16 THE) BATTAEIOJNL the hig-hest honor the people could bestow upon him. I hate to hear persons talk in a pessimistic strain to the effeect that the day of opportunity in this country has g-one by, and that the chances for a young- man to rise by his own efforts have passed away. It is not true. There is room at the top, and there always will be.” We regret to announce that cadet A. F, Dahme of the Senior Class has been called home to the death bed of his father. The members of the Senior Cl iss extend their heart felt sympathy to the bereaved family and their beloved class mate. It is earnestly hoped that Cadet Dahme will soon be able to return to College. Boys, the editors of the Battalion want to call your at tention to the start that has been made toward getting out an Annual for this session. J. W. Maxwell has been chosen editor-in-chief and C. O. Moser business manager. Judging from the work these men have done in this line before, we feel assured in sa3ung we are going to have an Annual worthy of the College. However, the editors alone cannot make the Annual. To a great extent its success depends on the students. This publication is for the entire corps; for the Freshman as well as the Senior, and we ask you to give it your support An outline of what the editors expect the Annual to contain will be found elsewhere in the Battalion.