i i '4‘ii ^ '±j\\ -L TO RA6 i STANDARD OF WLLITARY COLLEQE C#«creM ^■iMdrnaf Bill to Provi4« i Im> lai^rovoaenH The t) ily So wan has th« follow- iog ; r “Coo»t i*ndant Weekji ;has re ceived a < oenment from Pfesident Rooeevell It ta a copy of a bill that ia be ng pushed in Con^rt ^ and may n»>ibly pass This bill provides beneficially for the mili tary cell ges and sdbools of the country t nd seeks to ntise . their standard. 1 f the bill goes through, the gover iment mil furnish equip ment, rat ons, etc., for the military schools w len they go on marches. Thus, if t i« S. U. fTbattalion went to Fort R ley, the* would receive equipmea, rations, 4tc., and be paid as ai e the government troops THE TRIP TO V : .i. ji ALLS' - Monday, thy , — Civil Engineering sihdenta of Y JUNCTION, 4th , instant. the C Ceiapasy 7—B Just to break the monotony and _ _ e, to pass the time away qjpsd C Senior class \-isited the magnificent crossed b«ts last Friday, [ it was railiJoad bridge acro^ the Braaos quite an interesting game, but the EX. i*NV 1 , Of the iiany boys who have been members of the clean'ol, l|4it see no longer srith us ait the college, i give the f illowing list, giving their iNrhereabot ts and occupation! ' • I prir to t n l, R. B. 1 Barr, salesman in his ;i(n»cle’!s hardware store at Manor ! King, University ai iTetas. '‘Red'’ Matthews is Hanning a skating rii k at W; Bogel, ( ... is West Tex; *. J. T. St >rey has >n a to Annapc lis. Bruce is clerking in a drug store at Wills FN >int.! Cavitt it bookkeepetj foe the City National I auk, Bryan. Dahlmai| of Cueto is matried; congratola ions of the clans '^8 to him and hi i; also thk same toH. E. Blackwood of Tuscola, who left college last year lieoause of ‘heart trouble” (I he kind that never kills.) He is living at Abeljne Texas, now. DeMaret is in the emplov of the ft', {h T. C at Bryan. * H. B. \V atkinsowns a drug busi ness at Wil IS Point, i He had to quit college on tccount of the death of His father, Dr. Watkins, of that f Willie S te a .at is in college at Belton, Te :as j ;, J* j “Crip” Pontaine jb at the Ohio &ate Uttiv rsity, Columbus, j. ' BnuakiS! lailey is on the rice farm near Hous ou. Faught t clerking in a store at Groesbeeck j ? |! “Heavy* Glddings is having a on a ranch near Mid- neas Valley Junction Tkey eft here on the north bound [. & G. N. in the forenoon and re- jturned.pver the same road in tile Afternoon after a three hours’ stay on and about the Ividge fbof. Spence lu »ded the party, and the nbipal work that lhe\ dnl was note and discuss the design and make up of the various members of the bndgje. The detlo tiou bf the bridge under a moving train load Was determined by fastening a level tod to the bridge an 1 reading #n this from a level which was act on the bank. The bridge proper which is 3*5 feet long and supported only at each end, deflected under a mov ing train load only a lout i inches. This is conceded to be the best civil engineering structure in the state and (s one of the best in theUnitex of eatables that our stew-1 something doing on the athletic I I . Baylor University and Allen’s Academy will play basketball in Bryan next Saturday. Prof. Camp bell and Cadet Symes have been asked to be the officials. apfc had prepared was opened the fellows were not slew to respond to the clamoring* ot their appetites. Ttys trip has developed their ity terest fully, and the class Is now impatiently waiting for the longer trip to Houston and Galveston to be taken in the spring term. — DOR’OU NEED A NEW PAIR OF J l Uniform (Trousers or Uniforms HARLIE he Tailor CAD make ti Cleanii DON’T FORGET FOR Ybu ON A FEW DAYS’ ■ NOTICE.. Pressing and Repairing «iaa Aiao hih spkcialtiks. e PLACE-NORTH of GATHltlOUT HALL -s- - 1 — time 1 • P. H. Li: istate is at ’Tyler, t Roff is m irried we learn aud is at Work for a hardwarq company in Qhircqn., * Nji' • ! V jl White, M|. W., is working on a iero, Texas. k ,, has entered the U. V. Jl; C. BUILDING FOR COLLEGE. Sherman. Tex., Feb.ji.—Work has Already begun op the near Y* Mijb. A. building w'liich is to be constructed by the Y. M. C. A, of Austin College. The 4rst contract, w-hicty includes the digging of thD fountiations and the cement work* has been let. The students have taken pledges, some V> be paid at atl^, and others at stated intervals. They have now in sight something over 45.000, and the president of the Y. M. C. A.. J. I*. Hardie, is now id the field to raise the remain der. ‘ As soon as the foundation If has been completed the contract for the building of the walls will be let] add by this time l it is hoped that the boys will have enough on hamd to complete and furnish the buildihg. It is to be ttie first col lege Y- M. C. A. building in the State.Dallas News. W-J Hr t is still ninch near 1iuero Dunk, P. A * navy.L 1 “Pat” (A. X».) Patersou :ed 1 ith the Green, ranch Laredo Texas Bell, J: 4,, is working for the Baltimore ai d Ohio rail road in their main office 11 Jersey City, ft. jj Cortes, A ! B., is now a student the U. of I. > Wallace,. Mi Thd,“ at Ft. probably do ag nothing. rorth BIBLE LESSON FOR *URCH II Chapter* IS aad IS. j Chapter 15; Verses t-acH-JesuS before the Rombn Governori . ;'j Verses a 1-32«—The Crucifixion of Iwmi !, Yerses Jesust, Vetses Jesusl j ‘ \1 Chapter Risen Life Annbunced. Verses 9-20—«A late Appendix, inserted from an ancient source, giving further incidents concerning | the Resurrection. Verse 21—A still later Appendix, giving supplementary matter. 16: 33*41 —The Death of | I 42-4 r—The Burial < t-f J. M. CALDWELL bryxnTtex * T 1 h jl ~ . ^ Clive vour nrrier fnr vSiurSUrf Give youf order for mmmmm CLASS RINGS CLASS PINS . And all repair work to J. M. CALDWELL 1*4; The Jeweler All kinds of.Wi Jewelry of all kindi eat line of China ia phes and Alarm Clocks st the lowest pric [and-Psioted China, Cot Glass, sod the fli rysn. ini ait 1 r * ^ ■ ■■ a * ( A LIBERAL EDUCATION. ■■■■■■■■■ j That man, I think, has a liberal education whose body has f>eea so trained in youth that it is the ready servant of his will, and does with «leaped; if jou find him We s w a thing Of gc emsh hue. And I bought it was A lawn of graa)*'. But when to it We ctysL-r drew We ft und it was The f eshman class. “Here, ta te this tiBe, r cried the c-showman "The leopard has all ease all that, as a meebanicism it is capable of, whose intellect is a clear, ^old, logic engine, with all its parts of equal strength and in '•mootk running order, ready, like a steam engine, to be tamed to any kind of work and to spin the gos samers as well as forge the anchors of the mind; whose n. nd is stored arith the knowledge of the great fundamental truths of nature and the laws of her operations; one who, no stunted ascetic, is full of life and fire, but whose passions have been trained to come to heel by a vigor ous will, the servant of a tender conscience, one who has learned to love all beauty, whether of na ture or art, to hate all vileness, and to esteem others as himself. -—Thomas Henry Huxley. r PosiO on the spot. "Which shot, sir?” green tent tx y —fix. him the I I 1 • :[ Some years ago the selectmen the town of Hanover, N. H,, d cided, in their wisdom, to collect poll-tax from every Dartmouth stndent of legal age, says the Bos ton Herald. The boys said noth- to this, bat quietly deckled that they paid taxes they would also vote. So they turned out in full force at the annua! meeting having strength enough to secure control, in less than five minutes they had elected students to the positions ol Moderator and Clerk. Thirty min utes from the time the meeting was. ^ called to order, the town of Han-|j over had gone on record as having voted to build a school house 500 feet long, 10 feel high and two feet wide, and to bqild a plank walk from Reed Hall, in Hanover, to Lebanon, in which town was a fe male seminary. Suffice it to sa^| the tax collector did not trouble Dartmouth students for many years after that.—Ex. DEALERS 1N- m k Rawlipgs Base Ball Goods Buyler’s Candies Pipes, Cigars and Fancy Tobaccos 1 HOWARD R. CAVITT 4 — I; ■ — Don’t talk around the fish. Whatever else you do, For fishes carry tads, you know, And they might tell on you.—Kx. r H>• Sk*ky &«•*. A Mfuiill ('anntl uv mirlin'd lnt> Tlie room while hl» eMnu ulster wan ttrtaloliiK a nuuMiillite roller. “Mr. Harris," the youth Anally hiter- rupted. *'l wtxh .you would taka me wtth yon some day.” '"Take jroe wKb nieT echoed the catl- a*. “'Where do yeti want to pn. Rob bia f* *T heard Mr thnant, nast doer, say jasn ww« on the water wapoo and he fan off. rd Iowa to —Canadian Coaotor. I (ijfif lib/; Emm iWalon Solicit your Drug laldin ood I_xOwn< Otiocol Benson’s College Barber Shop will be provided with two chairs this year. Protnpt and first class worfc. I ; Ipj tf-’ 1 ! mir I IjouM aw t tkfcrw". J. Allen M lor Safety Pocket Kniv< ers — - HOLMES A PARKER AND ■■■■ill Fresh fruits SHOE REPAIRING t ■ i •“ t • • A. L. mNAIITI FOR FIR 5 T jCLASB WOR