The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1907, Image 3

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SrcciAL, Notick .'-.Our Mock of drill •hiria
wa* to bar* arrived for tbe opening of the Col*
leg*, but wa* deUyed in shipment, and bare
just arrlT^l* 80 we now bar* a lull stock of
att ai^cr of tbe beet drill sbirte offered the
student* tbl* seaeo^S^nd would warn all
student* who have not yetiteaitred their shirte
not to delay their purchase* as each student i«
required t|t have two shine, and the supply
may not last long.
H. Si T. C, $CHEDUtE.
li ;' so0*4 jL»|rq»4 !
|»o. 3ti . .‘.i i. , k’.'JijH,. . ,.,il:96 p. m
No Si L m. <flag)
. ..^dstnjisocmd. , .
No. 2i; J. | . .3:40 p. m.
No. *N... .<J... m i...' 2:S7 a. a> fflas)
I. A* O. N. SCHEDUI.K. ;
voaTH *oc>«d. J;
No. 102 | Li U.J0m I nv,
ieouTH aocNt>.
5.17 1.
Patronize Benson’
Barber Shop
•1 . • tf
M. S. Church, '05. is on the cam
pus again.
Come out and take pan in the
track athletics.
• We have bn* Ui-udfo* a good
baseball team this year.
The “hate and hoasids” race comes
off on the 9th of March.
Benson's Campus Barber shop Ui went mi the hand
the place for good work. tf
Miss 1 .ucy Rbard oif Bryan was a
campus visitor part of the Week.
Ask "Krenchy'' Maurtn if he en
joyed Miss Kidd’s singing Saturday
kighe. . ’
Oar AdrerttasrasuM.
Miss Nanmy Lou lirtts »f Bryan .. , u ,
. , the legislature
car ipus the i,. , .,.
1 ' ednesday to get
visited friends on the
MM week. 1
Mrs. Sophia Rollins of Houston f iai
here \isinng her father. Prof Hutson.
and family. , 1 1
The Soph, “bug-hbaters
ing some cuttings of fine
i' Our readers will notice quit* a line
erf advertisements in this iakue of our
paper. A number of them are old
and well known Arms, but 1 there are
also quite a number of new name*
among them. It is hardly possible
for us to say anything favorable not
already known to our readers about
those old advertisers, for instance, the
fitvn Tatty Black and Jack Daugh
ehy.” This firm and its work is so
well known amongst us. that it 4vould
he like carrying water imp the Hrazo*
to say something itt its favor. The
liberal prices are e»pe<iallyicoraiw»€**d-
Mr. Younger’s line of fine chew
ing tobacco is very, full, in fact, it is
at present more extended than ever
before. If ever you are ip need! of
ahy kind of chew, hoys, he sure to
see Mr. Younger before going else
where. • A
Ross, Bethel & Co., kn^ >wn to all
of us as being hustlers, so it is easy to
imagine that they would he sure to
use their recent visit to the T. W. C.
entertainment toward addirig to their
line of agencies. And they succeed
ed well, as shown by their ad.
Then there are several new firms.
As the gentlemen representing them
are all well known to us, ire wish to
iy a word in their favor. |n fact, we
feel compelled to boost them a little
Me- j because we salted them rather thor-
giue oughly for their advettieemhnt*.j
Regarding “Garwood's Persimmon
Beer,” it is unnecessary to say any
thing further than to simply advise
to''examine the acIddowtedge-
aod first clsuts I n,ent * added to the advertisement.
: j.cj rf j Just isk those gentlemen about the
tngmeenng tfiey ^‘1 direct you wh^t to
Mr. L. P. Holloway’s barber shop
ts “just the thing.” Mr. . Holloway
has been compelled Do post ( a sign at
his door saying: “Doe’t crowd,
everybody in his turn.” If ever a
sign can speak, this does it.
Fish Jobson and Roberts’ Orches
tra has recently been employed by
one of Bryan's grocery stores to play
in their warehouse. Upon; our ques
tioning the owners about die effects
of this, they stated that they were
very well satisfied with the effect, as
since that day. they had not had the
least trouble wjdi Bithsil mice or
"Hp* X ^
As to the dissolution notice of
Messrs. Armstrong Ac Tucker. We
can 6nly express our sincerrfst regrets
to see Mr. Armstsong forced to re
tire from the butirfeW. Big we feel
assured that the qemainink partner,
Mr. Tucker, will’ certainly conduct
the enterprise ip the old, reliable way.
We'have learned, but only as a ru
mor. that Mr. Sloan intends to join
in the business. This, is {something
very much to be wished for.
Friday night, Mtss Maggie
Dougald, L). Co.’s sponsor, will „
a skating party to the entire company
at the Brian rink.
Benson's College Barber Shofi
will be provided with two chaim! Y**"
this ‘peftr.
The 1 «hvi|
ment has ust received several
and up-tp-date instruments with
which they intend to gain time and
accuracy in their especial line.
Prdf. Kyle has given the Sophti-
more bug-hen ters” permission to
take roee cuttings from the campus
bushes, to be rooted in the green
house for their individual dispositiotl.
Mass Mamie Hutson and her
friend. Miss Hettie Marks, have re
turned from an extended visit to .rela
tives in Houston. The cadets *fje.
glad to see them on the campus onev
more. !
borne Mexican miikcians from
Bryan were on the campus Sunday
night, making some excellent music.
After serenading the President, they
stand where they
played seyeral good pieces. V The
boys enjoyed this.diversity very much
and hope The Mexicans will not let
this he their last trip to College.
The appropriation con]mittee of
visited College last.
Bdpae range
needs of this institu-
grape* for the College
All the cadets were in excellent
spirits Saturday nigit for some un
accountable reason! (f)
F. R. l>enmon has returned to
College after a two week’s vish to
his parents in Beaumoi*
When is Referee Hamni NmM
to have the Sophomore-T reshinan
view of
kton. gentlemen readily agreed
that the appropriations asked by
Presi^det| fhartfagton were not a
dollar 4halve the actual needs of the
n'licge-, and unhesitatingly stated
that fh«jy thought his estimate far
below the deficient necessities.
Aftet the statements made by this
committe^, we can almost consider
the necessary improvements as be
ing already in course of construc
tion, for We are confident that, at
the close of this term of the legis
lature, we will have been granted
the appropriations asked.|
Tbp members of the committee
rope-pulling contest come off
Chas. A. Homeycr left Monday . 3 i. •. 1 _ ai
for hi. home at Bunen, Texas, on ac- re "'l P ’ H ’
Clements, W. A. Trenchksqn. J. C.
count of an attack of mumpe.
Mias Kidd sang two sacred hymns
in chapel Sunday morning that were
greatly enjoyed by every one present.
To arrive early in February a
full line of Base Ball goods, tennis
racket and supplies. Haswell Book
atoee. X f ,8
Ralston, T. Curry, F. Johnson
Ben GafTord, W. J. Bryan and W.
C. Davis.'
Sloan: "Berg, are you •oafg to A
Company's reception?"
dBetg: “Ach, jtsl, I will go shust to
blease der poys.”
V. Ml. C. A. N
At a meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
last Sunday if was decided to Change
the time of the Weekly meetings
from 4 p. m. Sunday to 7 p. m. the
same day. An* interesting pro
gram has been arranged for ne»t
Sunday. Don’t forget jlhe hopr,
and come on time.
Sheeler: “What
how? ”
Iferg: “It is in instrunient
what like a flutn”
Sheeler: “Likg a flute! T thought
it was something you ha<ve jro pick.
fl; H
l^Vware (in Bryan, Saturday night):
“Fellows, we fixed them in great shape!
Now all we have to do is to get back
to College Ck K.”
' Dewar* (at College Sunday night):
‘How in thunder de he kn^w we left
hem in *cita?’
Fish Jobson (who was oud huntiqg):
‘M'aUr, may I hum on yoUr farmT*
yay mar: “Yes, if you don’t shoot.”
The City National Bank
* ur P ,u » and profits of one hun-
ow h«'lf , ? , mnll 0,,a r , .? nd tot * , "•““tee* of
eral dollar5 ’ transact* a (ten
f, “' an< * oMar * “tv-
ices to the public with assurances of abso-
- guaranteed by the character.
I financial .responsibility of
Id directors charged with the
if the Bank. The business of
d students of the A. ami
lute safety,
experience :
the officers
the faculty ,
College solici
G. S.
E. H.
ED. 8^
E. W.-
kRKER, President
5TIN, Vice-President
Tf^^ ILKERSON ’ C-^ler
>ERDEN, Asst. Cashier
^ENSHAW, Asst. Cashier
How Teem ore saved
r**™ r t the * u,ns healthy and the mouth
r- Pnce 2Sc T ° ur Special Tooth Brush v*e guar
antee. Gomes in sVvt-ral si?es and textures. Price 25c.
f 1 (J EM MINS
T H R t S E S S I 0 N s!_ DAILY
|»U !. J • j ■' 1 HI
\ 1. , j jy|
* p. m. to 5:00 p, m b
9:30 a. m. to i^too;
7 ! 3<> P- m. to 10:00 p. m.
. ! . f¥3f I
r -1; L
I : y || jl.J
Pay Vour
• if I 1 ji ii lA f-ff; ; t 3 I j
k wfrifcjj-s-sxS-au-d.a 1
roript ion
tii lion
Prof. King: “How do you
ate the following suntenct:
beautiful girl for such she
passing down the street?” j
Fish Bethel: “I would me I • dash
after the pretty girl.”
WiHiejew. J. S.‘tkilfcs it
t r
good plan to get
fore—so as to be on
the next morning.
ilM &
ri tX' • 1; il
V ■'H.f ' ;jj <’fj 1
H be a
hn skfatt
The Old Reliable
Tai lor Shop
Om» always be depended