T.* I *" ,K> Fft — Tucker ? IVERY STABLE •T*E CON As previou columns the Miss Maty lege, is male tore from the taintnent here below sho and that only educatlo and satisfyin not enjoy ci SATUKDAV NIOHT. kted in these , in bringing to the col- inct depar- >rder of enter- Bu! the The program given it may be expected bat i Kibe Urysdale was a peach. Put her into a bottle and label her ‘"f rom California*’ and you couldn't have told her from the marvelous product of the Land of Sunshine. Fruit* and Flowers. There are not many like Klfie. She had been admitted to Third De gree of the Order of Man Killers. She 4>d thing with her eyes tl)at old !:pre«-{ bad -, i minute dw gave him the IriOMd)' I i Miss fCJc !«.! Kidd \rf pfr 1 * j \; J {Let e\ ery • iwpts to tbi i bwnr state, w f epntatlqn. A : special bring the y< Woman’s C Vill bk prepart etu ore to ewety >y ! |>eciaf request:. respond I fcer, wrhe will sing mc^rt- bopol^r anil catch ta& well as! 3u imorc us^ ^kWcjioasL kne^ With especialr -ferer^oe to pleasing {the cadets oj (b j college. The new p«*no will lie psid fof the finst time in concert walk, and Mr. iA|l*ljridg« Kidd wi lie equal to fbk oc-^ Texas boy pay his rcs- | d f hi * hit) lias an international train from Hrywn will tag ladles of the Texas . gid* lege in a body.! j wgs at high-stepping handshake, ut up wtcH^'nbmmy. . Then they went at it. Now Tjiduny had *« ,fri K' r I* *11 l*t - ' lines Prow Hamlet. 'The following selection from Ham let. Act 1, Scene III, is furnished by one who ia ever interested in the moral and mental development of young people- As there are many thoughts in it which apply to ua here, it might be well for os toi memorize it-and take it a- our standard: 1 “There, n»y blessing with you; and these few precepts in thy memory, look thou character, give thy thoughts ne tongue, rvOr any;, improportioned thought his* act. By thou familiar, b*t by no means vulgar. The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hooka of steel, but do not .dull thy palm with entertainment of each new- hatched, unfledged comrade. (O Ue- w|re of entrance to a quarrel; but, he- I lag in, hear if that the opposer may ) beware of thee. Citve every man thy but fevr thy voice: take each n s censure, (2) but reserve thy jutfgiqent. ‘ Costly thy habit as thy pqrse can buy, but fr expressed in fa bey; rich, not gaudy; for the appai el lofv proclaims the rfian: and they in, France, of the best rafik and station, most select and generous, chief in ' ' ■ ' GJ FEED § FIRST-CLASS TIRE .Slabte on Matin Street IRNOUTS. CARRIAGE THE ONLY 1 RUBBER IN BRYAN. are most sel that. Neitl erTbe; for 1 arkl friend. Neither a borrower, nor a lend- loan oft hoses both itself and , borrowing dulls the 1 ec^jes of husbandry, j This above all, V K>t{ pts he to thme own self be true. And it and fwotpound ! mfist follow, i as the* {night the day, buixes jof chocolaties, and catjs and thpu canst not then be fake to any, tho-Ure ticket* to I Bernard Shaw|. Bun, min. Tarywell. my {blessing season cunquyly enough, 'such expenditures (31 this inithoe failed go capture her. Klfie h^d hfr j p j Thjej literal sejisv is, do not and he knew the game. taahiMBMlpMMaiBflBHM M\ H. JAMES Leading Druggist if tbRYAN, TEXAS Stationery. ^ (Pipes, Tobacco >ilet Articles of all kirtds — r-» ko capture her. Klhe had chamber wall papered with ioue _ ters. ajul what ahe didn't have nmt- read s|ie uave to her Krench rnf >d nffNef. 5ff-h.p.l a.ut raised ;i V andyke l*ear,i. wrote f..f 11 «»t dpua—u (a> Unt I Ood (b) bc h L 10 ‘.T.' ! tAUTf* I. 1 (rtrlod a jr) j -.r.. I’l w»l • -il- AMridj #>) vainka'a (a) )e »uH (*>) Je »ui» Eacbnt i .. ..A..Lk ■R-X. EAXl S>f « oenet Kidd •’1 Qiiuuy bought a 5< ised m Vandyke beafd. \ iz^lM but •till efus magazine, had a scandal w ith a it was m> use Klfiei i wga atjll the patroni-zibg atfabh she refused to discuss^ i>ersonali Tommy went and had appei m$ke thy hand callcus by shakingl every man by the hard.—Johnson. 1. ' Censure, opmi >n..—Stevens, F | Seieon — Infus t. saya War- bu ruin. Johnson savi. “It |is ntnre hgn to infusg,' it is to {infix jin each a hi|\V— manner tfiai P«ie I .uni may neirer a < it . j;i fttdridge f^lynken, and Nod Aldridge B. Kidd s--- - ..{iCbopia Mr. KM{- Thm Two V’ere Mayiitg I Net m 1. . Von S^wzmann fbatuse). -Catpentier Etourdie (Vfanon) T ■ • • I'iiu-itiii f'Tr"' Spinaing $oag--<|‘FlylaK Uutcllman ") ! .1. . . . .. Wagner—Ij-rt J l: tlb; ml Micaela's Aria--(l 'arraanb- • {- Bum fa) Kitournelle. .,-^ihaminade (b) Prulinganacht. . i|... . •{...• ifek ummnn Indian Lyrics. U) Tcrkpl" •••b 'I ' ; vb) Eese- than r lie l*«sr j Wvodfnf d «) Kashmiri JiaM[ ; Fin+en (ft) TTil 1 W.kx j . , T Ah, ;ncHi Ouiy^e—(La Seanoia' Aboot (he Battalu d I ! The Index haf recenrvl a cbpy of ‘jThe BattaliM,’ji published ^ the students of the jA^ieblcural and Me- cnaitical Celftq* CtMlege Station, - Texas. U « k very creditable pa;>er. gotten up in a neat and i anraense style and t ontiiniaig items of interest jedaH.—The Childress Fndex. kitis and jurtgle fever, but pver this . failed to interest Klfie. Aii pld man ib whom he cafeitided told h»im to neglect her. 'Tommy tried it for a week and Klfie didn’t seem to mind a bit. She bought a new hat and went to the opera with a boy of seventeen. Then Tommy made a ~'pi|«mack to the Far Kast and engaged a prayer- w heel in an old Buddhist temple, geared it to a gas engine, and let it run for forty days. At the end of than bme his plea was answered^ He arrived 1 at home just as FI he's en gagement-was announced to a ijivini- ty student. Tommy .waited till the eve <0 the wedding. THaj night, with four of hid fra- •nity. masked and-with false ; mus tache; ie fell upon fl-fhe as shd tlemorics rtitbe . o drive. -» — i>o ) Of NBKD A^KFAV PAIR OF Uniform Trousers or Uniforms “ ARLiinfiT 'IT a i I o r OH YtiU <>N A FKW !>A YS’ KOTIC^. ressing: and Repairing Ai.no mih aFKi iAr.-rihi* j ! ,1 DON'T FoHOF.Tlth# LAOi;—NORTH of OATH RIG HIT HAT*, CAN MARK TBI Cleanin reman* bijr. 1 remer I Th* car I. used to It started put right g^Uaatb'. *■11 But tie*.would atrive l>e oeetmutator wouldn't work, . f Th* rentp-apark wouldn’t play; { Than suddenly 'twtnMd give a !«rk r hrWkh A profesaor f«ar his abeee gaged m fallow studen ly entered the 1 “O h. my “I’ve swall | The pi worry about it ■ rjmibing tone. tense, well known ed h-ss. teds en- ctMMSovefey with a en bis w ife hunrid- L h r ahe fp%i- r smiled "Doi’t dear.’* he s* It'* of no exclaimed, qaence. “Hpr*?, tu.nl)IMg at hit coat lapel—‘•“hpre is another.“r T he woostair Vo. i J “Hal l the b ood-hovida y«t!” cried the fugatrVe, and slipping on a pair of m kb era he erased hia tracks.—Ex. coming home fn»m Church, thrust her into-a Cab and drove her .to a lonely vacant grouse in th*| suburbs. ;Here the dii'ini^y student was waiting, txnind hand and foot. Kibe's sefeams had Iwqn inufBed in ;a medicated veil, and when she cam# |to* her senses, Tomrtif was in a ilrvss suit. 'I*he four members of hi^ fraternity sup ported her vigorously. “Wfift thou have this man Tommy to he thy hnsband:’’ the divinity stu dent muttered. fearfully, prodded r -n. behind with a hat pin. * '1 jrjll!*' Klhe exclaimed in a \ firm trp*«ia.} Did 1 do it allgi^tt?" asked Tom my, tenderly. when the guests had de- rted and they were enfin seuleq. “It ,t^as perfect’” she murmtired, kirtg her wonderful lips. she grew calmer., <- f , 1 ,! is no girl in the whole ■aid slowly, “wbo doesn't to be abducted. X bur is better than is good enough, with aestnst y, Joan of Arc efould honor’ Why do little —whe* it is so ees^T*— 1 Thst took my brMlhaway. i I remember. I remember. How nothing would stay rights Th* aopbteion pip* got loow, Th* carbure-tw tight; The stcering-knucklcbroke one day; 'TAa* just before We met A heedless old pedestrian.— I TI** a*an is living y«*l I remen* b**, I rernerrsber, . i- { Th* curve* I usod to swing; # . I thought that twenty mile* an hour Was speed like anything! Th* car soemed like * feather then. That seem, so heavy now. And punrwirod tires cduld not disperse Thesmije that wreathed my brow. I remember, I remem >er. That littl* ruaabot* ; It always skidded, sli >ped and bockad. , And calmly threw me out. I have a Palace Flyer: now . But stall 'tis little f«|n — »r I am far lest sat tubed . Than when I bra* Uegup. -—Carolyn Writs it. Ridgwavs, A jyuen little cadet in ja green little way i . .*■ '{ Some chemicals mixdd on a bright summer's day; And the green little flow ers now ten- . derly wave On the green little cadet't green bale grave. ,-tEx. . i . Pjapa -i - No. he's not the proper sot* of a husband for you, my dear! ugh ter.—Ov papa, he’d die for me!! I ! “Oh, that’s all right, then tell him to gp as far as he likes. I was afraid he tfcra J. M. CAILDWELL T7~- All kinds of M htd *8 and Alnrt* fClocka at the lowest Jewelry of nil kin< esi line of China in B sSffi. N, TEX. Qive you irder for CLA56 RINGS CI_AS^ PINS And all repair work to 1. M. CALDWELL The Jeweler pne nd-Pninted China, Cot Glam, and the fln- 21 : Drugs Stl Sp( Huyler’s (ian E'liia EALER8 IN- i'i'fT ery Cigars Tobacco ’s Athletic Goodii Phone 196 ; ■( anted to marry you.”—Ex. A hur- as will, „ *, Pape don’t want us tp be for ten years yet. But don’t look so worried. George, you will still he young by that time. He Yev darling: but 1 wasn’t thinking of myself. T'Flti mtXTZM mzr, 4i i o*or*s < lies. Perfumes rT* _ — _ ..F3KVAN ExA.QLxEx If NTINQ ENGRAVING THAI I CMC* METMUT enrr* sm val ATrt*Ttos ■ rftane 36 VT f t-Ol ! f T