w VOLUME XIV “ vj3 *** Published Weekly by the Students' Associstibn of the Africultursl mud — ,, i' of To* FUL.t« LIKE Spalding’s Ball Goods Poeket Cutlery sod Kny r~ • I i V.. Heidy-Msdo CIOAKKTTBdF AND CIGARS ALLEGKETTI'S ' - , DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CREAMS AND CANDIES K-OLLKGE STATION, TEXAS, OCTOBER 1C I ■ ' ' lltff \\ 1906. TO RUSH INTERUtBAN LINE. Kesaedy Arranges tor Coustructto* Liak Between Brysn and Collets. Active construction work cm the electric cur line between Bryan and College Station will be commenced on November to, according to Captain Edward Kennedy, who returned from a trip to- eaatern points and Canada, where he suc ceeded in interesting Canadian capi tal in the venture. Practically all arrangements have bepn concluded to finance the proposition, land Captain Kennedy looks forward to starting the work by the time mentioned. Monetary encourage ment of such a nature was secured that it is assured that construction of the right-of-way Will he begun in the early part of next month. Once started, it is the declared ob ject of the builders to push the un dertaking as swiftly as possible, thereby insuring the early comple tion of the line.—Nouston Chro nicle. j 'Mr. -F. M. Law, who was in HousQon on business Friday night, incidentally saw Mr. Kennedy, who is anxious to arrango for a meeting with the trolley line ' committee either in Bryan or Houston at an early date.-*-Bryaa Daily Eagle. ATHLETIC MEETING. Immediately after, supper Friday night the edrps met in the chapel for the pnrposo of electing student members of the Athletic Council, and for a ‘ general discussion of athletics. After an explanation of the Council’ll work, its usefulness, and its pnrpbses by Prof. Kyle, the students elected A. T. Potts. J. A. Wessendorfjj and L. N. Huff to represent tl* student body. J. S. Dean was ejected to represent the Alumni iit t|»e council. Talks on 'enthusiasm and sup port of thei team were made by Professors Kyle, Potts, and Camp bell. Capt. Vuckett and Manager Gilbert. Captain Sargent made an interesting talk, in which he ad monished the football boys to take good care of their bodies and train- *4- , } • l- _ Ltarmg these talks it ufofKd aMi the A. & M. Col old tie compelled to put out a k team? this year if she eu- :ts to retti ►liege AtlA le of this members r*ck team h ►nee in tfige I to do sometli tin a member of the ‘tic League. Since a league demands that lx represented by a i a meet as often as e years, it is up to ns ng in this line this 111, NUMBER 4 over Shoes year. Our? track teams ranked well in the pasl); why should they not rank equally well this year and in future.years? We have a num ber of cadets who can run, jump, and throw. f 4 Abo, there are other boys here “who can, with proper training, become adepts ia other exercises. Bo if A. & M. loses out this ,y«4r In the league she will have to charge her hur iliation to her students' slowness. In or<4er that the teams may be prepared fir effective work, the students should know the yells and be on the side lines, not on the field, cohering the boys when ever they n$ake a goo.!'play. When playef wakes a good play his move shoulijl be noticed in manner by* the students, who are the ones to RIGE1' .. and.. $4.00 +==5 RECEIVED.. A F'UlI Lkin© of ..SpaMlj AlMCilC Goods.. } Why ord-lt We eell st CbW%g« Prices HASWELL’S BOOK STORE I WOTiON. from the has been ROBERT BURNEY'S PRp The follqpring clipping Aatoino Expfe< handed to Rs: Robert L* Burney, a late gradu ate in cfvil engineering at the Agri cultural and Mechanical College of Texas, who has been in the ettgin eering department of the Santa Fe in Western Louisiana since his graduation Just Jane, recently re signed his position with fbe San ta Fe to Accept a higher position with the Pctansylvania, New York and Ixmgr Island Railway Com' pany and Jtft this city last night over the Missouri. Kansas and Texas for| New York, where he will report few duty on October i Before leering for Near York he t a tear days with his father, Marshall Barney, BUILDING A TOWN [>n« of our Alumni^f Bruno L. Dura, wl o gradsstsd in l^iSlrwriti-i that he is A sistant Resident EnmMer for the Orest Sc jthern Lumber Coqjasny at Bogaluae. L< s's CroA. L». This lumber company is mKaKel in buildins s model saw mill fn, Bogalusa. whid^k,will be provided h w;wo». water watm, a park of two hv id red s< a Y. M, C. A building. hurch. and othar if gkrpvements before tla inhabitant* arrive. Mr. Durst sends lipping from the Nit r Orleans Picayune, pi t of which we print selowt To turn a desolate pine forest, 2,00* e» in wtent, withoS a single habitation j on it. imp n thriving c Ey of IS,000 inhabi ts, sll within the p ca of a year, is the aim which the Greta Southern Lumber Company has set betas jit. The new town is to be ftognlaap, on ha mein line of the New Orleans Great ^locthara Railroad, about sixty miles from New Orleans. The site for this J aew town in the Pearl River Valley wat seven months ago a mass of pine trees. . It had never been touched by the ws>o Bean's ax, end was ruidered one of t he 1 Best pieces of tiaa- r lend In Louisiana. | To-day everything “ «—i— The timber has been of railroad track hai every section of the s| sand men are load after carload ed, which will, with coene the fraitw mill ia the swjrid. in the world which r~ oil, mile after mile sen laid throngh i, alrooet a thou- ht and day, car ls being unload tree month, ha tha largest taw the only saw mill be constructed of H Emmel iVlalortey Solicit your patronage Dr'-uigs S tra.t.1 o n. o ry ; 1 ottC. Spalding’s AlIt oti c Gopds Lkowrxog" GtlOGf olates Emmel & Maloney T* r <->r» ■ Amm 1 -- — Iv Ern^rCM1TV uruggiaui ia A B ysT-'i. ! -..i 111