THK BATTAIvION. 41 Boyce : left tackle Moncure Carter .'.left g-uard Randolph Arnold... 0 .:..^'t half :... Rubenkoenig* A lien center LaBar Dean rig-ht end Rog-ers Webb .. .i.,. rig-ht tackle Schroeder Rollins : . rig-ht g-uard Hauck Oliver (Capt.) .rig-ht half ...Crooks Gilbert..— — full back... Johnson Houch ins— .—.quarter back—.— ..: —' Reese Officials, Blake and Boettcher. Anyone who mig-ht witness a company football g-ame at the A. & M. Colleg-e would be surprised to see so much inter est shown in the contest by the cadets. It is amusing* to listen to the discussions in reg-ard to the opposing- sides. Every boy feels confident that his team will be victorious, and bets his “cush” accordingdy. Jests are indulg-ed in, and such wisdom as would make the ancient logicians wonder at, is uttered on every side. Every one anxiously waits for the pla3’ing- to commence. Such were the conditions when the “A’’ and “-D” com pany football teams lined up on October 31, for a g-ame to decide the superiority of the contestants. Erom the kick off the battle was an equal one. The