston Nexks. that' Unfe is a strong demand in the business world f<ir gmduqtoof the jA'^ricul- tuial untl Mechanical College. It now aip{ieah# 1 that -a u^w demaud for such gradnates has come into existence. The young nipii wht» get the'^-^lucatioa hi^ re Ate to go at a Qreluiam in (f.o i market, if a recent letter rtceivdl hj’ Presi iept Hatrington dii to bi^ taVcii aa indication of thei gen *ral attitude of the fair sei. Th letter wgs Written by tjwtif Indi.r maider.s of the Chi^kh-ari'Is'titiom. and ;\yaa accorapanicil liy ^phr>to- graplis gnd cliTipingv ffo f, f Tl»c PmUAs NtwL.desc^bip^: tliaLi allob IpMMm. .Tile letter foiiows: k ^yl’e Art sending you oir pic- tures and our lyttefA to This Nev.> describing < wr nllntmteds, Please .framie thnnfuul hang ltv«tu: it some ■r^nhiieht ]}htce in ycd co!k^ We nmst haAe #d*tilihcally ?<iucat- ed husl.amis if our .aUbtnici ar iwer jTr<|perb- ileve!o|>cd ai im proved. |.Thi#jis the tisc Aith all the eductued Chickasaw ciriis In diau bos^ are not at I'.tisp’emj CUlClD^ hie* kiivdf. 1 tbc ami th- walls pf their oliicken If.Usc-i sajLuraUd wijth oil from IhJr (>il spring. TfaM pD’eures and prcvcittts mtinpe atfd kills lice, mitts *0)1 ftea>. Thcy^ have piped tljcigus fr<dp the nil spring down to flicir house and Uaru. Their nothiL if* lighted rml hcate 1 jwith Anf ther lit v-a:if^irg f. r -wk’ idlotnaei.t in order tlvr vri*c{j says: “My guardian!thing tern’s tp deVclo spl^'au vocphTteC <}f walnut logs all} R t rong . fellowship. Orrlf !og^ were thence i 1>> ll ^ vvh^rc Jhey The; India n diau Lo>* are not;; IheTbee# ▼ will nlwiys i&uctx will do n mif 'T , *r von SHAViHS J PA aiiOF the walnut]treen i t myjfortst large ’ atteihl so the Itoy* wim’ tno igil Mi-rphrl at fko jxr tree.! pointed n tlu»t score:. rh<( •otp-ifier ^it i6o tree*. These, Several of th.- b#V^ Ahippc 1 ip Galveston,jeon ( stehn ei t<|> OentBiuy,' tbeic Weft fiwd In the Anan- wauted theta, whether Me .i? an a* miU' Tteire and one-thint faje round trip. The | daily programs will cnnsjst of pis- cuasions on general . Msociagion work and Bible study in the morn ing and rc beati mq and good, aidid fun in the ereuidg, Gop^ inst^uc- 1 ton .in the Hibtu and *p alders have I been secured- liasebajl, tciaiis, fishing, baUd»g and rowiug wifi be ■“ 'mNm ; ** thej yen ing, Avv^ry- a *4o4. will also .litre it lire Lid vencet- : ■ t - nik 1 « » . b * fuu. Paeaqntifm a#hl * !&,' my »«« fstomf«,!«»„, ,.Jt It tii- ^aA.tqq. i wap. r i . ’ . Lfi l- 1 uf»< Ante of* iog furiut ueck bkon dovfn in ^ forist tliis morning trying ' tojj .count, rdutaiiung binaftler • wiiltiut’ti oes. There afe 1.50c |>f tluoi After thfcsc if icts were nitdiij kiidjwn to tlir corfs of fadahl. * *J, • - ##fal of th.- bPV# bah4 already ’ to go. * itr.i rs LiU 1 r lime ptriufts. T Kvpr^bcK y is The First N *r 36 1 n 11 ^ ,s —■. I T* ~ OF BRY/ Cesignated United States tional Bank M4 ; i. . Capital . Surolus and Profl m We Uon aui of anr s .leaire to * ami re oil* painstaking endt ml alt service* <le*| ,1 .. . tXCl’K.SfOM FfiOAl 041 • — ! Oalla* A. and M. Ciiih CvUcge at.jLmixBcoc- Tlu t- i«. viilK is clij f; om 5>oattd. ^ little .-,.-^.5 l. .. t . P|P ^tlttoOfeUAk* Om M>« «i«*n «rnn;|r4 hL Uie’nortHiound trail. i„ a -J» Uk J. * oultutiil- riii-1 Mivbi ;Ou« or two r instructors are also ) I fH R, Trafirlr hot a;iu Cold baths ex- culttirul- arid MivAinitioal l Co!l Club. All memheVls of tju Iron. OblteBci® 1 "* ,rK - n ^^ , "V itUc i«t( lb), they tooV: tmiduif,. lii bdiJStf W‘2"'#’ “* "W t:dii kg 1* ve la mis Slatioi 4 SO tri : -- oil u-eto lutk: suspi.Ji*> T 1 ,a t" ’- ‘ h, 'efr.taij.j wl^e! Vt •> rate, khy pubhCHtion 10I the ^ l 1 * P . . IWttlm has drkaud an enortnottA inj * »vll|j<>un:; gn i .uip dr* ->ft turest auiong t#e [eligible at; VllV i‘ ‘' u,n R .^Uenpiik- tl’.C ,, * 1 • * 1. . t.« i. ; nareiit^ c.t xr.iti* t mnatc and x issdie to say the iat l’ockhonta#t > will not long to imx* iMkok tu icTcna HRYaN. 1..' wi ,i 'T \ -f!! ilAsof: ti<tl Fi. I-Oh, jtili'j xx^elil h-the ji*rvsl<le«t and havr luWl&fek* mm j W -|pk^*ayr || be.wnhput it batulA. 4 miti'itT :hinciliy traiuetl bus ptretits bf yodivj ,are 1 -v..u '<4i. p«j 11 vit#flik<^j .hi ‘J,.. ..u-::rsi' lufcwlpati.m iB rv IMF. UR«AT. -srfe — —- Ptlbi UNIT Spaldiqg’i Foil Ball I j mmm PT u BWiJjrj l*«-ket t'ttUeVy 1 ii-|M i b»*" r »*. R-a.i. .xi*.i*- ml AKfirrHS AMfi (llVAHe AI.I.MiHKm- l^KLlcirOb- <’HCK:t»LATjfc* V RE A Mb AND CAfiiPl|E.« HOT or i OLn >OtJA WAT^ftR Pr<tE li ft CREAM. ■■ !■*■ V. jf a , \V* SaTleit Y-xnr lb»(tron#<r* ilk. • t In ucatne they slreaxk for hiia, how- \ Vatjtvn * t kb teeth b*>k ih.rt *1 y> T 1 £0 h*i\ nil l>ahie* naniMl 4-lV) ) 01 To !)*•« to iit#e wild (U rcign ftoakx and sk>w 'em in L-U« •am wiu: jtu it filxf > ■L#4J way t». wyL ; mttty i4 ihirfrc-' khlx jjlcdkr n To Leture to tA< .1*y A ^at. 4re«k? t*» t»^* l*c(orejt teivlom t Ac<iu*ft<t therrt Vnh i$c | , whimnn shcjolkl ixn To hnvt* to grab jthi- agi Le * Hia1 from I'o Hae-v a liat; nimel for Him’ To rklo upon t#* ctH>( wkfthip * itirt, j >Vhox j-.waiMy a'pictun hi* heart i Kinan and toll him on seven plunb, Imlip club and in hi* xort of thing* a ixcar? troat and tear it < r brand of whiiley ijr travel, to tee a VV »Vlicn : netiimt w rap V' Mkeaelf Utw-n., A*ad tt.vvl ^xeneath thrir [T. • r*dc tce>cretif. And, ..tipfcitv hj ■’ wookln t gt< Tu haVe the johl . Pltttdent. I j Kute «Travt. un ershirth. J Waldrops, , nan^.'rivcs lie {given 1 Upxs V rhs.: krn. t rs 1 iu- 01 any #mj all *erlrlo**i t. 411 ■ T : aNF] „ J. W. HOWULL H. O. BOATWRIGHT GUV M. BRYAN, IJR. L. L. MclN'NIS “ F. M. LAW ! SIOO,000.00 46,001 troBa pr<«nipt att*-n r to tin* perfprmout ai JPtlH lifttida. fll ^ President ' Vlqe IPresidefit Vide President v . Assistant Cajhler " 1 Z oF, H. H. i-iV. B1 r-’« HENRY & BR ' WHOl.KrtAlJli GRAIN AM 1— .> * < ll 1 ^-: 1 SMl inox rt- ~ T^r tr>l uvKjfihr RtrsiN»4* Rj«T.ri c riffl '\if ITB Tn#DR m44 t ' DON BROS. fsi> jii-rAiiw-r T v'Jf ALKRSkh : i "4!. i3^r *r <: fflt arrr— T I« tntwpv, hrrian t iouVUvlll H.flttr. The I^allns visit*-r- will) cvrtai be w^crt:he>l l|y NiUi H ujkitts ^ I icnlly PROF ALVOtO OOFS TO TEXAS. Prof. C. if Ajvord, v.lio for Lite past five yenrs hh^liet-n f^rr^tiv; Hillsdale Co., Mich., has Brtcept^d the position oiF Professor Agifi culture in ,theiTexas Agkcultufnl Coniribtj:ii»n to Lon# . ftorn ky Mon. W. and MechanicttfCollege tit Collrkre Station, atid bps taken umhis reli- dence at that place. He Iks rented his fat;m in Michigan and haH been granted a leave of alisenc^ by\tie Michigan Legislature of which te was a member last year, represent ing 1m county ln the lower houtc. Prof. Alvord was couBected with *h«w i« neare- to the Texas college and station lor several years, Revering hi^ cornu c- Its to act and ruth tion ,B *9o* to engage iq fqnni ig in his native state (MfchikanJ, 10 ioinLabutc in con- that Itpris well a - 1 twitll tl|e comliti with, which ins wo k will bfing him*in contact, j He has t'-'r ddy hat of beag • vi *R t 4 Tgxas -cvcral limlrs M# t ie -^Dmllm Ncm. of this journal *u»4e bis ffc- ’ thisw»f4k it come*. J-TV' RavvHngs B Huyler’s Pipes,'iCigars an* ■W -'ml re PIOMIR TIMES AT A. 4ND W. 11 j ram Ball Goods- andies * Fancy Tobacco# il, . lil llf'.'i:-! ' ** HOWARD R. CAVITT w id 1 T ' <* 1 ' i-i .ot| a mi Li I .. ;movali»)» Michig'ui, nnc tlti^w Bnfl short sleeve has kept him ifi touch \<a#riclii)j: I a vail Kotx.Tr 1 react: niami suit at Parks with tgw* live stocjk, interns «>f tie 1 wjill take h:s degree in June Statc. — Brovolers Garerte. ! A Trcnck**«. Onje of the L 0>t '■LlualJe *r?i .-le^ in the “Long Horp*’ is entitled “Pioiieer Times at the Agricultural and Medianical Cfdlcge*’* II H ttrritten liy ^on. W. A. Tne-oek- mantf, a member «»f the presen Legislature from Austin County, who was one of jfhe first students to register jin (876 and graduated, with the fam-ms cless of 187^. It is crowded with reminiscences of President Gathright, Dr. Martin, Maj. Banks, Prof- Hogg, Gen. Hamilton P. Bee and Other names tamiliar 4o the jK-ople of Texas a generation ag<j. It is an interest ing fact.Jji this connection, that Mr. a son hefe. Cadet; Rof>ert' Tryackmatin, uho “ Un ?.~GaJ- •;I I I rnimel J ! 1 *Sc iVlaloney jM'lbiit yoifr paarnnitg** [ QmQ© F^c^rfumos St^lionerij ’ j eto. AtHetio (3oc -- i ! oods Lto Oh ,0 V! « ates T J $■ jjveston News. il j t a rf: **■*— U. Allen Myers 8a f e t y Razors cket Knives, Etc.