14 THE BATTALION. vehicles, and the sounds of the busy factories and shops. The contrast in climate from Sunny Texas to that of the Windy City, with the ground covered with snow and the thermometer standing at zero F., was not altogether pleasant. It was, nevertheless, only a short time until we arrived at the hoteh and, after attending to necessary business, we lost no time in going into the stock show grounds. The arrival was just in time to see the college students in competition for the beautiful trophy, symbolic of a steer. The weather in the meantime was becoming uncomfor table, and it came to pass that it was only a short while until we were forced to retire for the evening and seek warm quarters. After toasting our feet for some time and eating an invigorating supper we made a hasty inspection of the stock, thus learning where each class could be found. The Fat Stock Show was conceded by the most able judges as being the best and most complete show of its kind ever held in America. The cattle department was repre sented by something over 1100 head of the best specimens of the various breeds. There were probably about one half that number of horses, principally of the draft type, and about an equal number of sheep and swine. On account of the magnitude of the show, it was impos sible for each one to make a thorough study of the various classes, types and breeds, so the subject was divided as fol lows, in order that a conservative and concise report might be made before the Agricultural Society to those who did not see the exposition ; as follows: Moser, horses; Hanna, cat-