JUST WHAT A CADET WANTS The new things are coming in pretty lively these days. New Plats, New Shirts, New Shoes, New Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Suit 5 C i -es. ! .• at lid r IPigs, Watch Guards,' Suspenders, Garters, Piandkerchiefs, in fact everything in Haberdashery that a man needs, and we have ESPECIALLY PREPARED FOR THE CADETS With a complete line cf Regulation Campaign .flats, best Regulation Prill Shirts, Regulation V\ / hita Oloves, A. and Ai. College Ties, etc., and don’t forget that we are agents for the celebrated Stacy Adams Shoes The finest shoes on the market at $ 5.00 and $6.00 Our Regent Shoes at $3.50 and $4.00 Are the best and most up to date line made at the price The tie that binds us to our patrons is satisfaction. A satisfied': customer is our best advertisement. We respectfully solicit patronage of the Cadets and guarantee satisfaction HUNTER & CHATHAM THE MEN’S E U R N I S H E R S '