The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1907, Image 1
MBMHBttltflBW •^Thts issue on Wgft ■ ' • • ‘ ’ " ■ Tr^ri ^ ’.p<t 'Hr;- ;: ^1]. | a jm • I 5 !: » 5 • r 1 I at Tyler Hasvyell's. Junior Si \ [' VOLU M Published Weekly by the Stadents' Assoctation of the Agricultural and COLLj&frK ST^t|iON, TEXAS. FEBRUARY ? S^tx ^agrfi cThia uirrk SS.5S i: RY 27, 1907. , .. 14II ; T«*ka. ' , ‘iMm '% —r^=r' The Junior Banque 3*3* February the twenty-lint will Iwe in the history of the class of r OS as the most taemorable of the many happy days spent at the A. & M. On the evening: of that dele we gathered together in phe Mess Hall to celebrate the annual ban quet of the Junioti Class, and to forget for a while the chres of: ■ College existence. After assem bling in the spacious j>arh»r on tfb seccaul toor, (lie time b' in conversetioti and gene mating nntil the sump from the dining room* a that ever'ithinu was jrf Wfc trooped 'down in a took out placeU at the tal first thing to attract out attentionl was the lieanttful and apjiroj: menu cards that had been pr ed for the occasion. An examina tion of the pages revealed the fol '] lowing i^eiAt^Jl / ! * of igOS ^ Our chief aim in qur banquet to- pight than fillidg onr stomachs and object in onr meeting to ri merry nS ' line touncing cadiness, ody aa<l liJ temporarily. We ronst get the fighting spirit—the spirit that conquers. Do not let the spirit that is tnlused tonight pMs away be fore (he dawn of the morrow; now as yon go from here tonight do not swear eternalj fidelity, and never 1 think jof your bath again; but stay by yofir Jbla«w! through thick and tVlin 11111»-t r\r i* fir-t 1 .. bMi « c night is|to bring the fellows closer together for we are decidedly lack ing in both class and college spirit, which i?l evidenced by every move we make, whether it he on the side lines, (tt;our class meetings or else- '■ where. jThis is perhaps due to the fact thait we lack leaders, hut we must develop these for we will need them ba*il*’ next year. ; Now, this ^ thin Whether or not it exactly suits is the first and probably the last | you fri>ra a personal standpoint. litlyem, That uight we and only, time we will ever be to- wondm if when the birthday of (give® a warm reception, not: a get her for a few hours’enjoy stent, | “The Father of Our Country’’ I of us getting slighted. * T(i«se so let’si make tlu- hesl oif it. Still comes'’round in future years, some ceptfOwi were very freqtgt; we niu(t ibecorae more kicial at all j will lopk up from their office desks nearly a month, frxid after ( times mid try to help the down-land suiile as the memory of this 1 were constantly' Tetulnde^ trodden instead of ’’hariding them event litts across their minds, while were d—fresh''’fis|t.R| the package" at every available op- others kvill Im: telling'the charitable We are here portunit)). Of course some of us lady at her ki|Qheu door of the that hat|e Iwen left of the !ot»«t may hav< traits which ortters <lo I “gco l 'c We were a lot at green loading at College Statu heavy hearts and excit sious on our faces as great crowd of boys at and heard them yelling, the Fish!’ ‘Hoiel de '“Carriage!" ; etc. We f^l* like sinking Unto the K proceeding further. Bu spw the crowd gradli ‘' the campus add we that measured up to the highest standard. It is dUc to the atltletiC ability of these men of the class of 08 that the Agricultural and Mech anical College of Texas has h(d her the athl- w a in at j name inscribed tigh up in to m ktail k|o a L,’A>'gh“*f Olives Oyster Thick Greefi T Celery Sweet Pickles Sake# AMihridi | Stuffed Cnabai* la Cneole New Potatoes Persillgde Crousiades of Sweetbread ala Reipe Asparagus Tipa a la Ckeam Souffle of Banjul as oh Moaschind Romain Punch a la A. A Mi f Stuffed Turkey with ChestmAs Cranberry j Hhnce l.ettuce Salad French pressing j Fancy Forma of Ice C(e*ni Petits Kdurs |[ l! f; '> SastfbcsVfM Assorted Cakes j Nuts Raisins j | tonight., dm tit ofjthe ope “good ‘chewing’* they had at thejdned ami ninety (hat gather^ not lik^ i»»»t ca.n’t We overlook such ! junior banquet oh the night of Feb- Oti jthaijevetitf nl dad.- KV> I trivial matters for thetsakeof goodirnary ah^ 1907^ sto > l many a rhrti anj letic roll <4 the institutions of. the Southwest, I i \ We have not only athletics. bu| we came ions in the caiie 'class Of ‘07 against tb We carried the Cane safely ml. And tonight w: hoi [■relic dear tr> each tone of us [ot menihranev of thai victory. ( ive up a souvenir piece of the di ,e c^ue tied with a bow q! black i and gold.) This was be for ? rope pull-' lug was lntroduce<l to t liskxdlege, i-]l>nt I am sure tji^t if rc^*. pulling re ha<l been the game we Would jiave « ; wpn or Ixoke the rope’ * y But a content Of i>tret»gih Tt* i^not J IM 10 i Fruits Cigdraj Ipoco^ From the first course to everything wpa « success, preciated as onlyj * hungry cadet knows how; amlf the gastronomic feats that some of us performed were a little short of ! tbe sensation After tlx.- iBtn satisfied and the ect wi|h fragraa nas every one toasts and afte f a|au had be^n t mosphere cloud- of perfect Havau- fpr the dipuer speeches owing order; dams; “The “Our Sweet- Athletipb'' tch Ranch. ’ Experience' ’ and Replies ” of the ’08 to give h were in master. ' A. J. ts,” T.A. f*. Cornell Faust; ‘ Dale; ^ Fi B. McKie CliaaT Dan Cnlvdr. It would be i; all the toasts and all of any of them tracts from three dr foot It in with the pleasure that I am itted to look qpoo this assero of smiling youthful faces to- and I trust (hat we have all into this, tl e greatest event of our college life With glad hearts and good win towards every u»em- 1 be* of the great ani glofious cias- iBfifiiaiiraji JUNIOR CLASS. BACK ROW—MeCiimtis, McKIit»> j , Rohiasop. Jobeoir, Stand iter. Fpivey. Warden. Bower, Smith A. J-. Wl|(hSuw» W. W.. Beall. Moor* G. f., Wray. Hast Casey. J THIRD RO^V—Blackaller. Faust, Cutter, Holloway. Homeyer, Miller, Adams L., Culver, McKiei'Maxwelx North, Butwreister, Wilson. Fleming. 1 ,, Hutl. Dale 1., Neale. Lauderdfle. Borah; Evans, Sampson. Maedgen. Jones C. E., Dale J. SECOND ROW—Skaggs. Buchanan. Munsoii A.. Lee. Elhs, Hodges. Goldwire. Adams T. IL< Beeseley, Cowell. Jones L. R.. Rirhiqstein. Schaefer, Netharwood. RONT ROW—Telfair, Whittel, Warn, Utay. Cason. Whitny, Foy. Brundrette and McLeod. IUNIORS NOT IN CUT Crockett. Heller. Kelley. Linder. McCown, Polansky. Rhode and Schmidt. ’ ■> sm-..;. .1' broader ly followers tkdr by i Th* Class. Fellow classmates: It gives me pleasure tonight to be one of you, and to have this subject, "The .... , .Class of 08.” This is au occasion j^plomas in June, creating good fellowship and for drawing us nearer together and making us a unit. As we are gathered here for the first timk, let us look back over the past for a few mitiatek. Where were we and •nd what were we September 24, 1904 hip? Let it he so that when apeak of the class of 1908 we Will meaiikkSaniething more than juf^ieiply th^: fo^unat^e\^vho will reeahre their bag l^t it oonvey the far a hand of friend bound toge- kable tint of fel- a qti jr -t.d Bunk, and lots of things that stunck, but glad to say that we have no all taste for something good t judging by appearances. Can we say that we have anything for our institution these few years' stay here? I sure we ca*». We have had [ fleetest and strongest men on gr:d had U * i i I » idiron ^inte ’04. We have als men on! the baseball diamr ■■■ , u r ■ all we have succeeded in. Wei made as good a class record that h*s preceded us, and on 12, ’oX, will carry away morc lomas than have evfr been by any class before, m We represent here tonight the warMM-jdgpsrtJnents. but united intoi one class. ’ We Imvc the noble boll hanger'’ with us. the one (Coannuwfon S) .4