THK BATTALION. 35 the first time our g-oal got in danger. The Oklahoma boys then shoved their big right tackle, Tribby, over for a touch down. There was only one minute left to play when the goal was kicked. Our team was outweighed by that of Oklahoma by at least ten pounds to the man. They manipulated their end runs better, but considering the comparative weights of both teams, we equalled them in line bucks. At one time in the game our team got possession of the ball on our eight yard line and advanced it nearly the whole length of the field by line pla3 T ers before loosing to Oklahoma. With the excep tion of a ten 3’ard run around our right end by Street, who got the ball on a fumble, our team made no end runs. Those who pla3 7 ed the best ball for the visitors were. Bogel, Tribb3’ and McCreary. Hope, Blake and Boettcher did the best pla3dng on our side The line up was as follows: A. & M. Oklahoma. McFarland right end Severin Hope right tackle Tribby Mauk right guard .'....Monett Boettcher center , Wright Caruthers left guard Clark Benjamin left tackle Arnold Street, G-. left end Clement Bernay quarterback McCreary Blake (Capt.) right half Short