THE B ATT AH ION. 9 qualities of man. I have neither g*one the wa3~s of a lunatic nor sunken into the depths of despair. When I hear Reveille morning- after morning- I wear a hunted look, but I stand it like a man. We deserve S3'mpath3 T . Can you picture in y-our mind a cold, bleak morning- when it is 3~et dark, just be fore the dawning* of the da3 T ; when there is no fire in the stove and the water in 3-our bucket has been transformed into a g-reat cake of ice; when the north wind strikes old Roster Hall with a moan and a sigdi, and the windows clatter to and fro as the cold wind sifts throug-h the cracks? Can 3 T ou form that picture in your mind? You can, for you have been there, and. as 3'ou see the dark, bleak night end hear the moaning- of the wind and feel the piercing- cold, 3'ou snug-gde deeper in 3-our blankets and pass off into pleasant dreams. But, hark! Above the howling- of the north wind, hear the hard, harsh notes of Reveille! Do we hide our heads beneath our blank ets and fall into peaceful sleep? Rar from it. We come in contact with the freezing- morning- and grope for our clothes. Ten minutes later and we are out in the very teeth of the weather answering- to Reveille roll call. Do we deserve your S3'mpathy T ? I admit that I am a mental wreck. All throug-h this life I shall g"o with bowed head and shoulders bent. With stealthy gdances and keen ears to see or hear some sig-n of an imag-inary Reveille I shall pursue life’s long* and weary wav. And if I were to die tonigdit, my miser3 T would not end. Ten million years from now, when new Empires will have risen only to fall ag*ain; when this human man will have become.