The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1906, Image 2

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*♦»*•«<»' Association
•»«* MsckMkal
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Awochts Editorm-ChicI
.7 — i *■ *1 ■«»«*»«•■ Masaccr
H STAAMr^i Asnisunt Bnainau Manat nr
A. Snrnt - I - Local Editor
A Cc -Un. I- ... tact*-. Editor
w. LiGCSTf i • AthJrtK Editor
'.MWianT Bdtlots
Ai. A Hudv
C. A Schaot
lor TIM Battalion
name mill
taken of
K * , *~ d arro!e^fen7." , ,^r > ^ *-
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RtcroRs help? ;■ 1
The Board pf Directors of the
A. and M. College Appropriates a
certain arnouat of money every
year to be ti^o<l for advertising the
institution. Some of this money
«9es for thei CtJlego, catalogue,
while sopm isipaid for space in the
dailjy panem. This is all very good
as far aa; itJgoA}. It seems .to us,
however! t*at ‘the students) of the
Collegfc lar| pifyihg for an adver-i
tisement of some importance, with
out any assistsiace from the Board.
The Atuhea^s are rnmnng a
weekly paper called The Battalion, I
.and not otdjy that. They-, through
their managers, are sendiag out
many eopiek o! this paper to indi-
vkiual^ *thq$ia, oo lieges, and
news|>ai>ers,' iji this and other
stated To schools, most of them
tor colleges, many of
Itural colleges of other
to the several great
The I Battalion is
expense for these
about *Jo per month.
ng ourselves, we
ay say that The Bat-
the College where-
ever and whenever it is read. The
question tb*n arises, shall the stu
dents be the oaly one* to pay for
this adv«erti^esacnt? The students
are paying for-it.
We have th4 impression that the
Board of Director* has never of
ficially noticed-.The Battaliot}. We
know that the paper is not men
tioned in tfie catalogue It is our
purix)s< here t«b call the attention
of the Directors to this state of
affairs. 'VMith: their assistance to
the extent of: only .tioo or $200
per year,
stance, the pa^er Would not have
to be so c to wiled with advertise
the Board of Di
least consider the
by The Battalion
in TfeXas,
them agrl
state i,
sent free.,
free copies
talion ad
The Agricultural and Meehan*
ical College of Texas should b*
well known, first, to the studepts
of the Texas High School*, and
secondly, to the students of (he
other Colleges and Universities
throughout the copntry. By «x<t
changing with the student phblipn*
lions of such institutions, we haj>e
that The Battalion may be tjbu
means of making this College
more widely known. We especially
desire to exchange with the sister
institutions of this College, the
A. and M. Colleges of other states.
The Battalion will aldb be
tto the larger newspapers
State. Whether or not they
change with us, we believe that
the College will' be benefited by
their receiving the College weekly.
It has been observed that stu
dents in the same room sometimes
club together io subscribing for
•The Battalion, taking one copy for
the room. While each student i(i
the room get* quite as mnch out of
the paper as if he subscribed, no
one of them jays his full share to
its support. {' • | . I
In arranging for the publication
pf The Battalipn, the Busines^
Manager figured on a certain
amount of supp^nt frpni the stu
dents. He estimated that a certain
per cent, of the students woul<t
read, and pay for the paper; he did
not fstimate tliat alwut one hunk
dredj per cent., would read the
paper, while about sixty ‘per cent, j
would pay for ft, ,
The Battalion fa not a private
enterprise, but is published by thq
Students’ Association. It is just
worthy of your support as is
the football team; and no set o(
students would think of clubhitid
together to buy a football ticket!
even if they could. Several years
ago, when no football tickets were
sold, everyone saw the games free
if we choose, but he was asked to
give what he could toward the snpy
port of athletics. And nearly' all
the cadet? gave from three to five
dollars. Yon should feel the same
way about The Battalion. When
the Busipess Manager makes an
other canvass for subscriptions,-
those who have not subscribed
should certkinly do so.
IfHlff I Ff^T
r, ^he Battalion could be
d in many ways. For in-
work I
in adver
Promt*** to Be Ike Beat Coarmc
Had at Collet*.
The Lycenm Coarse of the Col*
which is under the manage
ment of the "Long Horn.” the
College annual published by thu
senior class, promises to be the
best course of its kind that l»as
ever been here-
All of the entertainments are tq
be strictly of the highest orde
the College, and in j and all are prepared to afford eu
I joyment for all ages. Th<
I *
■|b|H I ♦ - jj 4f | ^|| j { IMi ' IfchL ‘1 t tr-
First National Bank
HI .
Designated United States Depositary.
Capital . .
Surplus and Profits
to aaaure our patron* of prompt atten-
'u o ; aad pMfnatafcinir eodenvor in 'th» performance
Of any and all ••rrlc«* desired at oar hanck*.
J. W. kbWteLL { . I
OUY M.’ bRYAN, Jlfc.
t. U McfNrtl^
“■tHrfwillsnfilii r: .
. President
Vice President
Vice President
i ^ Cashier
Assistant Cashier
t Of
Fall opening
of me New
styles tor Men
This! is the great Clothing
event of the yean—our advance
showing of the new Fall and
JWinter models. As everyone
knowis who is at all posted on
the subject, the new styles are
very [;largely originated by the
S c h lj£ s s designers and later
copied >y others.
The present season is a good
illustration. Now that our Fall
stock |is here, we can show you
new advance* models that will
not be
least two or three months.
generally offered for at
It will pay you to see these splendid garment u
and the right style, but tho quality, fit an
tents are thoroughly excluaive characters*
dupucates and our best will be quickly taken.
bel«4tion until later, if you so desire.
Not only are you certain of the pew
incomparable workmanship of these
I. Furthermore we have Very few
ee them now; we will reserve your
1; i!
The New “Harvard” sack
L H I liiipw JP
Fashions don't come from London and Paris any more-—most of them
are brought out at the great universities like Harvard. Yale, Princeton and
other famous institutions.
1 L[..| I -i I , . ; . ' - i s
Here is one of the best of the new designs for Fall—called the “Harvard”
because the model came from there—Well «own in the illustration. You’ll
find it just as correct (or business wear in Hew York or San Francisco as it is
bn the Harvard campus. This is only enfe of our “University” Models—
ask to see them.
Don't confuse this design with the ordinary ’ ttraight-fronts" that yon may see.
, * —* —- —— * wa^aa^m w**aa uaav. vta aasajiuua ^ w%a «.a^ aa a A v^aa aaaax 3 tX.. A
.;Uw*l|aritv ends there. Little differences of line Aiwd shape and proportion, impossible to
lescribe, give this “Harvard" Suit an unusual
by the fine tailoring.
Our Schtoss Suits cost f
' I Others $5
er and smartness specially brought
$12.50 to $25.00
‘A Little Better for
f xTTT t
a Liflle
tertainments have now been ar
ranged fat, and every reader of
this paper should avail himself of
the opportaaity which the Lyceum
Coarse affords.
The entertainments will be giv
en in the chapel, and all students
will be allowed to attend.
The first entertainment of the
season wiD t!e on Monday morn-
Oct. i$. It will be is lecture
the South Carolina Senator of
adonal reputation, Hoe. "Pitch-
fork’ ’ Tillman-
well worth half
season ticket, so
should take ad
portnnity of
is the first
tertainments of
Course. Bveryooe
s season ticket bef<
12.} The approxi
T l!
' J
1 . 1
i »
number is
ice of the
of the op-
this great
‘ ‘Cyclone’ * South-
National Ladies’
oember S.
Dr. Edward
ers, Jan. *i.
Charles R. Taggart, Fleb. a.
Temple Quartette, March 9. I
* Miss Katherine Eggleston,March
fthecineen- 23.
Lyceum Frank S. Reagan,
ild obtain College Glee (Sub,
Friday, Oct. I Season ticket Lyceum Course
t;dates of the fbr cadets and others, are on sale
, Arith the
other entertainnienta.fkrith the ex- by A. T. Potts and J. A. Collins
ception pf tiro, whieh|WtU be pub- Mdea: For cadets, $* <*>; for all
1:S n C ! fcHow.: others, gj.oo. FWr> tickets,
Ralph Bingham, MJr. 7. 95.00.