I AM THE MAN 'S BUSINESS EDUCATION MONEY WILL PROCURE- BOOK-KEEPING, BANKING, STENOGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING, PEN MANSHIP, PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS. best methods- best building, best teachers. Send for Hand* lllustraleil Catalogue. . ADDRESS. Toby’s Practical Business College WACO, TEXAS. I will take my next class to New York with me May 38, 1900, stopping en route at St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo, Niagara and Al bany, N. Y. Number of students limited and class is rapidly be ing made up. Write for prospectus giving full particulars. Ad dress Edwd. Toby, Waco Tex., or 139 E. 33d St., New York City. iToliy’sliistitiite ol Beets., ^ New York City. A. McKENZIE, Jeweler— Hf If BRYAN, TEXAS. J. ALLEN MYERS, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, CROCKERY, ETC. BRYAN, - - - TEXAS. W. C. BOYETT, © ©anQptis ]Vl€ret)ar)t, © ...Patronage of Cadets Solicited. Will Allen, ® • (Successor to Allen & Glenn.) We GaiYy a Complete Line of Foot Ball Goods, Athletic Goods, Tennis Goods, Golf Goods, Guns, Sporting Goods, Ftc. Kf If PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS. Hf T|f 264 Elm Sti'eet, Kf If If Hf Dallas, TeXas. Merchants of Bryan and p a tience, ,„d Can Save Good Money Get What they Want, By Sending Their Next Order \ f P* A 1^ DALLAS, for JOB PRINTING to . . . . ‘*** TEXAS.