The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1906, Image 3
j PRILL SHIRTS? 11 j campaign hats ? ! REGULATION BELTS? WHITE GLOVES ? a ‘is Special Noticb stock of drill shim was to have Arrived'for the opening of the Col lege, bat was delayed in shipment, and have just ar t i ted. So we now have a (nil stock of all sizes of th# beet drill ebirta offered the students this season, and would warn 'all .students who have not yet secured their shirts not tu delay their purchase* as each student is ,, required to have two shirts, and the supply >. may not lasting." f l L 1 ' ' -H HUNTER & CHATHAM MEN'S FURNISHERS —.— .. ■ HBVt S OF THE INSTRUCTORS. M. King ol Cuseeta, Ga., A. j»f the .^Jnrirerjrity of Georgia A. M, of -Aho University of Chi ago, wa* el|^cted assistant pro- fes* >r of Kagh-h \ 7. L. Thnmyaon, a graduate of the Miller School in Virginia, was ma< e assistant* professor of me- i chaftical engineering and drawing.) l*rof. Campbell spent most of his Vacation in Mexico. The latter part of the suxBaneV he visited his home in HecoUt, ID. Rrot. F. D. McLonth of Spring- field. Mass., was elected assistant professor of architectural engineer ing and drawing. ft || r.| Jas. A. Dean, one of last s.SeniorsJ has accepted a po- stiRrct RAILROAD TIME TABLE H. A T. SCHEDULE. NORTH BPCNO TSAlS*. I »o. a. 1-4- iivlf*® p *“• SOUTH Bpr^n MUHNSy. No. 2 L. j . . in. No. 6 ... | . i **7 (flag) I. & Q. N.I SCHEDULE Kodal finished Mr R. <C- SchiUer of class’06 win be student assistant in the Civil Engineering Department- ?rof. and lies. Ol D. Hargis have returned from Mexico where they spent the;summer. Mr. A. A Haskell has a jxierition with the Tpxa4' lola Portland Ccs m ept Works at Dallas. flhe Citv National Bank OKSIONI AX U Ml TED With capital. dred thousand] D DEROi® ITA)R V OF" -rue ATE® OOVEFVNIMEirsiT rplus and profits of one hun- oltars and total resources of over half a million dollars, transacts a gen eral banking business, and offers its serv ices to the ptfplic with assurances of abso lute safety, guaranteed by the character, experience anil financial responsibility of the officers and directors charged with the management fcf the Batik. The business of the faculty aiid students of the A. and fl. College solicited. G. S. PARKER, {President * i E. H. yLSTIN, Vice-President ALBERT W. WILKERSON. Cashier ED. Si OERDEN, Asst. Cashier E WlCRENSHAW, Asst. Cashier —— .G j ■— ' ■ 11< TRADE WITH. El. xJ. IxJ Ev IM M I N S of Fort Worth was north N«». U» ...... No. rot...... SC H EDI ^c4e> trains. LLv-Pl-js* *■ ikT:. vt p- 41 t LOCALS? — Ask the Ine^daj agent tor on flat work. l-.v, r s on*.- Si '-A ticket bAfote Sunday. 1 T ht: new 11 put in position 1 Kodaks and free instructions' dip. Special pnefcs A. MEETING. pictures developed arid [ injplete from 5SC to »i c > i Ayif. Browt][ » in ckar per dozen at Carter s studio, Bry- M.iE}. Department for the an. ^ r 6 Iowa State Coffege of Agricul ture and Meehan id Arts has a nc\v main building. Which was dedi cated last June, j The cost was $.T7fe,ooo- You must preseSt your Lyceum, ticket to the doorkeeper at every Lyceum entertainment. Unless you do this yon j enter the chapel New York 1ms every fourteen of the the present. Id pay for his l,y- ii ■ At a meeting of the Y. M. C. A. at chajiel Sunday night T. J. Bees- ley \Vas elected to take the place, as president^ of Major Moore, itively cannot ' vhost worl the ca mpeUed him to tjender his resignation. t telephone for ' PrcsideU < GUbert w “ i CaUsed -bitants, and i t0 rC ** TH iVL AN Whei In need of Pet fumes. Brushes, Dentifrice, or any thing in (Toilet ukrticles. idquarters for A. and M. College Stationery T his cpmpany "The office of to resign because of claims to be Hhe best-telephoned anti * oot ‘fj 1 ,|uties 4 f ’ vige president was left vacaot, petidiiug the selection of a good that in Texas. Dallas has a phone m ^ n for every eight inhabitants. Sampson & Heller have the agency for the Ineeria Laundry of city in the world ” But according to the Dallas Diipatch, we l>eat at Carter’s *tu- 6 to all the cadets on any sixe photograph at Carter’s been placed offthe Main Studio. L A new mail ( on the second' Building. t Let the Ine^da do your laundry work. Special attention given to Bat work. | tf Fatty Holmesl in reporting to Sentinel, sainted . and said: "All right, central.^'! j . < Fish Butlef, asking for Wor cester sauce WincheattL) ^Uh*s hall: “‘|*^a ihe rifle." All Cadets feave a special invita tion to make hyr store head quar ters while in B 4 \F :J. M. Caldwell. The marrikg« ; of Mias Jennie j Howell to Mr. Duncan Douglass Bastman, of j Italy, is announced for November xi.i Miss Howell is well known On the campus, and was several times the sponsor of Company A. g dummy i Saturday 1 Houston, the most up-to-date h ,uppi„.. iiA !r w ’ dr i'j“ * h,! Yonr dry collected regnl«rly every Mon day uight and distributee! on F.riday night. You may depend on us. tf The Ineeda Laundry guarantees all work. - tf Prof. A. Mitchell of College re turned yesterday afternoon^ from Campbell, Hunt county, where he was caflled on account of the sud den death of his mother, Mrs. E. H. Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell died oil her 6ind birthday, and leave* a husbabd and four children. She was a member of the Methodist church, a native of Tennessee, and had resided in Texas since 1866. The many friends of Prof. Mitch ell and family will deeply sympa thize with them in this great sor row.—Bryan EagM. j | Potts, i for the lunkio, be ap- young 1 rted for AN INFALLIBLE SION. A student in one of the colleges was Writing on a paper in medical jurisprudence in which |he was asked to enumerate the signs of death by droWAing. After some more or less futile guesses, he add- ed "But the surest sign of all is on the door.”—Short 8to*- livterestirrg talks were made by Rev. PoWelL Prof] Junkin 'and several of the cadet members of the association. Prof. Powell suggested that the Bible class IfcRd- <. rv m< < t at Sgnday school and pre pare the .lesson for the following Sabbath. The appointment of lnpm~m for ofceae'classe s was held until next Sttnday. on which day the leaders of last year’s classes, and those members who are willing to volunteer' are requested to ap pear at Sondgy school. The names of the old members were taken and several of the new students were enrolled. While there were not many students pres- < nit, those who did come were very enthusiastic. • This enthusiasm iuakes one think that great good will come from the work of this band, which was organized a short while before the last commence- fr-D-i jfs Mat- bo Uni te Uni- Profs. Mitchell, Jn King, land Dr. Fou cadets, and M Cavins and others pointed for the folks. About forty cadets study. | The course this strictly] up to date, used a*e writeen by thews and Barton of !chi< versity, and publishest by versity Press. The above namedAchchers and superintendent are' a sufficient guarantee that this feature^of <ol- 1 lege life will be emidhntly Success ful, and in the highe^| degree ben eficial to every cadet (who attends. will be thre^ghMSch: One for the Freshmen; ‘.one for the and Ju^iore, and one for the Seniors, wit ft subdivisions where needed. Say, fellows, cam. you afford to, miss this course? V Why not join a class now, in the very beginning^ Do you not owe it? to yourself a*j to your pa rents to avail yourself of this op portunity to study Bible under trained instrdetors? Report next Sunfeay and get in the push. fr..-=.-:r i ■» = LOOK PLEASANT PLEASE! «/. Allen Myers for Safety Razors Pocket Kniyes, Etc. a ft YAM. r*XAS The Old crepe Ties. loqr. THE COLLEGE SUN0AV SCHOOL. We publish the following by re- gwest: r Last Sunday the college Sunday ' | ^ j | ^ j- school met fc>r organization. ' The school is especially fortu nate in haring Dr. Brown act in capacity of superintendent,: Lble Hello Boy si Am ready to greet you at my i»ew Studio and Art Gallery. Hare also a Free Kodak School and will teach you all you want to know. Alonzo Carter, & JOHN WITTMANN Shop Can always he riep-oded upon for Qual ity. Style, Fit and Protnp nee*..... GIVIE US YO|JR ORDER fiij! _ To the Old Students and the /Ve*v , We extend you an invitation to make <>ur store your loafing place and Clothing, Counterpanes, Table Covers, in fabt everything to supp* — Webb Brother EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR J; B. GRICE, Propriety. HOT AND COLD BATHS MKXT POOR TO BXCHAKOX HO(TXL,. BRYAN. TEXAS. VT * — —= - We a rry Gents Furnishings, Shoes y your vsjants- 3fc 3ft 3t 3ft 3i ■' ►— Your Gri0* am* P*c*«y«s With Vi ■> ■>—..a ■ 1 - t