2 THE BATTALION. turn their favors. They will appreciate your patronage. You will find that they are the leaders in their lines. Go to them for what you want. “Minner” Olds knows all about the throat and diseases thereof. He has studied physical geography, so he says. Our College barber does his work well and does it as cheap as the cheapest. Get him to cut your hah'; he does it right, and is in his shop at all hours. Egg is a diligent filecloser. He puts corporals, sergeants and lieutenants in rear rank, and at guard mount he as sists the adjutant in giving commands. “Bob” Reardon has become a cat fancier. He has a very fine, well man nered specimen in his room, which in the course of time may be as fat as its owner. Martin, R. H., says he doesn’t like plain uniforms, and wants to know what stripes cost and where to get them. Ben jamin says he would like to have a pair of stripes, too. Boys, did you know that Neff's laun dry does the best work? Well, it does, and Neff will appreciate your patronage. He’s agent for the “Model,” of Houston. Give him a try. Elrod, Shaw, Rust and Dross have formed a water “trust.” They stay in bed and trust to providence that some one will bring a bucket of water, so they can bathe their faces when they get up. Mr. Garbade wanted to know why it was that beer made some people fat and had no effect on others. Professor said that, judging from Mr. G.’s question, he must have been trying to get fat. We wish we had been with “Dutch” when •he tried the experiment. Fish sentinel (knocking on door of stove closet in Foster hall) : “If the oc cupants of this room do not open this door I’ll keep them awake and worry them until they do open up and report.” Professor: “Mr. Rhone, the words ‘and’ and ‘but’ are used very often in the Bible, are they not?” Mr. Rhone: T haven’t the faintest idea, sir.” OUR FOOTBALL TEAM. The football season opened this year with a great deal of enthusiasm among the corps and candidates. The extremely hot weather has interfered with our practice very much, though the team bids fair to be equal to the record of last year. Among the old men we are glad to have with us are Mosley, Schultz, Wein- art, Thrower, Brown, McGinnis and Boettcher. The incoming class brought a number of good men, who are trying for a place on the team. We all bid Coach Murray a hearty welcome, and hope that he will be as successful as he was last season. With the opening of the College the attention of the students is again cen tered upon the football field, and the question most frequently debated is what kind of a team are we going to 1 have? At this stage A. and M.’s prospects are beyond a hazard. Of one thing we are assured, and that is that the prospects for a great team are not the most bril liant that have ever been encountered. We start practice with but a small nu cleus for an eleven. Many of last year’s team failed to return, and, what is again