THE VOLUME * Published Weekly by the Student*' Associjtiou of the AAiculturel end Mechanical Col - \ I ■ ■■ : COLLEGE S'! FV14. LfNE Spaldii)g» foot B&U Goods ipocket I'etlwry and Ha«or«. 1'. i -i ji:- ] 1 • ! Reatjbf-Madc OIOAH*TTEt* AND OlbABS alle4rettis DEEICIOl CrtOC'OL.ATE CREAMS AND CANDIES HOT or COLD SODA WATER PCRK JiaE CREAM.-X \V« Sbliott V-our Petron***. .4 -> PRESIDENT SLGOES- »- L! ■ Remember Renson, the College barber, when >x»u want good work and clever trehtment. HARRINGTON'S DON. President Harrington called the corps to the chapel last week for the purpose of learning how tnany of the cadets would prefer living In tents to staying in the crowded rooms of the barracks. Since very- few of the boys showed a prefer ence for the tents the president decided to let the students con-' tinne as they are in the dormitor ies. Perhaps if the boys had thought over the matter, more of them would have embraced Mr t Harrington's proposition. We be- I lieve that if about fifty of the hoys I Would move into Che tents those j boys who would be left in" the rooms would do better school work. Experience teaches us that three or more boys in one room ^annot do any very good wotk; one of them is continually shuffling atxkut and usually has some inter esting experience of the day to re late. Another point in favor of the tents is the influence that this news of the cadets living under canvass because of the congested condition of the barracks would have upon the State legislature. This move, we think, would in fluence the trustees of the public funds to make an appropriation for a new A. & M. dormitory. The Houx: ol r—p 1 nh»>wr tJonT T TEXAS, OCTOBER 3, 1906 athletics. We are going to have a winning team tlfik year Nearly all of the Old ^layers are hack, and- the new material is showing up well. Our team will be heavier and faster and imiofi better organized. All the suits; are out and many are WaitfiiK : the arrival of the new Uniformwhich are expected every da> The schedule has not been quite complettsi yet, but will be in a tlaySff Prof, Potts is negotiat ing with the Kansas City Medics for a gat*e here on October 6 or •lout October ij. If he fails to land this;ja game will lie arranged with either the Fort Worth Uni versity otjthu Houston Y. M. C. A. or probably two games will be scheduled*—the K. C. M.'s and one the others. Anyway, there will he at leasf one game on the campus before Oqtober ao. Here is the 9chedule->i“paste it in your hat:” I Ofc. ?04-T. C. U. at Waco. Oct. a7-1-Daniel Baker at College. Nov. • jj—T. C. U. at College j Nov. is—Indians at College. Nov. 17^—Tulane atNewOrleans. | Nj»v. ig»—L.S.U. at Baton Rage. | Nov. —U- of T. at Austin. The matiagement is to be corn- securing such an ex- oellent schedule. The trips offered extra inducement for every mat on the squad to put forth evefy effort to make the team \ No one Who can be of any value in ilevekijjmg a winning college team should be content to play comfwray ball. However, the com pany tcants will show up material for next {year's team. The com pany schedule will be arranged in ae few daOs. -The fallowing have been elected in the different com pnnies | A company—Manager. Homeyer; captain, Sjigel. s B company — Manager, Boyce; captain TpodRpsau. C,company-—Manager, Wort ham, ckpRain, Biviiis j j D company— Manager, Adkins; captfein, Wesanulorf. \ j Tpe new students are especially requested to oome out and try for a place. •Tow«n SMtao* Haw; ^, CorliM-Caoa Camra a Cu ’ Wtodev SOaSM w.ndo- CarWiaa ,;j'. Hair BraO— Pencil* and TpbMts Dock Paata and Jumper, r J • Teaai* Shoes Table Covers Sonar Noveltr Hats Teams Sheas, black a whits Sinai* Sed Sheet* Clothes Srushes Talcum Powder SMaola Outfit White Closes E S *T M. Ties Eatlc Drill Shirts Conntsntsnes Tooth Brnabcs Shaving Soap Od Cloth Ruga Tmuks and Salt Cases WEXaOOMK TO | OAOK.T®. BURT NORWOOD * walk = p: OOT COMFORT ISN’T something you need . likt; 1 to look forward go—v something to be had as a rev, arc! for a week or more of torture not if you wear WALKOVER SHOES. They begin to be comfortable with the day of purchase and remain so until worn out. The smart Fall Styles in Patent Vid, Patent Calf and Gun Metal Calf are here to choose from j 1 F^RIOEX $3.50 ^ $4.00 m JUST RECEIVED.. : HiiF r "' A Full Lsin© of ir .spakHag 11 ..FOR Why order thane We sell at Chicago AlMclic Gaods.. ..FOR eFRlNO.. p^cen HASW£LL S BOOK STORE jWebv Ojy r tcer'*r , . . SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Last Sunday the Seniors elected the following officers for this year: j President—Moore, W. G. First Vice-President — Potts, A. ‘A- Second Vioe-President—Gilbert, ■Pt' • ;• A- Secretary’—Black, R. S. Treasurer—Jouine. Historian—'Cunningham. KOSS VOLUNTEERS. The Ros» Volunteers have elected Miss Mcldnts s;- n-or. The offi cers are a* follows: Captain—Moore, W. G. First Lieutenant—Gilbert, W. A. Second Lieutenant—Wortham. First Sergeant---Adams. T. A. Second Sergeant—Bass. Second Sergeant—McKie. JI MOR CLASS The Junior class, at held ip Prof. Puryear room. Sunday night, following officers for t ’o6-’o7* « ** President—Huff. ■■V^clMPKsldent— S e c r e t a r y-T^ Adams, Athletic Manager- Sergeant-at- Arms Histo: latti—Holloway The president, havip -tructed h>’ the dask, following as a committ pins: Adams, T. A., Beesley. Holloway, U|a IS. meeting section- the an of r—L e in M- enstein. I. f ■—! •Pi SOPHOMORI At a meeting of class Saturday night 1 officers were elected the year: 4 C. W. Leggett, presk D. B. Harris, vice-pr« C. J, Minter, Secr^ nrer. John Dabney, Athlet R. F. Rudolph. Hi J. W. Wilson, serf ab- {nted thi class >alt, >bomore Mowing Serve for Hanager. tt-amtsc FRESHMAN At a meeting of the I Freshman Class in the Chapel thef following officers were elected for gibe year: President—Hamilton, j Vice-President—Arno I, Secretary—Mcllhennj J Trva Mirer-—Clymer. Historian—Reese. it! Emmel iWalonoy Solicit your patronage Drugs F > or£tjm©« Stationery oto. f - ©j>a.l