The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 15, 1907, Image 1

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    ■nr.T, ?
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Weekly by the Stadent#’ Association of the Agriculteral and Mechanical
I i
This h
n /
Yovi frill find that no other store
in town can show you the college
styles We do. We’ve had many
years experience selling college men;
we know just what they want and
we cater to their every whim.
1 h
New Spring Suits
for Young Men
, I *
I ' •
Embody every kink and turn of fash
ion ; those Htae thipgs, so dear to the
heart of every college boy, can only
•be found in thesi handsome suits/
\ it--
We show ! them in an immense
....(variety of new spring patterns, dub
Checks, shadow plaids, plain and
fancy blue serges, aut in the heitfit
ashion, either 'single of double
l ed, ik n t
L i l ■llmllij H '1 iffi. t
^ i I\.v rw.’*
fancy 1
of fas!
$12.50. $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $20.00
Twa Oaawa Fr
niw m rain mm m mu
The Technological Branch of the University.
A^Hcultutal, H<
ultural, Animal Industry;'Mechaulcal, Civil. Elec-
extile and Architectural Engineering.
»l n*r«HAry *x , ncindiiy dot King and book*. Onb
red and Fifty-Flvk Doliaia per MMion. (i««86ed iapplicant*, eighteen or oVer,
on cert&hcate without examination.
L'AatM u TtAlNisc tiittx in the geoaral «ub)«tt». Hagluh, Hi«tor> r Mathemat
ic*. Modern Language* and. the Applied Science*, which form .the ftaindarton for
iTpcinicai lamuctiea. F ie vour application ao|r. Catalogue free on request
College Station, Teai. \ , i 1 * M ’ ^ • I ' -fteaident. .
r'l 11 . I nil Tnl.T ■ 11J I It I I*. I. i /
1 ' ' * , j - r . —
(Austin Statesman)
Texas took two games from the A.
and M. team on Clark Field yester
day afterncon. Both ] games were
brimful of interest, and while the Far
mers put up a very plucky light, fre
quent errors and the hitting of Texas
proved too much for them.
The feature of the ..Temoon was
the pitching of Graham for Texas.
He pitched the first game allowing
five hits, and with only a few minutes'
rest pitched nine innings more, mak
ing a total of eighteen innings in one
afternoon, allowing only seven hits
throughout. He was carried off the
field at the end on the shoulders of
his supporters.
The two'games, though both were
interesting, sere ia striking contrast
to each other. The first was a carni
val of errors; the second was played
with almost PWfert fielding. Hits
were numerous m the first and scarce
in the second. The first abounded
in spectacular plays/the second had
none of them
During the second game occurred
what has seldom, if ever orurred at
baseball game at the University. The
grand stand, seeing Texas about
lose, cast away their silence and gave
a number of yellai cheering every
good play by each player., •**Hulls
baloo" and Rattle-de-thrat" were
given also, and the silence that usual
ly pervades the crowd during the ball
| games was broken up thoroughly.
Texas started the game right, mak
ing three Ains in the first inning. Ja
coby singled, stole second and third
and was sent fo the plane by Lg
Prelie, who reached first on an erroc,
to be scored a moment later by
Wathen's home run. 'The Farmers
tied the score in the third inning hy a
succession of hits and errors, only to
see Texas make .three more in thq
fouith and one more . in the eighth,
which ended the scoring. Texas'
victori in this game was dud to the
Kslley. W..S7
Hu#, p..]... -
Milligan, ef
Smith, V.,L . .T,..
We- rndorfj C. .. .
Black, 2b L.. ...
Maori He. 2b
Ehlsagsr, ib.....
Horn*by. «f
Texas 300 3m
Farmer* 003 00
Home Run*—Wathen.
Two-base Hits—Jacoby (3),
Base on Balls — Huntsville,
Hh by Pitcher—r-hlen^er, Francis,
Struck Out—By Graham, 10; by Huff, 5.
Stolen Base*—facoby. LaPreiW.
A B. R. H.
Totah 33
Score by inaiogs—
3 3
r wist mmi
The climax of many treat* camt
Friday evening when Miss Hattie
Lou Hudson threw open her spaci-
out* home for the entertainment of
Company C, of which she is the •
most charming sponsor. Ut
t The color scheme in rod and
om—7 ' white wax carried out in all the de-
ooo—3 corations. Japanese lanterns shed
1 soft light over the roomy
lawn in the centre of which *was
spread a large tarpaulin with its
many enshions; and just beyond
were the swings, the popular cosy
corners and the summer-booses,*
which were tastefully decorated in
greens and red and white roses.
Within, the decorations were cen-
tened in the dining-room, where
long streamers twined from the
candy laden table to th# 1 ornate
chindeltT. ; ’ It
The boys arrived at S:.'><$ add
were rficeived by Miss Hudson, who
run was surrounded, as one bewildered
score | cadet said, by all the pretty girlain
Egwan,- After the introduction*
tfie crowd passed out to the lawt
where conversation, games and fre/
quent trips to the punch 1k>w1»—*
over which Misses Helen DeMaret]
Stella Johnson, Madeline Hanway
and Louise Batte presided- filled
in the all too short time till the re
freshments were served. ' *
, ; 1 B • vj*
G. B. Foscue won the print, a
pretty gold A. and M, C. ^in; at
<‘N<*ey Poker. Tbit game dif
fered from the usual game of jdlt*'
name in that it was a guessing Con
test and not a card game. . BfigMiK
made the best contribution to the
paper Zoo and as a pme received
a unique mottb-eard. ;‘A i
In the eating contest Brazoa-hron
cn'er Frit^ by a large scone, for
[where Fr itz got away with a battle
of olivts.
TFXAb, 2. Farmers, 1.
Things began to look rather bad - 1
for Texas in the fourth inning of
second game, up to which time m
had been put out in one-twB-th
order. In this inning, with twb nr
out. Smkh landed for a horn
over the left field fence. Th«
stood 1 to V until the sixth, when
Wathen scored, and Walker made
the winning run in the seventh.
Smith for A. & M. pitched a pret
ty game through, pulling himself out
of three bad holes. In the sixth in
ning Wathen hit for two bases,
reached third pn Francis' singlo and
scored amid cheers a moment later on
McMahon's safe drive. 'I'hir tied
the score until the seventh
when Walker singled, reached
on Graham s'sacrifice, third od Ja-
cdby’s hit and scoaed on La PmUe's
beautiful drive to :he fence, winning
the game. , This game was rath Or de
void of spectacular features.' iHhpugh
Wathen and McMahon workW *
pretty double play in the eighth and
Graham captured four assists in i two
innings { f eature of this game
was the pitching of Graham, who,|out-
side of Smith's home run, aMWgw
oaly one hit. One other man rekeh-. * i ^ ,>
«l Km b... on an erm, by Jf “ ™ •** rd * d -]
spoon. * , j '[ y
Hra/osdevoured six tnxits
dif sojad gnd four bricks of ( .ice
IIUS game uun»
the, who let slip Pr j2~1 c . . ' |
T * xa »- . A.B.JR, H. p.o. a. b.
Jacob/, pb •/*!. L| 4 0 l T|S o
La Prellf, 1/ .. . 4« 0 2 0
When in Bryan Call at-
1 1* 1 LL'l ^ T T->
Haswell s Book Store
McMahon, lb|. .
Fulcher, ci- .4,..
Walter, rt,../..
Grakans,-p- -l •
We can supply all the shool wants at the
errors of the visitors,
, _ ' Fraacu
many a good opportunity fori putout, w
making ten errors. Jacoby*f hitting
was a feature, fie getting thpee twb-
bagRers. while Francis, though crip
pled. got a hit for two bases.
V I .a P^elle won applause by.running t TotaN
back against the fence and pulling Farmers—
down a high drive, and Kelley for Kellrv. jh.
I the Farmers made a beautiful bare-; Moore. H-.
i handed catch of a hot drive. Errors
were few for 'Texas, and only three
;ar* charged against her.
1 V-f
1 t
3 » i « ore
1 i l||
34 2 6 24 |f
A B.
. 4
MiHi^ar , d . . 4
Nfi» If h . p
WaaamdoH. c ■ - 3
Block, 2b 4i i *
By Large Aodieocc ia Chapd
yCJ TT . . 4 ) [
Sargent’* lecture on
tatiou qf Armament and Ar
bitration” at the chapel Saturday
night was well attended by the
people and the students
He ghbwcd very conclusively that
T’.U Hague Peace Congress can
never 'place a limitation on the
Armament of a nation. He dis
cussed. the views of the different
M on this question and de-
tbe fact that it is to the
interests of the nations
to increase j I their \ navies and
strengthen their armies. He re
ferred to the continual warfare ia
the amnqil kingdom, and drew the
loonclusion that war is the natural
means of settbng disputes. Since
there is always a<|x>ssibility of war
between rival nations those nations
will continue to increase their
Roaa—Now, Max, you
must speak to papa today.
Max: Certainly, darling; He’s
got a telephone, I snppoae?—Flie-
gende Blatter.
Huff and Kelley did the hiding fori Huauvilk, !$
the three scores to the college’^ credit.! EHIoagar, lb. $
Jacoby hurt himself slidhng to second ] Haf. If 3
near the end of the game, but recov
ered sufficiently to continue playing.
Witherspoon at short was not given
an opportunity to make a single assist,
and only twite in the two games were
balls knocked in his dirootion. Only
two of tha Farmers failed to make
errors in this game. j
Trim r\ A.B? R. H. P.O. A. E.
Jacoby, 3b 5 2 3 0 4 2
LoPVaUa, V . 5 3 0 I • •
whtfWo, *k -S S 1 1 4 2 0
Fraocia, c 4 • 1 9 3 1
Wilbers n, m ... 3 0 • 0 S 0 ... 4 . 0 2 8 19
Fokhw, cf- 4 • • 3 0 •
Wakar. If....... 4 0. » 0 • •
Grabam, p....... 4 1 1 0 12 •
; i I
3S 7 7 27 22 3
The refreshments were salad,
cfackers aud olives, served iti fed I
anti white schooners, and red spd
white brick cream backed- by delici
ous angeJfood,
The souvenirs were pretty lit|teN
l*X)klets having a cut of tha thaio^" ^
pionship football team with tjUb i;
names of Miss Hattie Lou Hudson,
and Arthur T. PottSjfcw}* /
tain, joit 1>elow. J * ': Eyv
The reception broke up at tnid- ^
night, the company expressing ;
themselves as having had a most
pleasant time. The music through
out the evening was furutshed by
the Bryan string orchestra.
Those present were Mesdgmga
Geo. Smith, Ballard, Carnes, Mana,
Buchanan and Hibbs, Misses pfiL*
Innis, Malcolm Mclnnis, Alberta
Adams. Maggie McDougmld, Allie
Conway, Ray Conway, Robinsoq,
Naanie U>a and Lola Betts, .fMdiJF
and Clara Mawhinney, Zimtaer-
man, Herndon, Rhodes, Ruby,
Vivian and Corine James, Saun
ders, Harris. DunWp. Reynoldaj
Rhodes, Bessie and Blanch Bach- '
Else—What do you think? Tb4 anan, Eaves, Peverly, Irene
artist who li\-es opposite is goinji Board, Batte, DcMerit, Gus
to paint me as Diana. i sie *ltuchanaD Prances Chance,
Candid Friend—And very ap- Webb, Jenkins, Cole, Roman,
propriste too. considering the way Garth. Smith, Seek, Tabor, Cool*
you hunt him down —Meggeudor- ter, Foote. Martin, Loin Tabor,
2 2« it
. ooo osi 10*-
Total* - ...... 30
Score by inning*:
Farmer. 009 100
Home Kim-—Snsfib-
Siruck Out—By Graham 7, by Smith
Two-barn Hits—Wathaa.
Sacrifice Hit*—Walker. Graham.
fer Blatter.
v H
. tyili
Gregg, Knowles.