[K! t li! 1! : flli Its -UM.E f i Published W|m IdySby the Students’ Association of the Agricultural and ew Col COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, MARCH 27, I T J - if of Texas. "T“ \ h>'\ 4 -f T L k_ For Young ■<) r i Suits i J i • • »! N li >ur »tor* it trimming over with rSpring Suitt for Men and Young I; everf fathionabte fabric and ira, every qorrect ttyle. it here toahlect from. No store between Houston and Dallas can b^gin to 'l>ow <* assortment we do, and our pricm you will bnd far beipw what they\ woe Id ask you for the aM* tood«> x >i NeW shadow plaids and (tripea, small Club chedfcs, and (#lid shade* • of gr«rv and tad, also a complete HnS blue aergm in plain and » y weave*, cut iV the height of io4. either single or double* breasted style, although the (ingle- hreasted coat is the pfdprr thing thia season. \ |i , ; i j' j * ] V- ’ ‘ • 0.00 $12.50 $15.00 $16.50 . $18.00 \ and $20.00 Cross Bats With the Agricultural and Me||banical IlDollege iTeam. LEAGUERS ARE IN FINE I A Blue Serge Special ' I hi. tinNoeir salt ts wad* at a vrry pg tiusMtv Ot M pw* •V t »t fttu* an*e«si ta«e rotor, sewed dimuehoot PUtc 4yr! silk, rtansi-kia.lv totlar. ts bettnne''l«». liava with a at S»'K Man Sicilian ma4« aitr* so HHM ■ both Styles afe wrth tka’ «rs» , we4t(tai forir Mtlht kick. br.aJ aad^ed stsoeMers fnC cu«s .to, too. with or eltMw adifl*. Thtasett vs tor less than t2t>.W' «* '* « b* bu*mc them r close Oiai ahi *• t en in Urge o*er thew to $15.00 CINCINNATI RED: NUMBER 23 ^ J ’ # — — Agricultural and Mechanical College Team Holds Th< Nine Runs. The College Cot to Third but * Usable to Score. gets another Walk. M< Smith up with two on the takes a biR lead and K« chase enables http to This is the nearest u e Rot Smith fanned. Hit for Mowery. Sch| t»> dwp (left hut Crockett for it. Mow ery steals Kokley Rets baseiitm hallsj single advanced them one | l^)bea taps out a safe one.1 hit advances I^ok-rt (santell makes a double coming in, M itcbvil wall scores and Mitchell gy^ei not hgpdlinR Mite hell seer STATEMENT OP EXPEN BANQUET Tc|tal collected from ti*d: •-Tr Suity-sU Govern at St. Krtit and pencil ._ M^nu cards ii-i.- *" irs L . vi’iiur il ex collected WU*»— Iklance 11 $157.50 has been given to the juniors who we^euaable to at tend the banquet. A. L. i ornel 1, ; j Chairman Financi Committee. EXCH& SHAVING J. E. QUICK. HOT AND NEXT DOOR JBO PIbya Before the l^rrest crowd ever gath ered at the athletic Held, the Cincin nati Reds of,the National League showed th^j drderence between the Hmshed predut t and baseball material in the making. TRe score, hiuwever, was not excessive Iwmg *> to U, all earned in the third inning when our hove went oo pieces Wkh the ex ception of this innings the college bovs py, up U. rathur e ».,J Bum, , cra . ^ , w »oU by ov« any o „ a wiU , hMw , added much... the f(in ol .he d»y.' lks M i Kh „|, Ganrell would takd the cake from a I clown, while Huggiita’ ngw yen- Hippity-Hop -Vailed forth round aftetjli aound of atn^anse. College yells willli never fare anv professional, all tftey' can do is t« brace up the home tesim.j Let’s have more of them.! j Cianzell and Koklev tied with two j hits; MowJrey. Huggins, Hueweder and Smith’ rapped off one apiece. Several singles but ho two-baggers grace the score card. Tbe Reds are great base runners and owe some o# their rum to their 4>ctd. • Kelley got m front of a line drive from .Mowrey’s stick. Hehnd Khlin- ger coupled up for a neat double in the fourth that put Ganxell and I^o- bert on the ‘shelf. ^ Hueweiler did good stick work hut his Hddmg was not what it should have been. Black stopped some warm Ones and Crockett pulled down a high fly irt deep left. Smith was not in his usual form but still got strike outs on the heavy hit ters. Dabney showed up well ip his Hrst game and has the making of Schlet makes Hnid stole second, scores on Koklev’s hit to left Held. McLean strikes out. • i FOURTH— jj We*s. robbed of hit hut makes first. I Milligan knocks a pop-up which was dropped and Dutch wgs thrown out jgt.second. Black fanned. Eh linger D i Hfl I fm,t 0nB 10 M owt?r y Wat premily field- Eh Linger out at fuLt Milligan i stole seedhd and Crocloett unt at the to j thavis out at * number one. Lobert gets base on being hit by$mith. Ganrell and Lohert ga out onx fast double by Ehlinger and Kelfer. FIFTH — Hewiler out to Cruger in left. Kel- s goose- j ley fails to make second and .Moore ke third., strikes out. Cruger out on a short the plate, one fielded by Wess. Mitchell drops one on the line aind It thrown out at' ives one ^bWOry jis-es Black a hpt one, waiting throw n out at fir it. talJpfrp * Huggins’ Mason goes in t*he box and .V|cl>ean Mow- Schlei’s pl»e Iwhind the plate, gle, and [Smith Up easy flfito second. Wess. when | Hires one to cemer, out. Milligan lanzell's 1 ro H* oneko third ^nd goes ; to Second ger fand, on Haaok { fans.,'| Dabney goes lown trike out il, Lobert te thifm and stnirh Mc- | The Old Rel JMNWITTMtNN IB'll ailor Shop Jr Groos Carlin Sherratd Dickerson The line PtStion., 11 C k. Whitney (capt.| p. Cox-Stimson 1st Hi Strong Aid Well IMM Fat Tahor Professor Brown the application blanks men who are going to Electric Co. at received or the two General ady, N. Y.; and is expecting two blanks from the Lynn, Mas*,, works of the same company to arrive in a few days. He also expects to place three men with the Westirghonse Company at Pittsburg, Pa. t m h|Xf : in the l^ran drives one fo Kelley wiho throws him out at first. Mason strikes out. Mo we tv Mojwerv hits a line drive to 'Kelley/ j IW m.cc. T , j throw; I > (Coatisued oA -- 1 liJMj | ' I l / f 'I • I -.J Moaquit* Ear* Towato SUtaon Hat* Corha* Coou Collar* f C Win rlra-a.r K K a.-toa w ISaWW J M Window Curtain* Hair BmaasS • PaacOa T.-nct, Duck Paata aad >r si m j r,. , TsaaiaShoaa ^ Sk.aota Outfit 1 Tabla Ccrara | Whit* Glovsa Boaar ■oratW HaU { H- S at N-tTWa Taaaia Shoe., black * whiSa Cacia DnB Shirtn Ctotba* Bfuaha* Ts Jusq ml m J | ij'-vi I 'ME. TO OAO&TS. I Sh,v n 1 Sj.p d o.i«. oth Raga - x * j: . Trunk* and Suit Cassa IP.lili •w & ; ir.■ Hi Wilsoli & Derden I & r- l/\! i li