Well Dressed Men Always ...Wear... SH0ES Shoes are an important part of a gentleman’s attire, therefore he should be careful in his selections— should buy the best made; everybody knows that Stacy Adams Shoes ape the best. That they take no chances when they buy shoes with their trade-mark stamped on the bottom. We were very fortunate in getting the agency in Bryan. You are for tunate in having an opportunity to buy them here; they are not cheap—they sell at We also have the agency for /">• p ’T' aver y' swelllin6 i oom P r i s i n g alIfcll esmartstyles— A that compares favorably in workmanship and finish that has all the snap found in most of the $5.00 lines, yet we sell them at$3.50and $4. Don’t forget that we also carry a complete line of high-grade Furnishing Goods Including all the leading brands of Hats, Shirts, Collars, and Cuffs, Underwear, Neckwear, Suit-cases, Grips etc. Special attention given the cadets. Make our store headquarters ' while in town. HUNTER & CHATHAM. But you get "Your Moneys Worth” every time.