- 1 «I1 ID is count to IStudents. i •j ti Sometod Eyes T ! are Aiwa: on ou The velvet optic* of gende (exnimnity : fl, •T« ever and atwajNi *ur»eyin| No mao can escape. To Win her sweet appSoval it behooire* ervery man to be naitljr dressed, (or there i* nothing a woman ndram^ more Am a wel groomed sty&h look. Have ydor garments made to measwe! Hsm- hem stviuh—wrfl tailorrd — ar.cJ made to 6t The ! INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO. rkake the* ganneoto this way—beyond crtticam—»and up to the hightpt standard of woman- * kind's approval. loss Hall F hr imp (Conunued from 1st page. > J itry the expense is The North Texas surprised m it the low which prevails Soufhw'est cas. Sixty fve cents a day is to be the ai-eta£e wages for ican labor, though in some it, can bte secured for fifty cafta. jj. igsvnUe wai the next poinit ananas were seen grow^- md luxuriantly^ At Mr. Hofll- ma farm orattge trees about four fee tall were tearing fruit. Mr. He fman irrigates with well Watjetj. l He has a (lowing well* hut he^m i a i imp to increase the flow ■ha: many acres of onions. His nei jbbor. Mr. Alexander, was har- v« ipj? at'd inciting carrots, when visited. On account of the dry We Ither hi$ crops teM|l h lit 1 ad not teen irrigated and tec Ued no rain, Mf. Alexa ai reservoir which covers near ly | Wo acres. ( i *• , ijtej- lee ving |Kibgsville tie par- erurued to (College by way q( >♦ pus Christi.Kennedy and Hou^ Alvin was on the schedule, it was not visited because tral^siitati >n Was not available, the students are very well 1 COURSE IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER. ! Vi SUGGESTED tV AN ALUMNUS. following clipping is taken very interesting short story written bvjH. L. Hutson of the da«l of-'96fortm; Galveston-Dalbs News. if [sen It is fall kf Isense and shoMld'put those "higher lAi’f to thinking. > o think, then,*’ said the Kng lish tourist; "that having fallen heip to a land (Only half finished, and he-! .mg untwi|ing to wait halt a million years no f nature cocnplete her work, you TltxJus’ can finish the job your- selves?;’ 1 ^ ^ 1 "AtU eet be will probably move three times the dirt, at a cost of more than three times the money necessary to accom plish the resell he wishes. If he were prudent enough to have the work laid out beforehand by a competent engin eer skilled in drainage work he could afford, if necessary, to pay three times as much for his labor and still spend no more money, and . you know 25c •pr 50c a day extra will soon bring all the labor we may need from other States.*’ I was glad to hear you say,” said the man who had alluded to the drain age law, "that your engineer, to be of use to the farmer, must be skilled in drainage work We need specialists. Many a good civil engineer with years of successful railroad work behind him has made costly mistakes on his first irrigation or drainage work.” “Yes, 1 believe the State Agricul tural and Mechanical College should offer a special course in 'agricultural engineering,’ and not only teach the students how to get water on and off the lands, hut also bow much dif ferent crops require and when it should be applied.” "Well, we do need a new breed of engineers,” the other agreed. ”1 am manager for a canal company, and our engineer, a man of ten years' exper ience in railway work, made the mis take of supposing that a scant growth of tall grass would not affect the flow In a Linal!” j _ “But donT you overestimate the amount of wt>rk to be done when yoq talk of needing ‘a score or more of hydraulic engineers each yearr” ques tioned the Knglflihman. J L Several men laughed softly. ^Ilaiw derestimate the amount of work’ would be’more like k,’* said the eG- gmetr. “(Iere are s few of the jobs we have to do ip the next ten or- fif teen years: j •! j 1 *; V ' ■ T '1 "The Bra nos, Colorado and Rio Grande Rivers need levees for about* 100 miles of their length' Undoubt edly the total: minimum flow of these rivets, as well as that of the smaller one*, will he used for irrigation. far there are but two of three plants on the Ura/os, R.o Ofand and Ciuad- alu^e; yet the Hraaosiia said to flow OruMhird more water than the Colo rado, which must‘ha’e twenty large danfcls. .*eru G. D.iTueker i FEED § LIVERY STABLE The Only (dibble on Main Street FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS, j THE ONLY RUBBER : *1 I TIRE CAfttUAGE IN BRYN. HKUi M. TLfcLm^ Le; BR' JAMES ling Druggist Stationery, Pi] Toih Tobacco Articles of *: >1 i all kinds e^ rather than by outsiders.” j ^**H***ri ; *j | J /' “It should, and it would be if | [Alt plefised with the trip.. .• i f THE GLEE CLUB CONCERT. Glee Club has definitely dt- upon April aoth as the date • concert in the college chapel year. On Friday night the I they will give a concert in the 0 P** house at Bryan. Mias net- tie Smith of Bryan has kindly con sented to assist, And the Mandolin and Guitar Cltthjwill give at least on* number. The program will be sin attractive one—the result of a ^fear’s hard work, j On April 28th th^ Glee Club goes to Ft. Worth to attend the festival of the Texas Federation of Bugliah Singing So cieties, of which it Is a member. fgad about the Blue Serge Special m Parks’ Si Waldrop’s ad. in this Wi 1 •* •• I .j ♦' ■iil- and drait ”S es. rlfeap labor js’the gijeat need of this cminitg: now,'* agreed half a dozen vt :*•. - j j ‘ i/f ] < I Lyn use cheap labor, or any other kj ij, to advantage,’ i^he first speaker i drmtted/’bgt 1 tell ^ou w hat we need ntore than labor, napre than capital. nOre than any other class of men or means of developme*. is en gineers.” if this‘new drainage law proves effective^' spoke up another man who had bevp listening in silence so far^ "Texas W^l be able to use at once a score er fume of trained irrigation and drainaRejetigineeri.” “Maybe so; but,” the Houston cotton b(iyer protested, “I still insist that wh*i it comes to digging ditches we can get along better without the engineer* ^han wkhout the pommow laborers.'* b “And 1 .. work; tf J. Allen Myers for Safety Razors (Pocket Knivea, Etc. ’I 0 3 r ii 4