The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 01, 1907, Image 3
1% — — ii Tennis Season Here WE CAN *ELTSw GREY o! WH1 WHITE . - M t A You Prepared? r -■ '.-j IOW SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN FORDS. WHITE & FANCY VESTS E DUCK TROUSERS. C A N VA S OXFORDS jM • .' . • M | CHAMPION brand: WHITE TENNIS OXFOHDS (Rubber Soles) WHITE TENNIS SHOES (Rubber Soles) -V BLACK TENNIS OXFORDS 1 (Rubber Soles) iCK TENNIS SHOES ( Rubber Soles) | jsTO.f K — ALL Sli KS & Chatham '"■% Furnishe Y. N. C. A. REOTNO. I — Studeata tell al Their Inifre^-ioA of Mr. Weatherfard. ^ At the meeting of the .Y. M. C. A. Sunday night, about for&Wttf&i bers were present. The meeting was opeofelby two songs and a prayer by Hr. Ward. The purpose of the meeting was to havtj differ ent ones give the impressions tr..»<k upon them by the addresses of |fr. Weatherford. /About ten ex pressed their opinions. All Jpe^l to have been impressed by the speaker’s personal character, bis placing before himself j the high ideal—a clean life. Others said that the talks had been instrumen tal ia their attempting to better themselves, in making them get doeer to the Bible. After discussing several business items the meeting adjourned after a prayer by Dr. Powell. —T- ■ TARGET PRACTkt April 2S, I9e7i Required tcort 16. 1«8 Y«». 100 Yd»i 100 Yd». i ■11 lKe City Q R’ 1 V ' - deisio n atei united ST I With capital, sui dred thousand d< over half a milIU eral banking bur Ices to the put lute safety, as experience and the officers and management of the faculty and College solicited, O. S. PAI E. H. ALBEI EO. S. D> E. W. Cl - mm t latiortal Bank ,N,> V IEROSITARV OF tME ES GOVERNMENT lus and profits of one him larsand total resources of dollars, transacts a gen- I ness, and offers its serv {with assurances of abso- iranteed by the character, mclal responsibility of :tors charged with the Bank. The business of students of the A. and iT. j; :ER, President Vice-President r . WILKER50N, Cashier >EN, Asst. Cashier ISHAW, Asst. Cashier s;|s3 I H J it T. t. 9( VO*TM'O*,,-'" v. | I'*1' V,Np. X I ; ., J 1:26 p. w No. 5j.......<.4...J|U:3S*. («««) | SOlTH , b M ^, i ' I • . 1 -du r. m ' ' X RAlfLROAD The Gky Club ha5 gone to Fort I ui t. t t, SCHF.PULT. j VVt>rth to aftehd the State Federation 1 aei’Kp. | j of Singing SocietiRs. 1 • i Bewwn’R College Barber Shop | Will be j provided With two chairs F® year. I*ro«ipt and first class , No. 21..;..,-•‘-ji-atSY p^m.jWcrk. j I j | . t { H • No. ..1.2^7!a. m. (Hag)| I > t 4 I, 6c G. N. St HKDULE. . i M ^ ‘[ kI McMiilan will • -tf 1»& B No. Ill A..,. ■ ■ »■ m. j tadet C| VYi ifomevar has gone ounc .-t sickih-s. fr Capt. H. H Sarfcul. c oirdt ... .^ S 22 Cadet Capt. A. T Potla— —« $ ia LmuI J A Ca»Wa.——— S ,20 f L. H Lam- part — S 22 , r Pat M Biaia* S 20 M “ P. Khiara » 1* I." L. * Laa- da_... S it T '* A. L Xaa- «r» ... $ 10 j ^ 200 yds. Capt. H, H. Sargent. , Coaedt ^ 5 17 Cadet Capt. A. T. Potts. t ia 1 Uaat. L- H. ■ <[, < La a, part $ 21 > S 21 4 IV > t... coaomRooement week, to 4o not 4 17! 5 17! $ 14! i* N » Just two things and a perfect tooth bf ■\ tooth powder because^ ing them. It make^ iRseptici, Price 25c.; 1 antee. Comes in are Saved i 4x1 1l7 j |needed*—a perfect tooth powder* Our Tooth Powder |s a perfect rleanses the teeth without harm- e gums healthy and the mouth ir Special Tooth Br h u - tl sizes and tejflfees. Price 25c. m > - a. King Quality! , j ^ King Quality Shoes! King Quality Shoes A*e better! Patronize Benson’s Barber Shop. 'adet H.C. Cioldwire has resigned to fet^pt a railroad pivsition. j Sebd your white suits to the Ineeda Prof. N. H. Brown visited several points in North Te*a s last week. Tl» Ineeda does excellent work on Panama hals. r'v Read Hunter & Chatham 1 ® ad in this issue, read it now. Cadet G. A. Blat kalles has resigned on account of the sickness of his r tfatkeij * fl 1 The Sqndzy evening band concerts are greatly enjoybd by the students and others. . Have your suits, hats, uniforms and drill , >hi rts cleaned at jthe Ineeda Laundry. A good mandolin and outfit for sale, $6.00. Cali at No. 9 Austin Hall end examine it. . tf The marriage of Mr. H S. Daven port, Agr.’04, to Miss Litaie Jackson of Palestine is announced. Cadets Granau, Irvin, Amller, Maness and Hannay visited the Hempstead barbecue this week. .i"'r 1 i 11 i to be hopod that he will soon be able to retnm ti| college. Dr. Powell has been asked to take •Pl loint the^boys’’ charge oi t$e de|>artment of acts and epistles at t|ie*Y. M. C. A. conference at Ashville neki June. | C COMPANY ENJOYS A BOX. reception which wan to be I given C* Cnwpany by its ®pousor Mumi Hattie Lou Hualbon was post- oo account of the iRn*^> of H udwM, Rather than to dis* sent them 4 large box contaimug/ice cream and cake. At 8 o’clock the company assembled at the Mess Ha 11 —: * The juhwi - hnfineermg ,1„«, " h " e th ' “ rV ' have a,op.«J ,he follow,n, ye ||. |«d <" «»P‘«* the boy,. | X’, Yr, dX, dY, dZ, Z YJ, Z, dX, s Yhis it math, at the A; it M. C. 1 hrough the kindness of one of the residents df the campus, we pub lish in this number an article compar ing Clemson College with Texas A. : and M. j I ■! .{ . > -j News ha|S come to us that T. M. More than once werk^saucers sent back to be infilled. At teno’clock the happy crowd was forced to have the place 'where i'thhy had spent several pleasant hours. . Red dell, of Aledo. was married a few days ago. While [ here he was a prominent *‘bnghuoter’\of~The "08 M class. He waa in charge of the feed- expenments at Clarendon last FalL We. extend to him and his "better hallj’ Our sincere congratula tions. The cattje feeding experiment at this place tyhwih was mentioned some time ago closed last Ifriday and the catde and fcogs are on the market at Fr. Worth <lhis week, A slaughter test will be run on each lot hatying a different f^ed by the Ft.* WoKh packers. Hrof, Bums will be at Ft.' Worth this week directing the teat. A check on this expenment will be run here nefa year. It will be started earlier in tMi season in order that the steers nfay have a better finish put on them going to market. - ’ i—■ - -A , SIO.OM reward. I W. L. Douglas make® and sells more 53.50 men’s shoes than any j other manufacturer in the’ world, j Ten thousand dollars rewdrd will : be paid to any one who can dis prove this statement. We are ex-j elusive agents for this shoe for men teen new styles vici kid and box calf, low a*d high cuts. Wi!son,& Derden, Norwood stand. ' 1 ana Your -Ur it ■ -i a the -..j Z,1 % ■ r '■ 1.1 Bagtal£on T. t rr ||L • ! ' IS I' What a PairylsnJ 3* What's Fairylandf This yesterptaca. half bid in hazy yaari—| This blurred ps>d wistful memory of our fears— A dream w* lived, unheeding, NsT TH1 unkenned beautisa. speeding. Brought ua this glimpse that now so fey j r j*. For no« >»e see it* wonders thrwigh our I ‘ wary • v And understand, j That's Feiryland! 'x — Ridgwmys. inaig!i.Bigf;gB!aj^i . V .... « THREE RINK f • hW Mr 9:30 a. m. to ia: 7:3<> Pi I SOUETHINQ MUSIC BY TME BAND {ESSI0NS DAILY fif 1 ! \x w- ii 1 1 \\ In ’lU -'li 3:30 p to 5:00 p m ING AL4- * T HE TIME 1 WEDNESDAY A FRIDAY NIGHTS * . r ■■ • m- IF YOU WANT THE BEST LOOKERS AND BEST WEARERS — — reasoupl Drop in and try on a pair; see how they fit,, see how they look. You will then appreciate their valt They are not only dependable when new, but dependable clear ou through a reasonable shoe lif Clapp Oxfords - - . 56.00 and $6.50 Bostonian Oxfords, - $3.50 and $4.00 I ;j >!T .!> i L \. ' r L L: ’ j • s s s s ^ o s. ' — V i i • ~-i— • I 1 1 ■ - r IL tr-