THE BATTALION. ■17 Bean. Department of History—Badt, Jouine, Hensel. Department of Mathematics—Cerma, Bean, P. E. Cun ningham. Department of Mechanical Engineering—Lemport, Hop per, Marek. The exercises were closed with the presenting of diplo mas to the thirty-six members of class ’04. In the afternoon competitive company drill for the How ell flag began at 4:15 P. M. This beautiful Texas flag is presented, at each commencement to the best drilled com pany to keep during the next session. The flag was won by D company. At 6:25 P. M., the last drill call for the session of ’03-04 blew for the annual graduating dress parade. During the parade the Howell flag was presented to D company by Capt. Sargent. With the close of the graduating dress parade, ended the session of ’03-04. Tuesday evening right after graduating dress parade, Mrs. Neibert gave an informal reception to “her boys,” the classes of ’03-04. She was assisted by Miss Mary Hutson and Miss Helen Bittle. It would be very hard to tell how much Mrs. Neibert’s “boys” appreciated her kindness, but the reception will long be remembered as one of the most pleasant incidents of a very pleasant commencement.