The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1903, Image 24

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The date for this open meeting- is looked forward to by
the members of t’.ie Au .tin Society with pleasure, for it is
the anniversary of the Societ3 7 ’s twen tj’-seventh 3^ear. This
meeting- will be held in the Chapel, and ever3’body is invited
to attend. The Society was fortunate in securing- the ser
vices of Captain Ti. II. Sarg-ent, who will be the principal
speaker of the occasion. We feel certain that his address
will be worth listening* to, and ever3 T cadet should avail him
self of the opportunity of hearing- him.
Cast 3’ear the A. & M. football team, by clean, honest
pla3*ing- won the ‘‘Championship of the South.” This 3*ear
the team has not made such a record. The University of
Oklahoma succeeded in defeating* the “Champions.” The
reverse was of course much regretted, but the pla3*ers were
not once discourag*ed. In the g-ame with Trinit3*, the heroes
of many a football battle were ag-ain doomed to defeat. It
might be thought that the result of these two games would
cause discontentment, but not so. However bitter the de
feats may be, the boy-s do not lose hope of 3*et making up
for the past. Hard practice is the order of the day 7 . So
eager are the play*ers to become prepared to wipe out the de
feats, that no effort is ill-spent. The reverses have not made
the corps less loyal to their team. This fact was clearly
demonstrated when upon the return of the defeated from
Trinity*, the cadets left their beds in the early morn to wel
come and cheer their defeated warriors. It is pleasing to