The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1907, Image 2
Til BATTALION Aaaociatxm Mechanic al CoUaftt MTa Hollow ai R H. STawtrali C. A. Scmaot 1. A. Cc C.1 L. ttucanHa Max WptnuT A. Colli** . W. LaLom-rr fcdrtor .a-Ch.ei Exchant* Editor Athletic Editor Alumni Editor Y. M C. A Editor UP TO THE LEGISLATURE. President H. H. Harrington of the Agricultural and Mechanical College has issued the preliminary report of the board of directors cov ering the fiscal years 1905-1906, and LEGISLATORS WELL PLEASED They r that the A. all Ashed fa M. Cot- JAore. leg* * The House appropriation com mittee. composed of Repreaenta- asaarraKt •orro** O Carat R r. RvSolm C. M. A. A. RtLBY / D R Haaaic .Evan* T. D. Copslaku. mMmki - m W. J. MC’BPNV J. P. Took®* Sy ms * F. H. CUHWIHOI tESHMAN STAFF. r ij 1 A r aal Lift ■SdMor-ln-Chlel nclate fcBItor-la-Chief Local Editor j AtMotlc Y. M. C A. mu.t h.7at tra'aCe de plane «etM ho m BJ •>.- AE^ NOTICE ill ll ■at b« piecR* " PRICE PER ANNUM- r .. ■ rtr- .a. Ltai'i 1 isl WKDN TJT EX PLAN BRUARV ll At last the sion to put in hot sir without believe me, if wej vantage of the o| account of any ply that we have get used to die JON—NOT APOL OGY Freshmen have pertni*- Of their unlimited interrupted, ami : take full ad- nity, it is not on ghs. hut *im- yee had time to Neverthe less. we appreciate the opportunity and are going to in the freedom of it through oni'whole issue of The Battalion. Of coo rate, we understand that very httlfe is ^kpacted of hah and know our limu has been put v ery lou by older men, hi* we are sufficiently proud of our migtuy. .little effort, and arte going to hrag af it through 4ll nme, or ot lea« Until the lid-#ias he*n put hack on. It is a happy fact that reading the Hat. is hot compulsory, to if you voluntarily read and are dis pleased. don't blame US-, we one week's monopoly. And are trying to make something out of it. Therefore, pies'.* do-not remind Us too much of our deficiencies, so long as we do not hear the criticM^SA 4 r * srill feel proud of our efforts and think that; we are ~«t” frith a cap tal “I”. , If you lik* the Freshman number thll everybody; if not, forget it. The legislators empressed them selves as well pleased with the lood they inspected at the ,M*sS Hall We’d like to know where that p4r* tieular lot of food went after the legislators left. 2 I; ■ BN I ■ The next issue of The Battalion will be edited by the Sophomores. They h«14 a meeting Monday night and elected the following officers: Kditor-in-Cbief, Rudolph; Ah-i^t- aut-Hditor-in Chief, Weinert; Hodal Editor, Terneauxt Athletic Editor, Dalmey; Y. M. C. A. Editor, Siigel; and Exchange Ivditor. Harris. D. We expect a great deal of the Sophs., for they are supposed to have abaorbed some of the dignity and learning of the upper classes, and we predict a good paper, from . theoi. setting forth the amount neei for new buildings, improvements and maintenance for another taro years. A careful reading of this report diadoaes two significant facts to the credit of the adminis tration nod'er Doctor Harrington— first, that the appropriations made by the last legislature have been expanded with the greatest care and economy for the best interests of the jjiastitntion and its students; secondly, that the amounts asked of the present legislature are so reasonable and the urgent need of every sdm so clearly set forth that there should be uo hesitancy in ap propriating all or even more than is as^ced. The entire showing of for the past two years the stamp of fidelity to this trust and ability and superior t in its execution. There shadow of extravagance, ness or corruption, every chRr- of improvement for which money was expended i» clearly Set forth, the progress, increase in at- tendjance, widening field of activi ties. new buildings and new depart ments needed, are all dealt with in that clear, concise and convincing wayi whjch carries ► convict ion that a Kctiuiae love of the great trust committed to them actuates the men in charge of this institutidc. Sonfe of the amounts asked for may appear ;at first glance large, but when considered in connection with the (fast: increasing demand for the technical training of yonng men— much greater than ever before and far in excess of existing room and equipment to meet it—they will look really small, if Texas is'to keep abreast of progress and have lives P, H. Clements, W. Trenckmann. J. C. Ralston, J. T. Curry, F. Johnston, Ben Gafford, W. J. Bryan and W.| C. Davis visited the A. and M. College yes terday afternoon and returned Jo Austin last night. They' were driven over the grounds and con* ducted through the various depart ments, accompanied by President Harrington and Major L. L. Me in n is, member of the board of directors. . j They also saw the dairy and dairy herd and other live stock, investigated cotton breeding, the textile engineering work and the department of entomology. They visited the mess hall and inspected the meats and cooking and were well pleased with the T food sup plied to the corps. They were emphatic in their ex pressions that the College needs all and more than the authorities are asking for, and seemed perfectly satisfied with the manner in which the affairs of the institution are be ing conducted. The visit to the overcrowded de partments disclosed the pressing need for an engineering building, and the visitors said they needed ao farther evidence than the tents On the campus to prove the need of additional barracks. The interest, enthusiasm and at titude of the com mi tree strength ens the already well grounded be lief that the present legislature Will respond jto the demands of the people of Texas and deal generous ly with the A. and M. College. f H. H. MKMKY fj' 'J.~V. anoODOM, ! M. 1— HROOnoN HENRfiR BR06D0N BROS WhBIaKSALK and retail CRAIN DEALERS B—■ T .T-^y LIVERY BUSIXEa I EXCLUSIVELY FOR WHITE TRADE The First National Bank OF BRYAN, TEXAS. Designated United States Depositary.! Capital if . . Surolus and Profits *100,000.00 46,000.00 We desire to assure oar patrons or prompt attsn- tion and painstaking endeavor 4n th» performance of any and alt services desired at our Honda. J. W. HOWELL H. O. BOATWRIGHT QUY M. BRY^N, |JR. L. L. MclNNJ F. M. LAW President Vice President Vice President Cnshllr 1 Assistant Cashfcr ' :f Hii Dinner 12 JLTTRJLNT |S & Haygood L to 2 p. m. Short orders at all i. 41 Oysters a specialty 21 tl-s COLLEGE VERSUS SHOT. f Ah to college discipline, says Or. F. W. Taylor of the cnginEarinR depart ment of the University of Pennsyl vania, it can not be a good training for after life for a young man deliberately to be told by the university authorities that he can flagrantly neglect his dut ies sixty times in one term before any FAT stock snow From March *a to March 23* will be held in Ft. Worth; the Annual Fat Stock Shaw of the National Feeders' and Breeders’ Association! Thi* will be undoubtedly the larg est gathering of fine stock ever known in the South, as it iadudes horses, cattle, mules, sheep, goats, bogs and poultry. A. and M. will have some good representatives there who will contest for prises in stock judging, and weexps > to run up a high average school. 11 i i - M Iri : « liI great technological training school in which the people can take a jtist pride. The facts and figntes in Hie preliminary report submitted by i President Harrington and the lioakd of directors are explained mofe in detail in the separate re ports of the different departments of the Agricultural and Mechanical : attention will be paid «d it; while, if College, all of which anil he in the in business, the same young man hatjds of the Governor and the would be discha^eJ for 'being absent legislature; and The Oirrent Issue two or three times without penjii^ion believes will incline the lawmRkRrs,: My belief:in the benefits to be de- to 4 gederous and willing supi>ort of , rived from doing practical every-day thi$ vitally important educational work early in the College course ip not institution, feeling they sre adding the result of a theory. It is founded not only to the good name’of the'upon close observation and study of Stajte, but to its substantial and ^F r - y° un K men who have h^d this exper- reaching benefit and future grovyth ience, and also upon s vivid remem- in jagricultura] greatness and en- bra nee qf breakfasting each morning itened progress.—Austin Cnr- fct 5:30. and starting to sk'eepthe floor renjt issue. T- j- 1 tof a pattern shop as ah apprentice J . [' } Some 32 years ago, after having spent ; . bqveral yea*4 fn preparing for Harvard . Harvard vs. Yete. College. The contrast between the After mondt* . of investigation by two occupations was gieat, but 1 look the Harvard athletic authorities, it hack upon the first six nsonths of my has> been finally agreed that no more apprenticeship as a patternmaker as, ath etic contests will take place be- f>n the whole, the most valuable part tween the crimson and the blue after, 0 ^ m y education. Not rpat 1 gained the present year. Yale and Harvard "*«<* ledge during that timfe, nor wil| meet this spring in hate ball and did 1 ever heconfe a very ^ood pattern- track, and that will be the end Of in- maker; but the (^wakenihg as to the ttr-col leg late contests between Amer reality and seriousness of life was com ical two greatest universities, consid- and, 1 believe, of great value, ered from an athletic standpoint 2 4* a* f,i’ FROM NOW^ UNTIL 1 ..VACATION.. Have the the A. & M. your subscript!' or mail it to the' \ li V >.4 sent to some friend interRSted in ege. Ht will appreciate it. Give to avyone on The Battalion staff, usiness Manager. L'ojorodc an 'Silver and Gold.'’ hem. *! Commercial, manufacturing and other enterprises in which many men cooperate, are managed more and more by delegating all important decisions to a few men whose judgment has been trained through long experience, study and observation in those matters which they are called upon to decide. Yet many of our universities are managed by giving over to the young naan, under the elective system, the final 'decision as to what studies will best wr him to lift himself up his boot straps. Of all the habits anld principle* which make for success) in a young man, the most useful is thAe determina tion to do and to do right all of those things which come his way each day, whether they are agreeable or die- agreeable; and the ability, to do this is A aew dadet at A. Si M., While working on an inside Murmured to himself, apart. I’m working at an industrial art,* How^ if a girl could look she’d j That I am strictly a I*. C. This may be true, but then, J haps, j fit him for hh life’s work; although he Tb)e hem is weaker than Soph, straps has, of necessity, but the vaguest idea Now boys, be easy sad also bind, of the nature ot the subjects which lie To this new hem on my— rrouserv before him. It is almost like asking best acquired through in doggedly doing al which is agreeable a which are tiresome and and which one does 1 despise the pessi nothing but the defects of mankind, and the pleasure it is to complm as they are. -- Science. practice that beeco, and now insriteai WMiMnlfil tion of his regular customers tb his new leader, ' ’ Drnmtnotxi '’ ■ ■Tw4i’3fr,i IrMU fl I, who te blundt whose all things -t+r~ llj : if .(tki d li'fcu Notice.—“Tough” Cov.nger (W R.) has dropped “TidMey’s Best*’ from bis special line odTbewing to- FOR HOLMES & PARKER CANDIES AND FRESH FRUITS SHOE REPAIRING . . . SEC . . . L. ZINAMTI RST CLASS WORK