The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1907, Image 3

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1 : !
Durinfg the
some r
phone ap|
h*sre in
chan ms, «ae
the ll.'olk(e Telephone Compaq^ ^
ic*n Automatic Telephoae Coi
in addition io several
it E VY
It typei t»e
( kltomtic
» s»»t*n ire.tailed for
1 ■ ■
Headquarters lor
Window Shades. Lace Curtains
^ and Ru 9*jj
Post Cards-—All Kinds
Room 3 Ross
Thn Old Reliable
Tailor SHoj|>
aiwaya be de[>**nd«<l
n for Quality. Sr vie.
Quality. Style*
d Promptueea.u....
r si
RfCE. Vreprieto.
AjeoK hoi
pi an. te
Dr. W. H. Lawrence
OVER H ASWBLl. S itk»<)K S'
The American Atomatic Telephone
Iter. Ne» York. . The other a System, which has bean recently installed,
ystem presented to the Texas A. 'is qul Kj m iatermting and novel departure
ColleRe by the Autoatatlr Electric An automatic telephony, t This system was
ta „4r
* p»*y
tributor stops, and M
started by t fall back tU th
a It ion, with the
which has iound tin
place almost insti
to the party calling
ip read in am for the
sired nurabnr. Bat
farther, a little eyp
the numbers;
peajr ot Chicago. We now hasome invented and put upon a commercial basis
Anast apparatus made and thoM by Mr> C lms. lame Ooodntm. Mk.
Umlria. to sparialhe in telephone < ;oodrun , u . ia tk . c> ^
oering will find here an equipment i i i i '
m itn be fomtd in no other whoo. of ,h * ^mv^sit, of Georg...
ot ilsZtk, and in th. North oad> th«« H ' "4 **• B * il .
can of •quipm«it to compare witfc T • * •' L the dial are
.kj l . anj<inecr; and in the pre^nt company, J
'i'T , 7 7 * J, ‘ o. Roc«.,«. H. V.. M h.,R. ,b. IIS "“*■ “* "'“" d
partqre (a telephoning, and that they have ^.j,^ of the >Witches in tha
0,, 1 ,0 U •» *“ ch ’ \ Although tkh rystem Is a vary recent in- *** •** I
-sy.whu me .nil in their inf^cy and same t|w rom|>any h „ e Severn, m- *«nc’thwe at. Only
no, ^t .Htt of the ex,>erimen, stage. JT* ^. llon M .ariou. points, * S -"* d " iH H
syetwn. w. h.*e hw. while„ r ^ ich „ e <i/ i ng ss t i^ 4t>n . Th. W
cwt^i similiar hwuiament.l principal^ ,^ hailge hm . u <hw’ section of a H*. *44^ f j5*
kja widely diffetem plan, each »«»'- hvtk4nd Une bo^xl. and b It- 2 5 ®- ' ip
T» m * * dv * n, *' r “ •” rer ,he ' Sora * self Wired foe two hundrw! and fifty phones, ««*« removing
4 ' n ‘ BV ° r 04 ,h * Aro * r ‘ C “* ,> *** ,n .bough only one hundred we available pUce. tl* plqg in
,l»,»ici.y of cal ling, mechanist, which ^ tpp#r , tu , ^ h „ d lt u the pooding n, the first or re^m
in addition can by uwxl on «y common ^ diracto T here to h , v . . ome p. case may bn. pull, th
ban.,, telephone, removing any otte.witch or ^ ghty , oonecte< , | the mop. remOfaa «|L plu,
dswsp.., interfere with the opmmioo of but no th# wflre OBe hul ,Hmd | ^
•t, jhonem wtother switch will auto- ^ in ^ Tic , , he „ cKmk . u thwi In the same mnnnw
ma.imlb take up and do the worft of th. v#ry rouch u)4€r There ar. now about I «»»• H eumber. j When
discAnced ^, »4 last but no. le«. ^ pbo|Ma in good workjng order u|MJn
itdoknot rwjuir. a ground connection. c . nlpu ,, , nd ar , Kiving v ^ y ^.fac-
The ^trowger system has the advakage of t
fin« hwchMfcNl^li-wnfen, many jof the ,11 gre., invwttion, .hi. ^atdii «
d^eefc having bwm by ; fifteen , hou , h . CMU ,, „
yemx experimenting. Their fepuhe, ^ <witch)nMi ^ , pp ^ tut> mlght
wBqe^ which ha. no. onevfif.h the »umber ! ^ ^ , hi ^ h , v<rr
of tmjh t..wl on the American calling de- ! ^ „ u pflinBri , y , two wire J ^4” ^4* *rom the
vice gives a longer interval of
go any
ready tor the wPav. room,
first opened and thprppg*tf|
tally <
oil or
Visiting Cards
The Cargill
| pleated affair. It is primarily a
making no use of the third, or
wire, whatever, which heretofore
considered an impossibility, and in
this .aspect it differs altogether from any
otiter system in operation.
0f course, everyone , understands what
is mean, by aatomatic. Namely, that an
automatic' telephone switchboard is one
desired connect ioox automat-
that gives the desl
ically . That it, i
gifts, are aecessir
can calling de-
contadt, thus i
giving the switch more time to operate.
Thy first patents for th* system as manu
factured by the Automatic Electric Cont-
paav of Chicago s.ere taken out by Altnan
B. Stcowgei early in thrf ’94 s,and oa Nov,
3, lfl|2> the first exchange was opened.
This fi-rs a crude affair having fine' wires
leading to th* subscriber's 'phone. ■ The
systen w.s replaced sev*ral times,; each
one hang aa improvement on the preced
ing o( te, and in a switch was brought
out fesembling in all vital potna. the L , . , i
^ ; coknes tmg.ts done by
switc i of today . The system presented to
the I ‘ollege is comppsed of parts >tf sec
tiooa taken from a one thoesaifd linesVritch
boarc . The' phones are very Similar to the
coran on local battery telephones b*t in
addh on have a calling device, or sob-sta
tion apicctor, which operates, the switches
in thg exchange by grounding the one or
the < tber side of the line a number of
times corresponding to the numbers
you delect on the dial of the sul
calling device. This dial bas,ti
it, each being numbered, the number* be
ginning with 1 and ending withO. In mak
ing a ball, first remove the receiver from
the h<*>k then if you wish to call, say 112,
put ydstr finger in the hole marked 1 and
poll die dial to the left until the finger
strikes the stop, then let the dial roaatc
back |o its original position, repeat the
the switch which
line In the centul ofiice,
first jw second contact an^
into the first or
When the party calls the la
)sw»t*h in the gW>up called
|to the contact indicated by
j bee fibers
i hoik in
no operators, or “Hello'
ecesslry for a subscriber to Se-
cute any number he wishes. Because this
of mechap-
and electrical ceiphiiird, davioqr
called switchaa, and not As| plufp and the
Thereby dispensing with Central
operators entirely, a tingle “wire rhlafi"
being able to look out and care for almost
, any sized exchange.
I In moat automatic systems each sub
scriber baa an individual switch for hit
particular instrument, but jt is not the
in this system. Each fifty phones an
arranged as to be handled by a groti|
twelve switches, fyom which grotap
for each of the other numbers.
Having finished this o|>erarion you have
your con neetiun and you are randy to ring
the poily, which is done by pressing a but
ton on'th* front of the phone. In Case
the number called is being used you will
in your receiver notifying *ou
The (advantages of the Stronger Auto
matic System over the ordinary exchange
board awe practically the same aa thOev
bolow in connection wirtr the
American Automatic System.
the current out'on this line
called party s bei|. This
to ring intermittently until h
untiT the party calling hang*
ceiver. which immediately]
switches employed by him. A*
2 answer* the ringing current!
and everything is ready for t|
tion. The swhcbef are so arrt
(Jive a “haisy"' signal to the pi
xhotrld rhe other person be usg
St that instant. Also, shoulj
Called hang up hi* receiver bn
calling, the party railing wi
‘’buay'' back thrcpigh his
tag that he is disconnected
ond party. Up«n hanging
ceivers they are *1 once i
switches, and may pror
oth*r number. In the
there is a phonograph using a
ord. which revolvp* constantly
a person calls a Rne that is
phonograph is automatically
the liae and tells the one cal
line is buaji.f ‘ This is only
of, large exchanges,
the) course, a* there are no
The Junior Textile Engiinni
distinct braarhr- f practiti* Yarn hffanu-
factura and WsaviaR. Both of tbtfM do
not come in one afternoon a practice %ut to
get an idaa of what tho Jugior JF- E'» do
both must be taken into eoa- flrrarioo.
Practice iff Yarn Manufacture coatiat, of
taking the raw cotton from the bal
working it into finisfcod • yarn or
I ke bale
mixed, thani
passes through a serial of rrigthinoi called
tappers which partial lx irah the cotton
and form it into a roll or svtai is known aa
a lap. It ia now sad, for tke carding
machine, wkcre Jt tiadfglli« casentiaily
tho same pre teas 1 that our granJtnotha*,
Once used an I bare takes ooL it. first sem
blance of y* rn as sliver. ■ The procoasoa
that this stock goes through until it be
comes thread or yarn consistifirst,of para-
lelixing thb fibers, second, dkawiag it oat
and twisting it into a confi
which is boxud on a bobbin at »ha
ntng frame.
This yarn reaches the weaxe room . in
two forms; one as it loft th* spinning ft*ma
to be used in the shuttle on the loom( the
other, as what is known a* warp. The
warp ia formed by tho. yarn having beea
put into such a shape that it fiprms a solid
sheet of th fends rtinotl
cloth when if is woven,
ing begies here with petting
tho loom and setting rba ports of tke loom
and gearing»it up so |hat it Sbll produce
the desired cloth with its propeq design paul
width. ;
ill; f
the ropho-
one clans.
to a row
ted to
ical in
■ Ol
With the Plant Hnabni
At Plaat Husbandry practice t
moors, (union Aid saniorx are it
11 The work for aa evening is at (CevetTt prua-
g ihg l peach trees. Tb* sopttot torea
duided into sections, ooe sect it
ef trees. The seniors won pJaced over th'
sections.^aa dimton. The (qaiors wore
given tneinstrumentx foripectal Work, sukh
as saws, topping shears, aad heavy pru
a Th* seniors did the m*st Important pruh-
l- ing them tel ran. directing the sophomores ar
the anas* time. The jentors were cal lad
from One tree to another, crating the larger
limbs and pruning' tho tops of, tha treos
which, had beoa otherwind fi*ist><-d 1“ >l
Kyle Supervisod the work aad wpa the au
thority on the questions Of pruasin* that
L>t her practice of the (ua iocs is grapo
pruning aad stock putting. Gracing will
be doe* later ia tke term.
vuhaoriber can, at srill, secure connections f*** °®' c * “ everything is i
With ray other dhairto party This la * 4 • kc,ri<
; . ... 'groat privacy of
qutte an advantage, as it economical in j |f impomih n f*. zuy one |
spare as well as ia manafacturing the ap- hear what is
paratus. A switchboard of this system oc- , The switches
copies leas floor space than one of any cells ore interchangeable in
ity-fiva hundred P-**®-
tag the
other system, and
can be removed without inte
line board will occupy practically no more (|m propw *,^,,,0* of the
Hoar space than a one hundred board will, srv replaced by merely slipping
on account of the sections being placed one their proper poaitfcm. where
above the other. Each telephone ia pro- sliding coatacts wikfc tke ow
vidod with a sub-station selector or caJliag *** P° , * , ' on
It to a great advantage ta be
device, with
in rotation front one
move fhe switches so
r ■ ■
f 1 t • •
i i
• 1m- ll'
9:30 a. m. to ia:oo; 2:30 p
j. m. to 5:00 p. m.
ir 7:30 p. m. to 10:
i 1 ' ll- |i 1 H !' k - >
DO p. m.
¥17'. iT 1
H U r. !
n 1 1i !
I i lill 1 ■; i i; i
miiBh ri i i u , i. hi
ill A
to fifty. This selector ia circular in form, , r v- say switch out
and the calls are made by placing a plug another in a few seconds,
in the holes corrsapna ling to tke numbers auring against tie upe due to a
... . ,. , . , _ .. . ting out of order. There are
pullmg the diet to the left unt.l tke ^ ^
i. reachod. Then remove tke . ormcx tmn. msd aB of tl
and the dial return* to it* forasor position, j intarchanged with ray other of
giving enough impulees through an electric- 1 ular type.
al doomet to connect the p«t, calling to 1 4* telephones themselves,
the one called. Those selector
singxle. consi
of a
no dry batteries used, all
^tom me eery ^ Mn|( ,^ pUmd direct from
ingle electrical
Corn act which by Making aad breahiag
the circuit, due to impulse wheel, epw*sm
the various ssritrhaa situated ia centaal of-
%4i , ' rv
, When a person desires to make a call,
he first removes the leecivar from tha
hook; by so doing he closes tb* ^r^*’
thereby causing what ia known aa a dis
tributing switch to operate ia central of
fice. This switch supplies current to the
firs* group of fiodiqg earitchos, aad idlffl
arranged as to do so successively, ia I
other words it supplies the first twitch
the first fnovemeot, the second upo
id so 00. As soon as one of
1 has advanced its arms far
office, thereby defoki
noyancet caused by th* giving
dry batteries. Each pb
with a small electric; tghf pi
th* transmitter, whi
th* numbers at aifch
rollege Station is
central energy sac ban
Tem*. and enables aay ont
MMpor in Bryan, or ray
peROl desired
(•eras not our purpose to give
of the syafotn in
fo give a genera
iw factx in
m | It sspnid be impossible in so
•> describe it* Oiany
tor practical usage can its
O aad so peri or 1! x
manifested i
under th.
W"* ,h,
Mttxgr at
bat toerely^ |
opetorion ai
l fnfK iBMk ;
Mr. Spivey has been put in
the tradk taam. He has sixsera
trying for tho different events. Jest think
about sixteen men on tho track tram rad
a# this nsrabor twelve are “fish;” Are
*r* going to let the Freshman
artsy tha honors oa field dap.
IW7> I ray
*0 comp ora
Now what i*
yon going
hing. Four of
iorm. one of the “fish'' it
but not a Senior has shown up yet
are several good men i a
class, why not come out
“fish • what you are rrta
ion are not all daad, but
sick truce the
“Doc ' to fix
do somethi
the matter with
to let the u
athlatic field
Now. fellows, those
going to be won the twen
will be mighty good. Y
suit of clothes, a hat, a pair (of
dozen pair Of socks. Yes. rad
(ha T. W C. girls will be out to
you. and maybe you can wm one of k
sot at th* instant, but lat^r ph., t I;
Don't foqget that t to* track taam will bp
in tho Track Meet, at Wacay which srill
be held in May. The man who show up
] beat oa tha tweary-first of April, rtlll ho
A. and Vf at Waco-
follow classmate up to
be it not doing either hiBwoifij
justice by remalaiag
! •N