THE SECRET OF SANDOW'S STRENGTH REVEALED He says it lies in the regular use ot the Sandow Patent Spring Grip Dumh-Bells illustrated below: The Sandow Patent Spring Grip Dumb-Bell is very simple, being a dumb-bell made in two halves connected by steel springs. When exercising, the springs are compressed by gripping the bells and bringing the two halves close together. The Sandow Spring Grip Dumb-Bell compels the use of energy and will power, which produces development, health and strength. The strength may be regulated by a simple arrangement of the springs. No. 1. Children’s, Pair... $1.25 I No. 3. Boys’. Pair... $1.75 I No. 5. Ladies,. Pair... $2.50 No. 2. Girl-’. ” ... 1.75 | No. 4. Youths’. ” ... 2.50 | No. 6. Men’s. ” ... 3,00 Complete in box with chart of exercises. Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue Free on Application. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (Incorporated) NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION OFTHE AgriculturalilMechanical College ■ ■"-= OF TEXAS ^ - = OPENED SEPTEMBER, 1899 Gives Thorough Scientific and Practical Education, with Theoretical and Practical Courses, Dairying- and Stock Breeding-, Agricul ture, Horticulture, Surveying, Mechanical and Scientific Engineering, Chemistry, Veterinary Science, Draw ing, English, and Modern Languages. EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS TO DORMITORY. An Equipment of Departments ; Stand Pipe, Ice Plant, Laundry, and Electric Light Plant, and Sewerage System, making the College complete in every detail. NO TUITION, NO CHARGE FOR TEXT BOOKS, Except Languages and Military Science. Expense for entire Session, except for clothing, $140. Send for catalogue.