jl a^w^ ^ m. i ^ j. ^^ | «i» a Qfi I a THE BATTAEIO]^ W Volume VIII. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, OCTOBER, ’00. Number 2. THE BATTALION. Entered at the College Station Postoffice as second-class mail matter. PUBLISHED MONTHLY By the Austin and Calliopean Literary Societies of A. and M. College. Subscription $1 per annum in advance. STAFF. H. E. Elrod Business Manager R. J. Rhome Editor in Chief H. Gleason .....Assistant M. M. Carpenter f Editors ™erary Dept. W. T. Garbade Editor Agricultural Dept. O. B, Harrington Editor Horticultural Dept. P. Dross Editor M. E. Dept. T. Fountain Editor C. E. Dept. M. F. Thomas f Editors Militiir y D 6 ? 1 - J.' H. Simplon [ Editors Exchange Dept. W.' W^rmstrong [•■••Editors Athletic Dept. V ^H C ^Fay 1C ° ^ Editors Local Dept. IfSSJiSSo. i -sup^visor. Editor* Sol Gordon Poet Address all communications to Business Manager. A box, similar to the mail box, has been placed in the hall of Main Building for the convenience of those who wish to contribute to the columns of the Bat talion. When in class room, or on cam pus, and you see a chance for an inter esting “local” or “write-up,” write it up and drop it in the box, before you forget it. There are many boys in the corps who are in possession of facts concerning amusing incidents that have happened at College during the past few years, which if written up would prove very interest ing to the corps and make the Battalion a very welcome visitor each month. Reminiscences of college life or any story that may be contributed will be illustrated where it is possible to do so. Everybody, students and professors alike, are asked to help fill the box in Main Building each month. All matter must be in by the 20th of each month to insure its appearing in the Battalion for that month. j* The A. and M. Record, a quarterly published by the Alumni Association of the A. and M. College, made its appear ance for the first time a few days ago. The Record is a very interesting paper, well gotten up, and deserves the support of the alumni, students, and friends of the College. The Battalion welcomes it and wishes it much success.