The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 09, 1907, Image 4

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Tberw was ft Jer« OI«awiM who wft* A-QO«Um« fco • leotayr on
ft United States ycnator and In bte d»r P*«P>® that t»#cath.* throu«b the
enjoyed tho usual s. uatortal fame—a! bftbltnatljr wglectlne the no
fame whlrh perlahca whether It ■V'tfts' protwr tor 'i™ »lr
from four j-ears' *«<rvlee or forty. Aft
Of another,
He shot dlrt! P* n *'
to cotreert
have ehort
or Jere Clemens' fame as a senator' p *K ular " n
pasetsl array be was still nSnembered
for mnuy years <«> acoouut
eerrlco Which ho
eld John Brown
the hind le*r in a
not very clear
that t^ofernoc
hind le«. H
important I
that Is really
thfetn K<>t shot li
hare i>eep bett
hiatoricalj and
l them hadu sot
It la of n<> use t>
lect history. |X
. mind,
as much
for a person
the reall
Governor Wise In
However. I am
this. It may be
Shot him In the
I don't think It Is
the only tbintr
sot Is that one of
I V*. It would
noVdor n«d more
factory If both of
the hind leg. But
to try to reool
ror bad a historical
Whichever way It
of It. and that Is
aa I can get up
tyy name. But I
Sf^t tlemena. the
■ badk' toward
first Clemens, which
Mark Twain**'Auto-
■ a »eel raw Bastaw.
At s haJt i
write Ho? r
tion (s
the greut t-mupoan'r*
rjUeces? Tills quesi
wered tn the Lotulou Musical
"ve fo lowuiR table elves the
'a naige, Ms recogniaed mas
terplecrv the aa » at which It woe com
poaed and the ctompoier’H urc at death
‘ttatfif .<..1.^.
ttaydn........ ^
oisrahnt L.+~
>11 Sintiphony ,»-S«
icMuta S0-W..S9
r Byatphony »l.,.Sl
i.,,,. i......... S7...3S
■no toacert Si-85...46
eistotelmtor 4^-M . .«S
fteuen-m .-4 sc-85...c»
iltow-thst com powers is-
and forty creitted tlx
id Mfiaaefi. .i- 48
•fas M...?«
Weber .. .
Schubert .
mftHtantleces. Yet the compos
rt^ (jortr should not despair, sec
Thin goes to
tween thirty
(free Doit
ers ul>e» o
Ing that Baoli etmiposed his moss la
XI molllnt the age of fortyw ijiht. Wat:
ner hi* "^tels^orsfager” when- flftc.
QBaadel: hlh "Ml-eslsh” when fifty-sir
■ and I Iftydn his ‘H'reatten” when alrty-
fire yOftrs ef ari| |
Ups. flat cheeks,
decoyed teeth, plgeen
chins and policed br
’—a dreadful list bf
hi truth, fearful enough
all in a moment, yet
greatly exag^eratetl. ef course. Ho4r-
•ver. aa we ha ve heard many thnds.
usually ncvef heeding aa we p^ea IW.
It is dorldqRly injutions to tftwatbe
through the im^uth. Moreover. > If tfo
■top to consider a hit. we shall ho aide
to aee for ourselves several t-umuion
sense reasons that ought to make b*
supply, our lungs with air through the
nose. Taken IU hy way of the ftiouSt.
the air reaches the lungs by a, ruutli
shorter roiae and without the t>ei|eflctil
warmimf und ciunnslug process <fti will
afforded hy the longer nasal pitniuiije.
In a-inter especially should wu lake
care to breathe only through thq note,
thus loeeeftlbg greatly our chanres bf
taking deep se.-itcl colds. It Is ^icrMy
a matter of habit and simply a quds'
tion of trying alter all.
wdlr. Mte
nr “f* 5 *
r Oft II file
aa the
I. V the
- ——
fh beaut i ftl
MK>We. !kaasl
r. If bo'wit
: N
1 a T«e44 isb'^okr.
A c-rtstn stfitsti «|f Turki-y was very
fond of t ‘►-‘Ip •»‘>1 »cnt f^r the hank-
e. ^Vhmhart Bte. to lenfn the small
talk »if‘IV-en anti Suunhoul. As Abra
ham was beiagl{coaducted to the sul-
tan’a residence l»y the master of the
bone that Ainctlouary begged him.
should the sultan question him on the
subject, ^to say that the funds worts
at ao. blft majesty having been so In
formed. by bis ministers.
He bad net beea long With Abdul
Aria when he was questioned aa to the
ftnals and replied ns be had promised.
To the horror ef the hadker, the ml-
tan expressed {juuself delighted anti
haiahtll Abraham a large bundio of
botwls to sell for hlia. j
Abraham sold at 12 and paid AbMlI
Aqls Jy.». The sultan had originated
thft litxie “Joke.- J4.
■TuT jf 11 L- r 1!
The I,nut Worp.
►Hafeiag the lust word.” said a baval
of^eer^'Tcmlnds me of n story I hennl
nc* long ago. A <fTtaln man died, aial
a clergyman was etigug.-d to offer a
eulogy. 4rhls worthy minister prepar.vl
^exceeding lengtti ami
l«ef(>re lie entereil the
he theugtit that it
to leant what the
words had been. Bo
the weeping voting
and asked:
Ley. C«t| you tell me your fa-
tber's last wonla?' ,
didn't have none.' the boy re
plied. ) K" was with him to the end.';**
uj 11 1 1 !'r ‘ i '
I-a Font nine, the famous fable poet,
was a moat absentmlnded mao. M*dt
Ing one day fn a sahxm a young in ah,
be was so favoraldy impremed by Ms
■mw* 1‘utlsam.
Lore potions ns used by the
Of lower Aufttfia and Syria
tvally taken by the person who
U> be loved. The common htthi
consume minute portions of wbE]
seulc. which Will In a few weeks de
velop a thin, pule girl Into a ufmil.s
ruey cheeked beauty. Great cans lata
to be exercised In taking the agsettie
or death resftltsl and When ftge haiit
is once foriudd It usually lasts fop life,
since the t>odjy becomes uncomf
and even diseased, sinewing t
sympteftn.-t of arsenic poisoning. If t|i
habit Is broken off.
Some, of the easier.1 natlonk usg lui
potions «lifTitnputlT. y If n girl lofrcaj a
man hod h>* poems cold, she con|ri
to give him to <lrink of hnshees
taiue-1 from Indian hemp. The
hraln become^ foggetl. and he
to helleve aitythiug that is su;
to him. The , girl suggests to Hi
she Is iMetqttftd fmd-«he« comp«'
to regard kn-r unlovely features as tfie
THc lleuutH fnwtifte Ratterg.
The sujwrstltlon that human l^ikcv
• Ixmhl sleep with their h•‘•|lls Id the
north Is l>ollett«<| by the Fi'-nt-h tol«t(vo
f<>r its fmindatlon n si-ientlfic ifsj t
TTiey nflirsi that eacb lunmau systAhj W
In Ittjelf :m ek-ctrlc btutecy. the paid
Is-lhg one of tts- electrodes, tke-feef do-
other. Their) |«r<H>f was ills<-of«>red freu
experliuentk. ,whit li the ' Actodmul of
Bclences masi: allowed to make on Bb*
body of u i niitn who tras guiUotjnM
This was Inkton the Instant fellj mid
placet! u|>eb a pivot free* to move '*
might. Tia lMBad part, after u
vactHatlon.1 tjurued tu the north,
the body ttyod renntlued stationary '
was turnokl hjtlf way rbhnd try otelof
the profeskprf, and again tho Iwatl t«xl
of the trunk tnovtsl -slowly to the oitr
dinal point |<loe north, the sapie re uilt?
te'lng repe4te*l until the final arte?dn
tion of organic movefnaoL - W| h 1
1 The frehaeponlsfa K
•f »
-i rf s Ansrei v 1st as
| Si»a> r.n« « htldeeaa.
Id one of the German hospitals of our
cou|itrrjs observed a custom quite la
uc ordsace with the Iwautlful aeatl-
ux-tot the Germans weave about Christ-
i'brixtfcas belongs to tbe children—
everyt>o||y knows that—but It beloi
to Iheni' In a deeper, more beauti
nie THkn “averybody** laso
lx nemlqilcl of it. itowever,
nesftos -tn- U a scene as Is portrayed-In
thlf hospital on Christmas eve. ' tine of
the nurses dresses In a loug^ftoft flow
ing; robto of white, heuriug ki her band
' beftgli covered witly'saow. The
sno^r kftottoa sprinkled, with diamond
- 'ffhii* Is the < hristmas augel.
is •dblhlren are teld of tbe gentle
Visitor gnd Walt IA their little cots.
Wlten dprknesa la outside they hear the
atrftins of sw-eet.tnusla in tbe distance.
Th* monies ary singing Christmas car
ols.- am^ the pounds qomo through open
doia.. «i Thdn the Christmas a
coiiea. Si she goes to each little
bcddiniLover each liltle form to 1
to the ftvhispered secrets. Each
telh b<* what he wants on Chris
<l«i. Then, with a tender word,
passes dait. and to the sound of the
ola'thej. all fall asleep—those who can
from pain.
the day dawns all tbe children
■into tiie kindergarfeart dome
some are roned, and some
k. Bure enough, each fipda
hat he asks for—drum* and
trumpet* and books. On
lot^fr Httr table'Is a plate for each’one.
tilled, vgjtli candles uad queer little Ger
ui;ui cdlies. On one wall Is a tableau Of
thto Nauvlty made of small wax figures,
and n'Minting on ttie wall completes
thd Pei Ipectlte of UIIIh and shepherds
anfl tb guiding star, llatijftng fro
the wn I In the <-«utcr of the ward Is a
lailge t h>P cover.-d with laurel. At in
aN a round It ate' set lighted cun-
dl4*. : I Is suspen<lo<l from the <elllng
fou • wide ribbons.
tie fever, warik wjhe^*’ the. con
louHsdisenses are tvtretl ftor. tlie little
ienm of course cannot leaYt^ but
tmve their Christmas tho. Two
Sue spruce tree* start! in esicll
o«li n ward. Itrilllantly lllutaln.'it-
‘5 ^ny. many- colteuxt electric- Ilgl-tH.
elphl.c North American.
he moat peculiar things jin
One of
tho whole; history of signs Is the
that while alt other sUopkeei*?rs
patronirinp the embryo painters
tobaccpnlMt tolwnys caHed upon
wood cart-tor on the continent as
in England, j As long ago t.i
beth's rei^n flte wooden Image of
black hoy was the favorite >:gft
the tobaefo dealers. I-a ter the
tomary sign Was the highlander
figure of Sir Walker Raleigh. In tt^o!
land, for *->iae 5.*range rensot
bacconlsta a<Wu»ted the dalryma
their sign, with the motto,
tion for auckllngs.*' -! The Indian, .uat
orally enough. Bn» .ntwayg been, tht
predominant sign In this coin
though once in awhile o reversl
type crope oat with the ancient
The Orest Jettaee.
An Englishman had ocean! >n th ]go
often to an eminent physician and said
_ . to Jeamea, ••Ton will be tired of kpen
Ouverhatioa that he expressed his ap Ing the doer for me." "Not at nil.
miration for him iq the most flattering was the gradoua reply; •‘you ore H
other Triumph of Art.
ng New York artist says tha
be wni iu Vermont on a sketching trip
oW su nmer. .One day while strolling
alfu* i i pretty lone he orrertook a pnp-
r y picturesque little frtlow! who
skuntering along with a fishing
pole oft, bis shoulder and a impg of
small |sh' In his hand. He looked «<> . •
mtich \ i© part of tho small country boy j^4
of poet ry and flcUon that the artist de
ed 1 o would like to make a ttocetch
bitui and after considerable negotta-
o th a was arranged fpr, the lad. lii
v>rd uace with directions. (>erchlnc
hl&isclt ou a rail fence. A* tho artist
worked away at his sketch an old conn
r>n»ai came down the lane aud srtoo.l
(ookln; over Ids sbottldar. ,
By gnmr Thet certainly beats all
h«*uloc*T’ the old fellow presently ex
'•isiiucfi admiringly.
"Like tho picture, do youiT' the artli t
!&od. with a pleased flush.
'•Ob.jhtaln't thet, though It ain't *o
bad. What J meant was the way you
m a mice to keep thet bov quiet e.j
long." f New York Herald. ,
terms "But be la your own non!"
cUimeaia guest Id aatoulsbiaeat- —Is
It eof replied the poet. ‘Then I ala
tbe motoe delight.*! to make hie ap.
A Heasedp. |
“ffor stone time p«st I've been buff*
Ing-a dOxen eggs every week at this
stofe. ntsl I toavnriahly find two bad
..nee tu every d ./..-u thing's got
t<4 be done about Ik** mild an trage
bunlt In the boeean.** t
Another Jeamea was accostomalj to
say during Ida master's occasional a*
aencea: "Ton bad better try liopp+Mt
There's a' very respectable man l*>p-
poalte as we often sends to wh.-n S:r
William la htobsent. Ola name Is-Jen
ner.**—London Mall.
WsMiff Ip' U ■ 1 .4 4
lid tbe new clerk naively
and with a quiet xmlle. "tnebbe If you
TSv -viu.K. r--
Bunchurch. near Rugby, totiimn that
ts smithy Is the', original forge *’■ ‘
Inspired- tbe famous eerstt do
only Vooght'half . doseu >-ood*oi^ TWage BUcdsmlth." It I*
gwa uxmrj „
: " i t— ' of Ik—London Strand.
• 1 ! ! | ,1 U?
Whan a man writes a pooposai of *• w ^* r m
man Imi to ft woman he has written The sc-iety reporters always
■taxMrtbing will last forever A i ■ bride botng 1«m1 to the a tar,
ammau Lvo, deotrsy. a letter that •• though a bride couldn’t find
eoattena aa o«kr of ■Baatonga.-Atchl- way there bUndfoWed. - Pb
WOO LTV «•*<* ! SSOMMts L
GK D. Tucker
:D a livery stable
Only Stable on Main “Street.
i rH l F~t r~r Plwa. 1 1 ot
l m •iL
L-tJctLJlI L^ruggist
- i ull ! ? 1 li T ■ 4 ? ■! *R ! rll 1 l i
Pipes, Tobacco
' ''fl
441 wl
[ Toilet Articles of all kinds
[4 I,
Ca(s’ make l^j
Trousers or Uniforms
hef Tailor
Koil ON
A yote
t«>Nr Kt»R)
■, Pressing and Repairing:
AKK Al.fte.Hl* WI»>:<MAI.T|KS.i
J M.
didn't; v
ill a KashiastsHie Ite.isseast.
»n 1 was -young."' said an oij
■‘at all the finshlotiot le ff *-
you wrote your order. Tn :t
way to distlagul*h the rc.ijl>
hie resto-irant. You wrote ylmr
reas U> the couiiat.u
to the waiter orally
difflcult matter. It la .1
peclally when one has guests.
likely to get flustered over;
always liked to write my or
kept me cool. But a waiter,
over me.- M>ff>*atta< dishes I
wank hurrying me. had the
whs tic
otjder 'ghere. wh.
.kvc ySu gar* It
Ofderthg la s dli
ig. isspc
t one is
icell al
. |t ke
pdwet. to rattle me completely. But
fhahlokable restaurant* no longer are
tu he, dtatlngniabed by this writing
basimh* Writing has disappeared
from glien. They are to he dlstin-
guishsfl now by their French men as—
toe things that call a sweet-
rls de veau. a potple a vol au
d a log of mutton a gigok**-
hla Bulletin.
Oive yous-artier for
And all repair work to
The Jeweler J.
- All Lindt*
Jewelry qf aii
iilfte t>V Cbl
W Aicbcs hisiJ Alarm Clocks at tbe lovrekt pricb?*
•'*> n * < ^ c L»na. Cot Glasr. aud the 9d-
iii tlM-iii. “ 1 r 1 n
nice Drug Store
Huyler 1
tationery Cigars ; Tobacco
■ 1 j J . H | I* E J
hiding’s Athletic .Goods j
Perfumes Etc.
Hi ,£f
cat oil
la THta Mao's Wart
wants to he comfortable as
warm hearth rug. to feel no
pitch bf conacleoce. to aee nothing un-
pleam^nt. such as tears or a wan ftoce.
It exonperatss him to madncai when
be Is obliged to see hts wife sad. but
It utepr occurs to film to try to prevent
her sadness - Spfnetoe la London M
A Oaag Wlfa.
Thank you. doctor, for prescribing
a trip to flte Spa far me. Near, win you
•ah my husband to gtvo op
and drtnkbi* ?»-er. and then j
will be easily paid fort®—Mag-
'■ ■ ■ 11
Ht rrem,
J !'
, j * 4 Lf. y 1 . ^rJ [THf i iH r * *4 ^ "
tmah tvem meromt