The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 1907, Image 1
advantage y to play 2* GlitS If SIDE! Of ilf SIHf. of the sc had the be* is plenty Company Walk Over Shoes and Oxfords; eeery corrert toe and kind of leather is rep resented in the line, includ ing several new styles o«t this season for the first tiape in patent vici, patentcolt Kun metal calf, velour calf, vici kid and tan Russia calf. These famous shoes are hems raproved every ses- ajm' in be th workmanship and material, and today stand without a rival in high grade shoes, at the popular price of J S3.50 amd Will Play is Asd louiMani of the holidsy last their first practice son. of it all around, but of good material in f that will be whipped fito shape by the time the tegular James Ixgi^. Rutledge was the sf|r performer for “Er while McKl^y, last year captain, held the nnifiar place on A” sHth his four and mighty $4.00 See display of the New Spring Styles in our show .window- THE *' Hon. S tive fr ’ ten fri teg will Commi and M. night, Fe ! Mr. delegatioi the h< lowing haps Austin ton. J. A A. W. and F. M The cit cloee relai lege and cming tegisUt The •Law, sociation, from di: <0 *. APPtOPWATIONS. [. t _ to Aastia to Atteotf Hcoriof Commute,- . •; :!['{• 'I C. Davis, represeuta- i j r r Bra/os county, has writ- here that a special hear- given by the Finance to the friends of the A. oh next Monday tary 25- bas requested that a of Bryan ettizenamttend atxxirdingly the fol- gcntlemen, and per- wiQ leave tcxlay for H. H. Harring- MEETINO OF BOARD OF DlklCTi.K tiovernor 1; of Bryan feel a very p towards the Col- move to help in se- suppon from the quite commendable, learns from Mr.IF. M. of the Alumni Asr hat prominent alumni sections of the state will attend! the hearing in Austin 00 Monday night. Here’s hoping success to|i moat worthy cauae.— iWM I MimsterU-'*Deacon Jones, will you lead ii prayer?” , The denim Mores IwmwMy- Minister (Ibodly)—” Deacon Jones, will you please lead?” Deacon Jones (waking suddenly) p'lt ain’t m v lead,I denlt.”~Bx j ■ jj . ii f ^ The schedule i$ nearly completed for this season’s baseball gas Brof. Kyle has worked laird to give the corps the best schedule possible. In addition to this he has scheduled a fine service in Louisiana and Mississippi, which will insure a trip that every man on the squad ought to break his nrck, so to speak; to make. As yet. games for April 4*5 and 17-18 ate not closed, but will be some time this week. The first game is to b* with Baylor on March 29. The schedule as far as completed is as follows: March 29-30—Baylor at College. April 1—Gorgetown at College. April 4-5—Not acAarfaja^i/ ’ April 12-13—Austin College at College April 17-A8—Not Scheduled. April 22-33—Tulane at ^ew Or Immu • 1 I April 24-25—L. S. U. at Baton Rduge. April 26-27—M. A. and M. at Alt&risaippt A. arid M. April 29-30—M. U. at Oxford. The team leaves on its southern trip April 21 and returns about May 2. The U. of T. games are not yet cloaed^ . 1 'il* 1 " [' ' WHAT me HOUSTON POST SAYS about me junior nukber. The Houston Post has the follow ing about the Junior numberjof The Battalion. seems that everyone agrees that the Juniors “made gomi.” “The Battalion, a weekly pub lished by the Students’ Association of the college was this week edited by the Junior class, with the fol- _ , u . _* . _ « w „ lowing staff: Paul 04 Cflnji dnllf * .pporntm* Hott. John M. Gr«n ^ ^ Je-e ^ ^ or oakum, DeWUt county. Be in 4hW . R w Faust loc ^ «i itor; A. L. Cornell, athletic editor; C. M. Evana, exchange editor; T. J. Beasley, Young Men’s Christiaa editor, and the whole Jutuor class as assistants edition is not only a credit to the Junior class, but to the cob legd. Combined with decided lit erary merit is a smack of up-to- date reportorial work. The matter is Well worth perusal by all Texans as well as those especially interest ed in the Agricultural and Mech- ^ anioal College. slugging. “A” C< to hit is going to mean opponents other teams. Mar A.” and Medford “D.” .Runs: ”A’ Hits: Im Mfriia—4; off Smith-^-». Unit Th* He (uervously)- garet—er-er there’s been trembling on 1 last two months.” She—‘Yea, so I s you shave it ©!*?►>—“ r’s ability them no [any of the twirled for Smith for O'—6. Medford— : Milligan. i NUMB 4 TENNIS AT A. AND «. < L 1 n Jo coun I W,|| Probable kecurniie (be Usme. 11 I Vi . • j Prof. Canipliell states that the Athletic Council has not yet. cognized tenfcis as a 1 Brandi of athletics under their supervision. Th^ Council, however, has not had a meeting this year to consider ten nis; and it is probable that they will soon list It tu one of the regu lar college sport*. ' Captain Sargent has agreed to excuse the six best tenuis players from drill a fid retreat, so that they may play every evening* U is ex pected that a team win be sent to Waco. Jut a Laaffc. A "Methodist negro exhorter shouted: “Comean jinede army ob Ac Lohd!” ‘T’se done jined,” replied one of the congregatioc ‘ Whar d ytfl exhorter. *'|n de Baptis’ chu’ch.’’ “Why, chile,” said the exhorter, “Yoh ain't in de army; fob’s in dfe navy."' — — ■ ed the May Apsoint hos. Jobs M Qrcea to PHI Col. Jot Qooter's ’ fiA. ... \ , ii.T^a • t rn 5 ]■ The fallowing is*dipped from tiki Galveston-Dalles Newsof March 3: The new board of directors of the Agricultural and| Mechanical College win hold|their first meeting; here tomorrow. Col. Jot Gunter will resign from the board in order to be Democratic State Committee- man from the San Antonio di*rict, to which place he has just befcn ap pointed, vice Davis, resigned. i It is understood that Gov. Camp- helt .will fill the vacancy on the lyersn J. Agricultural and Mechanical board w. wippreent w n served in several sessions as a mem her of the House and active for Campbell during the campaign. AQ The wit of ITT 1 i T ; Qakk Retort. frit of Mme. Dose, the great trag^Uenne, is well illustrated by the following story : She was at a sapper party and talk turned on woman's suffrage. A man present that, of course,* women could not daini equal rights with men. “Man was made fir*,” said he, f ‘and woman sprang from man ”guite so,” said the great actress, quietly.. "It is natural that the .flower come after the stem, .tx* surely you do not regard that as an of inferiority Louis Republic 1 iT m U Moaqnilo B»n Tomvto Suuob Hate w,*4ow : Window CortStM Hair Br—fcan PcaoUa a ad TaMtta One r Paata aaai Jai 1 di Peddler—“Madam, I have here a fine collection of beantifiers, which ” * Lady—“No, you don’t work any skin game on me."—Bx. I, ! I! ' I- r' ‘ itil Tnaam Shoan i Shmota Oatftt * I >M* Cerara r WluU G o* Roanr Nora»t Hate B. S. a T. H.fTrtte T«a«ia SlMwa. black a »Mte Ea«la OnU Shirte SmtU B«4^>—te C—teryakaa C otban Sraakan TaoteHr a, cam PawSv Sbavtas Soap Oil Clot* Ra«a Traaka'aaS awlDaSw ft TO OADRTB. ! *• A ORWOOD *1'. \u V i f ll ltd’