The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1906, Image 4

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X&Jith the I/*/1 xx mni
“Mr. J. M. Btamseyotf the Texas
Agricultural and Mechanical Col
lege, ’06, an engineering apprentice
now in the djrmamo test of the
Westinghouse Electric Company,
has been appointed assistant in
structor in electricity and physics.
Mr. Ramsey will hare the Post
Graduate class in the electrical
laboratory work, ou Saturday after-
[•jhooua.” fj-; J |. /
The above note was taken from a
bulletin issued by the Casino Tech
nical Night school. Turtle Creek,
The school was established for
purpone of giving an oppor
tunity to t|»e men in the Westing-
house, and other electrical works,
to carry on their studies and work
at the same time* Brides a large
number of electrical machines. in
struments, etc., the school has a
well equipped machine shop in
which iroof and wood working is
taught, f-l.i l ; IiIhT ‘t L
A numWr of (he memben of the claw
of 'to, vrore (he Ruaett of Prof. J. S. Dean
at the box party at the Bryan opera house,
Saturday night. The play warn **Tha
Mysterioes Mr. gaRtoa." Oaring the
ratermiaaioa the gueats repaired to the
Exchange hotel, where a bountiful supper
sraa served. j
Mr. |F. G. EDio*. L. E. . '06. is os
■seer of the card roeen of the Belton t otu>n
Mills, He bon, Texas. Mr. Elliott sir
tA work with the Belton hailla immediately
after commencement and has received
rapid promotion and ia now saHafactorily
filling the responsible position mentioned
Hava.' Ilf
( 1 ^ I 1 i
Geo. W. Risifn, ’03, says
‘Farmer Jim' has just married a
Yankee girl and now lives in New
York City.’*
. Windrow 0r>, is also an
strument man ssith th|e U..S. Govarnnv
His present ad drew la U. S. Engineer
Office, Box 404, Vicksburg, Miss.
mmj. m Daria. Jr
'iThreuglt the courtesy of the
ht^upeaa fnanagier, [ • W. E.
Moore, we are enabled to publish
the following interesting letter
from J. M. Dajmff.'t Jr., familiarly
known us '' Fffniier Jim.’* He
played right half on tlte team that
won*tbe championship of the South
, in rqoa. f I J : |
Forney, Texur, Oat. 30, ’06.
W. G. Mioore,
CdLlege Station. Texas.'
Dear Sfir: The football team has
started off nicely!, all I want them
to do can be put m a few words,
“Beat h—1 out at Texas.”'
X>on’t| belie vie my head ever
swelled as mucb as when we beat
them in 190a. j
I am going to be in Austin ou
Thanksgiving Jay and if A. and
M. 1 'puts the blocks under them,*
well, “’i^uffsaid
1 ] pi Yout^
j J. M Davis Jr.
Mr. F. Ebarspacher, 'to, is at prs
located at Omaga. La. on 'evee construc
tion work. He is an instrument man for
the U. S. Gorernment.
A brother of . Mr. J. W. Ramsay of
Hooston is now wVrkiag with hitn in the
works of the Westinghouse Manufacturing
Co. at Pittsburg, Pa.
Mr. Chas. Hauch has been pro- uted to
the position of capaain on a drodge boat.
The boat ia at preaent engaged in dredging
work et Galveaton. • '
Mr. Hofmann Haines was called hnme
from Lynn, Mass., Last week on account
of the serious illness of hts fathnr.
Joe Welboaa. A. 'Oft. came up from
Houston to sos thd Haskell game last
Mr. D. E. Peddleton.
Urtuid Lake, Ark., ay*t
and I have been her
but may go back to
ffhaa. < A suh-coatn choc seek part
seork off the
getting on
out. The ground
muck ditch
Within fifteen
it will fi|l with
feet from the top.
hie ditch by ordin
three hundred and
yards of dirt to get
tk wait fdr the
water later ia the
writing from
“Mr! Windrow
BKf: a week now,
Vicksburg in a few
■«4 ffhtf-
aads, bet after
is about to draw
perfectly flat and a
deep t* required,
after digging a hole
> unable to dig
>ods. We have
thirty thousand esibic
kers, and may have
of the ground
I got the con-
started, and left
tract at Omega. La
Bet. Rl mueirffsr ia
l*|. ' ■ Asm
. I Mr.-'-M. F. THhMm. 01. who is aa
instructor at Cora^H Uaieecsity, and a*
present trying for al Masters degree at
Cornell, says **M H gart&utly a deplora
ble condition of afMrsVhen "Our Terns'
Cannot take care of the students who de
sire te enter the A- sad M. cel ley r. when
ou many other states are able to
denatrad." We ai^ oertain that this con
dition of affairs will not exist after the
next legislature megts, for the people of
Texas who ate so proud of their greet
state will net have it said of her that she
is “niggardly'' ia her policy toward her
Get a fountain pen. I handle
the Parker “Lucky Curve” and the
Standard self-filler. I can furnish
any size, price or design in either
gentlemen’s or lathe’s pen. Foun
tain pen ink for sale also. W. W.
Washburn, 30 Roes. 10
Telle Why Side Trip Tickets Were Re
ported on Adversely
Austin. Nov. IX.—Chairman Storey
of the railroad commission addressed
a letter to the Randle-Olbson Real 1
tate company of t^oepos ('hilnti
platnlag the action of the majority of
the commission In ruling against side
trip tickets to homeeeekara. Comtnla-
a loner Storey says that u£oa I area li
gation it was found that the railroad a
of the state had been earrytaR two
forms of What they termed homeeeek
era’ rates One was a straight round
trip ttchafeapplying from and to points
oe the line To this claaa of tickets
the commiaalon has no objection. The
oth- r form la what la called b
seekers’ aide trip ratpa and Is avail
able only to holders Of hoist
tickets from la ten tate points Under
this plan h- purchaser of this ticket
at Corpus Cbristl or other points may
hake a aide trip to Brownsville or other
points and by exhibiting the ticket get
a round trip ticket at a much reduced
rate This claaa of ticket. In the optn
Ion of the majority of the commission,
la discriminatory and jirohlblted by
law, says Commissioner Storey, which
caused the commission to make such
a rullag.
Under the ruling of the supreme
court In the Love gross receipts tax
case against railroads, the Texas and
Pari fir win be called ou to pay over
to the state, should the case financial
ly go against the roads. 9XS.B3S. th«
Katy X36.ll* sad the Santa Pa X7.X87
I Saa Aatoeio Prlgds Captured by
College Boys.
Prof. P. R Marshal and the ea-
cfc-ts who sreht to the San Antonio
fiir returned fast week. The prizes
ift each class t>f stock were $15.00,
Rjio .00 and fff.oQ.'
Van Zand I came out first in cat-
judging, while R. F. Miller,
tyrans and North were second,
third and fosgth. respectively. In
■fefcwp judging. Champers, fisst;
Evan*, secotig; Burns, third; Van
indt, fonrttg. In swine judging,
E. Jones, first; Chambers, s<
tgnd; Van Zaedt, third; A. J. Smith,
f|>tmh. In th e judging of horses
White, second; C. E.
Chambers, fourth.
third yaar this contest has
lh*a conducted at the San Antonio fair
apd has the hearty support ot all I
and stockman who have observed the work'
T done by the college judging team.
The contestant 3 are allowed to exam it
animals being officially judged, and to
can! showing how, in their
nion, the animals should be (reeled- Af-
the judging is completed theee records
compared with the work of the official
Ige to deteridine the percentage to *
student Where time p«
they are aho graded upon cleaaoi
and correctnesa Of reason* they can give
aairetaatiate thtar placing.
Several local and county fairs are now
aending for students to judge the livestock,
fiv E. Hanna. 'OA^twarded the premium*
the D^pison fair, giving excellent satia
tion . Cadpt, Hudgea, '08, is now at the
at land fair judging stock.
On Tuesday morning the Angers breed-
offered ivvb cash prizes for the best
in judging Angers cattle. These
eon by|*jlV. G. North and Fi B.
Bcid. [1 rJJT.)
Prof. Marrhadi report* that the stock ex-
tore at the Hair are determined to
so early date the college,'shall re
ceive funds to permit the further develop-
tot of the wotk of teaching the judging,
and feeding of Mve stock to the
mers'jhf 'Texas If the stockmen
t*oule throw as much enthusiasm
effort B> have the legislature pro-
the A. and M. college as
*rof. Marshall and his boys do in their «rf-
drts at (borouMi work, the live stock lo
ts would riyeive a benefit that would
ie almost incalculable, we tv-iieve.
The b*ly Stable on Main Street.
“‘Vi! r,
r Leading Druggist
• as
Stationery, | Pipes, Tobacco j
^Toilet Articles of all kinds
DO YOT NEED A NKW PAIR OF ■ j j‘ « iluj
Uniform Trousers or Uniforms
. h © Tailor
Cleaning Pressing: end Repairing:
j 'Al^K ALSO H IH -tPKCjI A I.T I K8.
- J. M.CAuDWELL bryan, nex.
The followiug from College at
ended the fiir: Prof. F. R. Marsh-
ill. A. J. Scjith, C. E. Jones. W.
W. White. V. B. MclCie. W. G.
North, R. MiUer. C. J. Minter,
C. Halcomb, A. L. MiUer, E.
P. Norwood* J. C. Maloney. R. W.
Paust. John-jM. Chambers. A. C.
Burns, E. P. : Vam Zandt.
meeting, Thur
. accepting the
The other large companlee will pay la
the neighborhood of theae amounts
Governor Lanham has returned from
Hooston. where he formally opened the
carnival. He said he was given a cor
dial reception, and that the attendance
The board cf directors of the Interna-
rMaal Live Stock. Exposition in their aa-
rsday, October 1*. 19M.
*5,000 annual scholar-
money jfiem J. G. Arena or. ap
pointed as d] committee, M«
Ifttraordy W|Mra a n d OgiK ie, to
tipeet with! lire deans of the Agricul
tural and hffeettanical Collages of America
arrange details concerning the distribu
tlon of the *. lolarahip awards beginning
w,.h I-*)?. g
This committee isaeed a call
lag November* 2, et a club house at the
Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Fourti
qollege* were represented showing the wide
interest In the fund so generously given hy
Mr. Armour jl Fourteen deans of uth
<x>i leges wrote lattws of regret because they
oould not attend, and expressed their opie-
jpn on the subject in writing.
After discussion the following plan of
button twss agreed upon: The
larshipa tc be divided among the col-
do the me
the students' judging
All kind** of Watekca and Alarm Clock* at tha Uwaat
Jewelry of all kioda. I^aad Painted China, Cat Glaaa, aod
>t line of ChinaYin Bryan.
Give your order for
Tv- IjPjl
And all repair work to
The Jeweler
te fln-
L' 1 : ii L
j F 7 iii. !?
' 1 1 » It4 j|l. 1
nice Drug Siore
tionery Cigars Tobacco
kltng’s Athletic Goods
Candies. Perfumes
lege* whose Teem*
York in
For best work on Judging
pidging cattle—Ij judging sheep—1; judg-
Mg bogs—1; judging corn—1; judging
feed and forage exhibits — J.
•4J -