The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 09, 1907, Image 2

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J\ *. Hou*ow*r « I- » '! EAitor-m
; | - jA«iocUM E«ttor in-CkM<
-f HuAmvft> Man»(cr
W. O Moo«E
K. H. STANOtrac
S. G Easfai*
J. 'A. Collims .
Of LaoasTr
L- Guccitmin, M
‘ j! j jMiMMinr
c. A Scmadt j: f. ft.
A. A. .Atury
IT ttDITOff $
cilay R F
,D a Ham
Local Editor
ACka»C« Editor
Athletic Editor
Alaotai Editor
tear The Battalion
the writer—oo no*
•a aMOMd cteaa matter at Cotl*t« Sta-
tma. Teama. Vehfwmr 1% ItM.
i iHtniiiiiiiii ill in i i 'i
AI thou* h vnt are toon to be en
gulfed in o«r midi*, men, let u« not
foiget the various duties which devolve
upon us outsid# of these.
* !
We would !ika to
call especial at-
I ;■}'
tention to the poemjl
torn our honored
r |
Prof. J. A. 1-omax,
Read it twice
f l:r
before you make a d<
ecision aa to its'
1 . ? •
: i The majority of #
ie cadets are now
returned and things 4
re getting lively.
. |t won’t be long tip
boys. Just work, <f
iat’^ ’Ell that is
< if..
We desire to
ers and exchai
Now tesm*
in all Par
men. to reap a
from the reftvurtii
we all be sue
1 *11 pfcr stibacrib-
happy new year,
earnest struggle
among college
of knowledge
i work. May
there is a alight -objection to • tjhe
Texas salt in that it hardens - it*
the barrel more quickly than ; the
Michigan product, but that ig?4ue
only to the fact that it is fi^r-
gralned and absorbs moisture more
readily, causing it !tj> run togetl*r.
Buy Texas salt and save $50 aicur,
and at the samd time help a State
industry. j 1
I Any-supposition that Michigan
products are superior . to Ttkas
products may be safely set dk>wn
as erroneous. Texas m.uui:aotUr-
es as good “health foods,’' as'good
furniture, as good beer, as good
lumber, as Midttg^iv and better
Democrats.—Dallas News. ; l
Should The
to its usual stan
reader must not
editors have
glorious Christ
reasonable that
this c«>on, for tl
a small college
It is a well ki
is educated until
of his fellow mi
at large. It has
and again that a
do mo
better, and
he looses sight
A visit .to the A. and M. college
will convince any thoughtful- and
observant person that each of the
special appropriations to be afeked
of the next legHlatpre are based on
necessity that can ho longer tiei ig
nored if the welfare of the inrititu-
tioaa is properly regarded and its
usefulness appreciated. The scat
tered engineering departments Are
too crowded to accommodate their
equipmegt and admit of even a
fair opportunity. iSor instraeggm,
hence the crying need of an engi
neering building. The existing
condition of students living in touts
is certainly forcible enough tt> il
lustrate the need df another ^dor
mitory. The longer inconven
of such a large and growing
tution using stoves for b
purposes is equally apparent,
from the question of econ
using a steam heating plant,
farm equipment-building is also of
great importance, not only for the
proper care of«all implements and
utensils, but for the more import
ant reason that instruction in; the
care and protection of such imple
ments ia one of | the econmaies
which has been generally neglected
in Texas, and which is annually
the cause of great waste and; ex
pense throughout the state. l«ast
but not least comes the request for
selected animals OfT the best stkAins
for the work of the animal ihus-
n fact that no nfan : bandry which is ides-
fa»oWs r -riT’ijnt l tlDcd to raising
and of the world ! for profit in thia Rt * te - of
illustrated time thca * deserve earnest and
study care ^ u * ccmsideraticii at the hands
of the legislature and should be
not come up
excellence the
surprised The
1 from a
trip, and it is not
should forget all,
■ihlicstion of
man <
ore efficient work, if 1 —7 1 rt —
Hr studies occasion- P r0vided for at theiearl.esfc possible
and allow, his mmd to be re- moment .—Bryan gagle.
freshed by some cxitward influence. Study is an autidbte for flunking;
VVe have here at this college a num- j it is as bad on ponies a,s rough
her of instimtii
this end. \V«
the Austin
’‘Staggs,” the
and the Y. M.
*ea»ons come,
and track at!
afford to stand
They are the
They develop
self control.
among men.
which make for
among these,
iterarv Society, the
pe dub, the K~ K’s,
A Also in their
toot Ball, Base Ball
tics. You cannot
from these things,
iking of the man.
>ur personality and
make you leaders
Out of your dust
rats; it stimulate^ the mind; inputs
reference Bboks out of cotnmfesion
and memory above par; it pelpa
along the Standard Oil company’s
trade in oil, and eventually will de
stroy the art of . horsemanship; it
prevents laundry bibs by prthknt-l
ing the decoration of white .cuffs j
with trigonometric formulae; it
puts us all on a level; is a g* -o* l in
vestment and easy ito get. 1 —El t.
and cobwebs myiearnest student and
'drink from the refreshing fountains of
fellowship and good cheer. You will
not then grumble at the tasks that
are imposed upon you. but your in-
. creased vitality vMl make them light.
“The spirit and ihe bride say come,
and lex him who; hoars say come and
drink of the watgrs of life freely.”
?g =". 1 1 - ■
Haskell Free Paeaa: Because of
an idea said tope prevalent in the
State that Texas salt is inferior to
Michigan salt, and ! WOl not curel
meat so well, tjhe chemist of the
Texas A. & M, College has made
thorough comparative analysis of
the two. sod he states that there is
no justification in the statement
that it will not cure meat. It is
said that 500 oc more car leads of
Michigan salt axe annnaly sold in
Texas for $jo snore per car than
Texas salt. The chemist says that
'' r ; ! i ‘t-ljfj i I f I i
Star, Austin,
Thh Tarletonite.
Stephen ville.
The Plain Texan, Weatherford,
Texaa. ,' <) -
“ •- 1* ly ,
The LariAt, Baylor University,
Waco, Texi$.
The High School Tnba, Sher*
man, Texasi; j-
The Texap, University of Texas,
Austin, Texhs.
The folliiwing exchanges have
been receiv>»d.
The Maverick, Allen Academy,
Bryan, Texas.
The Totne, The Tome School,
Port Deposit, Md.
The Skiff, Texas Christian Uni
versity, Write, Texas.
The Purdue Exponent, Purdue
University; Lafayette, Ind.F
Can is ' cow-hide’' in a shoe
No, but” calfskin.".—Ex. 1
The Academy Record, San Anto
nio Academy, San Antonio, Texas.
The Hnisache, San Antonio
High School, San Aatonio, Texas.
i i j ■
The Ohio State Lantern, Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio.
The Rocky Mountain Collegian,
Colorado State Agriculture College,
Ft. Coffins, Colo.
Our late u exchange is the initial
copy of the Maverick, from Allen
Acadetrfy, Bryan, Texas.
Here lies the body of Jonathan
Who died M the age of "as."
It has caused much comment and
wonder, too.
Whether ^t. Peter did tell him at
once to skidd00.
T Itt £ ’ ^y* | { . J h! !
illie put his stocking on
Wrong-side out and thought it
Mother didn't like his whim.
So she turned the hose On him.
— Philadelpha R.
/ k
Quoth he, ^‘Your lips look red to-
Said s|»e, “Well, yes, perhaps.
But papa,-darling, that’s all right.
. “It’s hnly from the chaps."
Princeton Tiger.
"Take bpek your heart !’f The
bitter ^ words
■.riffie said with lips aquiver,
"Take hack your heart, base
butchei man;
know I ordered liver!*
Benson’s. College Barber
will be provided with two
this year. Prompt and first
work. ij '•
Solicit yorr patronage
tio -
But the
Is to m<
yneters of accent,
of tone,
It of all meters " “u
her alone. —Ex.
She—“Yoior horse looks'as though
it Rre^e going to die."
He—"It hasn’t had anything to
to eat, so it can’t di-jest yet.
I ; ft I ___ ; j
As A. and M. is closer to Bryan
than is any other college, we natur
ally believe that we were the first
captors of the Maverick; hence it
is our right to brand it. We base
branded it well and are are sure
that our brand, “the best prepara
tory echoed paper on our exchange
BaX.’’will Stay with it.aahaaweil as
the reput.tion that Allen Academy
has gamed of excellence in prepar
atory education
. .fir
■ f J; : fl
H. H. srtTKKT r a. bBOODO* T ’ ». U. bboodon
--f* —-AMP-'^- -—■— v L Jf;»j
ii first National Bank
[Designated United States Depositary.
Capital! . . SI OO ,000.OO
Surpluv and Profits . 40,000.00
j ■;
WaQeslre to a.sors oar patroos of promst att““
jlj tlon ap«g palpstaking eedeavor in the performs
I ^ *** sny £<1 all aarrleva desired at oar hands.
rt. o.
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L. L.
F. M.
• PreAident
Vice President
Vice President
% Cashier
Assistant Cashier
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