THK BATTA-LION. 37 yard line, when time was up. From the very beginning- of the second halt our team showed improvement and was in possession of the ball more than half the time. The ball was advanced several times dang-erously close to Trinity’s g-oal line, but Trinit3 T man aged to keep us from scoring*. During* the entire g*ame our boys called for time only once. Trinity called for time thirty-four times, nineteen times during* the last twenty- minute half. The features of the g*ame were the long* end runs made by Trinitj* during* the first half. Burleson, Davidson and Steele made some of the long*est. Not more than 600 people attended the g*ame, althoug*h it is said to have been the best yet attended on Trinity’s gridiron. Our team was very well entertained by the Trini- ty boys. Dr. Banharm Prof. Johnston, Coach Platt and Burt Hull accompanied the team. The line up of both teams was as follows* A. & M. Trinity. Street left end Cover left tackle Kendrick left g*uard Oaruthers Center Benjamin rig-ht g’uard Boettcher right tackle McFarland rig-ht end Steele Walker ng'ht half back (Capt.) Burleson