27 / THK BATTALION. on the Agricultural Building)—Sa.y, what great agriculturist is dead? Kllis (during Trinity game)—Say Blake, how many halves are we going to pla3 ? Mauk (after the game) — We made two touch-downs. What's the score?' . . Welboan says that he does not know how to start in Bryan society^. When he goes to town, the young ladies will probably’ obey the Divine command, and take the stranger in. It was thought for awhile that robbers molested Ross Hall, but upon in vestigation it was found that, ‘ •Baylor” Oalt sometimes attempts to play football in his ; sleep. Platt — Donaldson do you want a nose, guard? Donaldson—I want a body’ gmard ,if Pm going to play against Boettcher. A lire broke out on the fo-urth lloor of the main building, but through the skill and energy^ of the students it was ex tinguished before the flames had consumed any’thing more than the carpets of of the Calliopeon Society Hall. The following invitation has been received: “A. INI. D. G. To the A. & M. College Cadets: You are cordially in vited to attend the Basket Picnic and Arbor Day Celebration to be held at Villa Maria Academy’, St. Ursula’s Hill, Bry’an, Texas, on Wednesday, the 25th inst, from S a. m to 4 p. m. Any’ contribution in the way’ of trees or shrubbery, will be gratefully accepted by Mother Superior and Community.”