The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 10, 1907, Image 1
1 ^ I m !! . 4 ■ '• • i- A | -V p» LUME XIV m Weekly by the StndenU’ Association of the Agrualtural and Mechanical* fr^ Teraa. it COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APRIL 10, 1907. ' - . si ' W Suits *■ For Younffl Mil iMIuJ’.l! Oar «*ore »» brimming over with new Spring Suit* for Men ud Young Meru mer> fashionable fabric and paMa«nevery correct style is here to select from. No store between Houston and Dallas can begin to show »hr assortment we do, aad our jicich* you will had far below what thrv would aak you for the sametgoods. .Ness shadow plaid* aed stripey) small r lab checks, and solid shades of grtry and tan, alao a complete fine nit ' blue serges in plain and fancy' weaves, cut in the height of leak fan., either single or douhle- breasfed atyle, although the single 'kn4»4»d •coat is the proper thing nU * > $12.50 $15.00 50 $18.00 H and Pant. are mane luH p«c *op. •••k u .00 • ►I rhll I I 41 A i* , A Blur SrrgeSpecial • TaisihaiMsom* salt H mads or a-very tie* euahty of all purr wool Hlor Serge. euarsawei; last < >ler. SSuwt ih*o«i;bmit f htig IMe i dye silk, bsnd-eisd* collars UyHiidert and kutteatolds. lined With s henutind .|uaht\ of dark M»r tlcWani made i- inkba aeo stnrir-rruaated styla as shown atttri ek dcbMa-hereetad: both stviws re isadr sdth Mha bee ssafllias • form bitlne Mk. t'lpad padieJ «boulders and cues on star, j It will showi though, that Watkin is a second sacker that is there.*' Kelley lead off with a hit and took two more singles, a two bag* ger and a walk during the swatfest. Smith took a hit in the first and got to second on it, while Milligan forked around to the third sack. There was no connting done, how* ^ver, until the third, when with ICelley, Moore, and Wese. on the bags. Smith drove out a hot one. Dntch was stabbed at the plate but 4acoby favored us with a wild one to first to ent off Smith and Moore, atd Kelley chased across for a pair. The fourth was another inning to our liking. Huff walked and got second on Heweiler’s sacrifice. Black's hit scored. Huff and Kel- ’s did the work for Black. Out side of Moore’s hit in the fifth, our boys eased up t© give the visitors a breath. In the btveuth Kelley.laid a two sacker over the l^ft fielder’s head. Moore got first oti McMahon’s error which helped to put Univer sity in the air. Kelley scored. Snfith put one in the bole that Kelley found Imd scored Moore. Sears went to the bench, aud Tarle- : tr JuptoW** la WS«' Woe** for roulP coal vou SSSJOO bel by buvfae *•*•"> ‘ clbft* *r wowM <0*1 vou SSSJOO be I by buvsac ,Z7 r ^ , , .ntlllM snj .Hhnc Ihw os a vny clb** «*** « jya ** a'»p*ci«i. bi* ffkos, sf ' t ■' $15.00 fh | .Bcz son’s College Barber ifibopi ^rill lie provided witli two ^hair vt-ar. Iri-mpt ard first cl at, ,1 r lu ill I'llfilltfl '3=?ir^n If ^EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR \\, J i. E. ORICE, Proprleio. AND COLD BATHS 8,«. Of I. OF etERQY C. 0. m - f NUMBER .^OP T. i; A. ’ll *■ IH Friday > f U W*. by •f Texas. Mr. C. O. Moser. *04 been connected with the trol system as deputy since his graduation, has his position and has been Charge of a dairy farm by the U. B.' The farm is located in county, near Deniton. It^ the joikt control of the U. ernuxent and the Ai and M. The farm will be operated purpose of deaionsfrating fit to be derived I pom t business in Texas. * It about one hpndred acres. Mr. Moser while a semo A. and M. College was Company B and stood we front m his clasa.;* His ability and energy have tn previous undertakings wi cess. That he will do wel new’ field of work goes with ing, ami we are sore t Motet will always be a ; whom the A, and M, Cofi point w ith pnde. Let us h the other graduates in 1 r s Tv i • \mm ^ So THREE T\k O-BAQOERS AND A PAIR OF SINOLES IN SEVENTH. 1 4 i t IXX'B tiy K BRYAN. NOB MOTSl, ■C‘'i Thu Old Reliable JOHN WITTMANN Tailor Shop UNIURSIIY Half’s Fiuhin; ton put his toe ih the hoodoo box. M'.'Follie will'help t MUligan scored. Smith with a hit > name of this institniion aF and Dutch, jus^jtD keep in the pro-|Mr. Motor has help^l it.« cession, handed out a secomi de-1 n»' 1' 1 :— e ' . gree that enabled Milligan to score. *», —Li— 1 That was alxyut all for that time, j'l mith based out a safe one in the ■ inth, but couldn’t npike it coun Jaooby got one in the ninth, but Hqff tossed i-2* x t ball that looked goed to Us. xi'j | i The team work w’as as good as possible. There wasn't a dump play and only two errors. Better batting couldn’t be had. Huff pitched matchless bah for his firitj game of the season; and when itj was touched up, the team gave the) necessary support. Smith caught j a long high foul in the second as pretty as anything we’ve seen on tkc field. tnlffriday’s game, the tightest gameSttf the season, U. of T. got the credit of a a to 1 score. Both sides were in fine ttim, furnishing almost errorless support to pitchers, Graham and Smith! hits were scattered, and both evened up on two-sackers, taking a pair! each. Kelley w*s held off second by j Witherspoon, Watkin tound the ball and him, gnd the umpire 1 .died ^it ofit. In the sixth Francis laced long drive that hit ten fceet on the fo^l line but a too quick cision gave him a two base hit it and McMahon crossed over fore Moore could cut him off.lS Smith pitched great baty? kept them guessing. Ehlinger Kelley pulled down a hot each—Khlfiiger • taaking a jump for kis. He 1 • »t Watkin back to first, making a double 1 >jr. himself. Kelley got the tally n the third and would have made it to ip the first but for the play tioued abovfc. Jacoby struck okt twice, LapnDi - thrice. McMah< n 4»ce, Watkins onto. Walker ©nc i, ' ■■ (d)BiUntie|| cjn pag^ ) f — i \ is the Taft of Can always be depended upon for Quality, Style, Fit and Promptness..,.. aive us your order U'.i have lately been TBl4.iv- College from Mr. S. H. 99, located at Knoxville, , with the Dfiry Division ureau of Animal Industry, nt of Agriculture; from . Martin G. Lewis, of the same >.s, connected with the Mecham Engineering Department of the and M. College at Ames L VV^a Wallace, class of Purdue Uni- Mechardcal J Engineering t, as instructor in car design. Mr. Joe S- Welboan, ’06, came m Houston to take in the Tolunteer Ball. . i ■ ; x , .« - ; ■ : [ ■ J l:Jj 1' j rtlj .■ In a very;pretty game Saturday in which Huff allowed the visitors but three “measly” scitatcb bits riie College boys put it over the Uni versity crowd by the one-sided score of « to I,|the one resulting from an error. Even warming up the home boys shewed they had the best quality- df ginger and the* corps liberally applauded them. The Texas crowd, confident of winning, soon had their spirits dampened by Huffs wejird twisters and tornado straights.1 Many a lame back will return to tell why it failed to make connect ton s.j Sears was as easy as we ever want them—giving bases on. balls j'kud hits whenever he thought we needed theii. Tsrle ton, who replaced him in the -sev enth, was ; no better. Fftincis pulled down -a couple MHjHfek ffouls and did pcetty throwing to MO. PLAYKM 5 Ktlley 9 Moore 7 Smith « Milligjsa i 2 Wessendorf 1 Hoff 6 Heweiler* 4 Black 3 Eh linger A. *NT> M.l a:a. a. m. t.H. r.o. a. c. ’r<aals v Jacoby U Pull. McMahon Francis Witherspoon Watkin 1 Whiter i Gratep i 1 teat* 1 l arleton 1 37 Jacoby base one to 1 changed one spot, that the i . •! Ul . in | He WM tfce only and his scare is aB that I goose egg to a little nc score card Brill show I of the Iftftdk didn't jj.1 1 000 • 11 ’ ' ; 30 1 3 0 27 20 4 Milligan, J*- Totab I : '?: ™ 1 Summary; Stolen bases coby a. Two base hits: Kelley, Smith, Wesscndorf. | ' Double plays: Francis ito Wat* kin to McMahon. Struck oott by Huff eight; by Sears one; by Tarleton 1. *5 Hit by pitchq^ball: Ehlioger. Time of gam^ 1 hr. 50 min. Umpire: Mr. Robinson of Ko«m. Scoror: J. A. Collins. 11 sH-i S : I ^ iliU . 1 *! T l It IT 1 - Hosquilo Bsrs Towels _ j- Stetson Halts l-orus* C CK^n collars 4 Cato jWasdow Sh.J.. w.ndow Corkiaa 1 Hate Bra sail I'm mcl Tablets i>jck Psau aad laaPeBi I h il 4 i! 4 lav it £ 1 .•* y ‘: yv ruooi >aeai 11 ffi M Ml ■■ • J Shto—Outfit White Glovaai t B. S. 0 T. Hinas Eagle DnU Sbkrta Counter panes Tootte Iff >— ] Shaving So. r OBC otbRags Traaka and Sail Cases •m.' v m j - * TO OA.D1&TB. i rden iiimt v ' 1 1 jLij ai m i ii