FOOTBALL. A. & M. VS. ADD- KAN. On Saturday, October 10, our football team played the I second g*aine of the season with the Texas Christian Uni* versitj 7 team, on our campus gridiron. The game was a very slow one, no brilliant plays being made by either team. Only a few B^an people attended the game. Prof. Eske- ridge, Manager Sherley and about ten rooters accompanied the Add-Ran boys. Twenty minute halves were played. A. & M. kicked off to Add-Ran and the ball was downed on Add Rail’s twenty 3’ard line. Add-Ran managed to ad- vance the ball around our ends and through the line to our twenty yard line, where the ball came into our possession on downs. Our team advanced the ball to Add-Rail’s fifty 3 r ard line, where we were held for downs by Add Ran. Add-