! m (MWlpD. Tucker FEED g LIVERY ■Bmi ATHLETICS. ViASEBALL. I.*sl Saturday aflermion several jard* and (he hurdles will be finished .; this sreek and pat on the field where i every man will have a chance At them. (l f T*he jumping lift is already there, and | JUST nhl t«e FOt PUN. It wbt»%itee impossible to dose without tuei^tioaing “Datch” Berg. What it really is that apakes him ^ the baseball men were out atprpctke. •mneral men have shown good ability, SUnd out among the rest of the for the first time, arid quite a number of them showed up well. In a short time regular work will commence in t-arrurst and every man who is a good ball player shouldigo out aud try for the squad. V^e have heard of sever al men who are Koine to play com- panyiball when chev should be trying fer the regular' team. Of course, it which we hope will develop in^> reo-1 fneahmen, we have been utterly uu ord-breakers before the- spring meets able to find oat, although hre em- are held. | J ployed such' stfientista as Messrs. 1 • "Holmes, Procter, Ph^nhy gad Mr* BASKF.TbAi.L, cral others to utveatigate. vjM** lliis branch of athletics is ne»w re- i fact in, that since the night of. the ceivine a d r ** t amounk of atferuion : 4th insthnt Mr. Berg has frequently tr»>in the boys, some of whom have]heeu seen in the company of such shown good ability’, only • ntpdmg , literary men a* Mesan>. Jennings, practice to develop it Into star j 'play- j Lillard, Copeland, etc. The height of hia standing collars has also in creased considerably, without any apparent cause. 'Roaster^, ‘i is alltVary well,o have good company ^ ^ ^ ^ to play «am.. and ” d^uld be on the court three evening, much a» anyl>ody. hu, a * ft^t ^ ^ the weelc for practH:c # (hi , duty «* sm iris h,v. ; a gornl hasket- after hia^rnMn^ [* tq »*« for no #cho0 | the . We ire all sorry of the cha.rce *der«d It rs to- be hjped ujj, better raw material; than wl. | -A|J:h»at threatens to take ‘. ^ish’' J«** on * > . wll l . |MW T l nl* 1 X .“ffilL schools have exprdi^d thef ide* oifig* from ns. That gentleman!, neglott h.f colknte reaoijto WMf • tlSt , lo pUy this college, but no deb- has lately made such remarkable! mUnjanir. for the JOU m ly , r answer . cart ^ gjyin them! and diseweries in several branches of l u second consut r.Mon ^'th • n >- no games cart he matched uhtii a physics that he ha* been advised. Went S £v i er ' (w iko^he jlmnt '* organia^d. Tfi.s shootil be; by authorities on the subject. »ol l .ho ^to t e ror t . ^ once. j , FIRST-CLAS Only Stable on Main Street.: the laought A. i5c ^.1. so far list ybar, IS to jbei with ^ H!U again this DRINK PeVsiHMON BEER! is powol' to develop try tt> iday.: Nnither the coaun- try running, at vfhicb Winters vjras elei ted capcaiil <4 the ti am. Hu de sires that all nieit wishia g to nest in this sport will give hu n their names •s si>on as posadde. so he can peart the practice at *>i»ce with men who in tend to stick. In the ,| runs already taken. w>me \t> v good material has showti Up. and he thinks that with suffitrient training the ,ra*'k m«h Can put forth a wijlning team. You wfao can not run, eas oura^e these men all vou can and l^t chum know' that yjbu appreciate the vwjrk th*v are domg for the school; tease#. *nd ari jh h« axd client coach ing. We should have die leading team tg the state and one of H e Iwst in the j]prevent dunking, untike South. | Terms—mode rate. Sold Now, boys, to put foiih a winning stfcllmentu when preferretl. team, the College mu*: rave the best! possible maternI at hand and noe rely UltogUther on the tx.achL though j** hp^ndmmda Beer" and flbd tlmt . will do U ac cepted in payment Fishes Jobson and Robert! cit your jiatronage whenever may be in need of an orcb to need any comtkent Their s|>ecialty is the new, hut already well known. “TurltEy in the Straw j*’ which they are ons to play fer the weekly “St: f'lj , You need a good, clean when going to guard-mount. ijP. i* HeBowav's new and thoroughly up-toi^late barlier shcq> is the place to get fcq. Notice.—We are not in the tftist INjiNiaUil . Dtssolutfon Notice.* Tucker & Armstrong.is Solved, on account of Mr. J strong's continued illness. Tucker will hereafter tnanags business of the firm in the old reli able way. He has just prepared a new treatise on love affairs For Sale—Subscriptions to tbq T. W. C. Annual. Apply to any of the following: Ross, Carrol, Bethel, Connor, or Amsler, Special Agents at College. Everybody knows " Speck’’ Bogel. If, by sheer good luck, you should chance not to know him, dor your own sake profit by the exper- ieace of others and try to remain in that blissful ignorance. TURNOUTS. CARRIAGE THE ONLY RUBBER IN BRYAN. IHT M. H. JAMES s- Leading Druggist 1 BRYAN, TEXAS StatioriJ i 1 i ■ j* 4- !* " j mJ n h h , Pipes, Tobacco! nirs Toilet Articles of 'ail (-kinds science that this position wns due Mr. Carrol , But jealousy! Jeal ousy! a . . That was what kept most of the boys from voting; for him. There was a rumor, how ever, that Mr. Carrol himself said, “it was, only because of his capkital appendages that the boys would not vote for him!” But that’s hotair. Nevertheless, there must be a little fire, at least, where there is so much smoke. • :Mr. J..S, Anderson is famed fori his parliamentary accomplishments. : Just ask any A . L. S. member I about it. . And Anderson knows! wgll enough that the freshmen | fully appreciate his accomplish- j meats and. on that account, he | took good precautions to be able to stay with tbgt class whenever there was any danger of his being com pelled to leave it. Mr. Anderson has hail some experience in the pro hibition line, too. * 'Tubby'’il Allen sonnds quite homely, and yon would’ scarcely believe that the bearer of such a name is a notable person. But you would be wrong in thinking that. You really o&ght to see 1 'Tubby” in tlie Mess Hall; that is where he got his naim-. The limit is reached when he has to go to Gparti Mount —why it’s simply imposeilile- for anylody else to “get off’’ when “Tubby’’ i* there. ■ jf. ! Mr. Ljillard is easily the bright est light in oUr literary department. He is familiarly called “Fatty” Uillard, but we feel a little embar rassed to call him Sorinee his latest remarkable Success. Mr. Lillard confines his work mostly to mili tary lines, and he has the singular good lucac to see it fully appreciated. There is no doubt that “SHly” Manes* is a lady’s man. and a red hot lady's man, too. You ought | to see him smile when a lady passes him! Why, the face of a “coon” ( on seeing a dinner of‘(’possnm and ’Miters” is nothing compared to 1 his! 1 The ladies smile ad him, too. after they have passed. Like Harusal Rashid. Mr. Ber ing disguises at times to hunt for adventures. And be is quite suc cessful too, at times, for the roll be assumes is so very natural to him. ' Ask Wadlingtoo about it. Unifori ’ *1 Yt>r nkbi> a nkw Pair t>B ] | Trousers or Uniforms CHARLIE The T a i I o 1 <’AN M AKt? Cleanii ll ‘€R I KM KOK You i } Mi ■ - ON A KRW DAYjS’l NOTICE. igf. Pressing: and Repairing: ARK KIM NPKtlAt.TMC*: . DON’T KOKQtfr tlv« f'l.At; E—NORTH «»f OATH RIO HT HALL# JLM. r% A z$. aldwell BRYAN, TEX. Give you^i i ndcrfor PLASS RINOSI Cl.ASS PINS And all repair work to - J. M. CALDWELL The jeweler All kiiniiL’j'iVHtrhf* Mid Alanh Cloqka at the I-i vrelry “f Hand PaiotediChioa. Out CM* lest line of Clfi4a|if> BryHi.. ! • V;‘ lowest m . j? ,...... 9*mw China. Out (Ha**, uud the fla il •l! il Uil'ti U -DKALKRs IN- Drugs Huyler 1 " M 4 3' '' j •- i n Stationery Qigars Tob >al4ing ? s Athletic Goods| Candies. >ia— 4— r- T- 1 rerrumes >acco Etc. :l> AN ! H 1 l^ij-1 G l-v rjrra than cvck at font ■ srtt iAL AtrtMio^ NG Phone 36